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1. Describir una de las librerías

Now, we considered 2 libraries well actually 3 libraries due to great importance in the work to
plot a seismic acquisition. The third library is a complement of Matplotlib

Numpy: This library is usefull for processing arrays, like arrays of numbers, strings, records and
objects. Matplotlib.pyplot: This one is for make figures in pyhton. Shapely.geometry: This
library is for the manipulation and analysis of goemetrics objects in the cartesian plane.
Geopandas: This one introduces a new space for massive calculus of big data; also works with
points, lines and polygons in this new space. Pandas: To work with data structures and give us
tools to the analysis of big data. Fiona: This package reads and writes spatial data files.

espaciales-con-python-geopandas Description of the libraries in Anaconda Navigator.


These two libraries allow us to generate a map using python.

Matplotlib: Simply produce 2D visualizations just like bar, ternary, line, temporal, scatter
diagrams and maps.

Geopandas: This one is a panda library extension that allow using some data and space

To create a map with Python in a simple way

a) We must start Jupyter Notebook and then open a new notebook and import the two
libraries mentioned above
b) We will load the data in Jupyter
c) With geopandas we read the GeoJSON file of the data source. Obtaining a table with
the information we load.
d) We will configure the size of the figure that will return as a result and set some
e) We will use. matplotlib plot () to display the initial map
f) A simple map is shown
2. ¿Por qué los parámetros anteriores son importantes y que parámetros de adquisición
pueden ser programados?

The previous parameters are important to define because they are used to generate a
reflection hyperbola, this hyperbola is the one who tell us the number of usefull offsets. We
need to consider the distance between source and receiver lines in order to see all range of
reflections. After we define some parameters and generate the hyperbola, we can make a
travel-time model, this model allows us to choose correctly all the survey parameters that
satisfies our needings

"The acquisition parameters that can be computed are the first 8 above.

a) Easting of bottom-Left Cornet of grid Este de la parte inferior izquierda de la

cuadricula. Indica la distancia máxima en el eje de las ‘x’

b) Northing of bottom-Left cornerNorte de la esquina inferior

Indica el valor maximo

c) Source line interval intervalo de línea de la fuente

En la adquisición 3D marino el intervalo de fuente es igual o mayor que el intervalo de
grupo significa que cada desplazamiento esta submuestreado, y la cobertura completa
de un solo pliegue solo se puede combinar dos o más offsets vecinos

d) Receiver line interval intervalo de línea de receptor

Es necesario para tener una representación de la función “mute” del levantamiento
La función ‘mute’ determina el offset máximo que atribuye al apilado o la sección
migrada de cada viaje-tiempo
Si los factores son largos entre las dos líneas de intervalo, la variación del apilado se
vuelve también largo, en la geometría con mismos intervalos de líneas la variación del
apilado se vuelve mínimo

e) Source point interval Intervalo de punto de la fuente

f) Receiver point interval Intervalo de punto del receptor

g) X extent of survey Extension del levantamiento en X

h) Y extent of survey extensión de levantamiento en Y

i) Epsg
Coordenadas del levantamiento ESPG 26911
3. ¿Que puedes observar del ultimo grafico?

The last plot shows the midpoints. In other words, the graphic is the acquisition points
obtained from the actual survey design (Survey design Showed In 10). These are the points
that we can observe after the shoots.

We observed a grid that has the source line (vertical) and the receiver line (horizontal).
Where the points are the midpoints and the square in blue are the bins (a sum of

In the middle grid, looks that the bins are well form (square) we said that here we have a
better fold due to the large numbers of stacks.

On another hand, in the grid corners are not as good shape (round to square) as in the
middle of the grid, is caused by the number of stacks that determine a good lecture with
less uncertainty. Has a low resolution

4. Explicar el grafico
Quiver plot is used to show the direction of vectors. The plot above shows the midpoints
but we think that it seems like this because registers the interaction between the source
and the receiver. Perhaps it gives the direction of where the shot came from in the
5. Cambiar el tamaño de la figura y añadirlo al reporte y guardarlo en jpeg o png ycargar en
LaTex, agregar colorbar’

Modify the intervals in the axis ‘x’ and ‘y’

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = bin_stats.plot(column="fold")

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = bin_stats.plot(column="midpoints")

7. Graficar los puntos medios y ver la parte superior, la siguiente figura muestra los antiguos
puntos medios, demuestra la nueva distribución
Old midpoints

8. La última sección muestra cuando se mueven los receptores,

¿Que observa?

This had been because the receivers and the sources moved a little from this side (lower
left) stacking with more traces.
Turn the observation points of the receivers, which means that, the midpoints change and
there are so many traces to average (lower left, colour yellow). The detail of the study
area increases just a bit and in a certain area
9. Cambia el intervalo de fuente, intervalo del receptor, intervalo de fuente (línea) y el
intervalo de receptor (línea) y di que observa
Source and receiver Interval=300
Source and receiver line interval= 50

Decreasing these two parameters we look that there's a greater stacking estimate. It is
notable that are more numerous grids in this graph and that could mean that the studied
zone is higher detailed as the intervals parameters are shorted.

Intervalo de fuente e intervalo del receptor =600
Intervalo de fuente e intervalo del receptor(línea)= 100

Intervalo de fuente e intervalo del receptor =600

Intervalo de fuente e intervalo del receptor(línea)= 130

in this case, we only modified the line intervals just a bit higher.

The difference whit the original one is notable in the studied zone, it may have the same
grids, but the colours indicated that it is greener to yellow so it implies that we improve
the details to have a better stacking in folds.

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