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(more hand gesture) Life is like the ocean.

Sometimes it’s calm seas, and everything is smooth

sailing. Other times you have to rise from being drowned. Did you ever feel the tiredness of
rising from being drowned or feeling tired to swim in this what we called life? The most difficult
thing to do is how we will rise when we are in the situation of being drowned.
At our young ages, we often feel that we don't want to continue the things that we started. It is
hard to think about how we will start or what we need to do. I also get to the point that life
knocks me down, and I also get to the part of my life where I am suffocated from the problems I
have. And the first thing I rise is from myself, and it is hard to do the things you want if yourself
is the problem. It is tough to live or survive in this life if you can't solve the problems of yourself
like depression, anxiety, or issues in your mental health. I always want to improve myself. I have
many dreams I want to do, but I find it hard because of myself. When I was 12-13 years old, I
always thought that the only way I could do was to cry and hate myself for being like this.
Questioning myself, "Why do you act like this," " Why you are not like her or him or them"? or
"Why can't you do that?" I can't find the things I am great at, and I never try to know myself
deeper, which leads to a problem and the reason why I can't rise for myself. But suddenly, I
realize something that gives me the answer to how I will rise. And I bet you are curious what it is
or who is the reason. Now. That I rise from myself, the second thing I rise is from my
circumstances, from my circumstances. When I was a child, I thought life would be easy, or
achieving your goal and being successful is just a piece of cake. Of course, Some of the movies
I’e watch gave me the awareness taht yes people will experiences hardship, but I thought it
would be easy to rise again after life knocks you down. And now, I am at the age where life
becomes more serious. That I experience many obstacles. I actually wanna go back to the past
and tell my younger self, "stop, don't be too confident. Life is hard." I will surely warn her. But
there's no time machine. But still, I manage to rise from my circumstances. But how?. Every
night that I cry. And every night that I'm having a hard time. I always find myself hoping in
Christ alone. I rise through Christ. And I will rise for christ. Even there’s another obstacle that
will come, I will continue cause I know He is with me. He is my reason and inspiration. As what
prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 40: 31 says, " but those who hope in the LORD will renew their
strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary. They will walk
and not faint." As the verse says that if you have hope in the Lord.
He will renew your strength that will help you in rising. You can rise through God. I know you
are thinking like " God?" " There is no God", "no one is listening to you" "He is not real" "2022
na naniniwala ka parin diyan". That's how some people judge when we say about having hope in
God. Ladies and gentlemen, our God is real. He is working in our life. As the song say
"Even when I don’t see it, He is working,
even when I don’t feel it, he’s working
He never stops, He never stops working
Yes, He never surely stops working with us.
Don't worry if you are having doubts and you feel that you can't take all of it, and someone told
you to have hope in Christ, and you are worried if God will help you, remember what the bible
said in Philippians 4:6-7 "6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer
and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your
minds in Christ Jesus." Do not be anxious. Christ Jesus will guard your hearts. Just by prayer and
hope in Christ, you can overcome all. But in having hope you need faith. In the book of
Hebrews 11: 1 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do
not see. " Faith gives assurance for what you hoped for. Faith has an assurance that hope doesn't
have. If David gives hope in Him and if I have hope in him, then Christ works in his and my life,
then Christ can do the same thing to you. So stand up, get up, jump up, advance, and rise for
hope is coming to your way, open your doors, and let Christ be the center of your life.

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