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The Periodical of the National Atheist Society

(Otherwise known as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)

Randy Schekman: Editor-in-chief

The problem with modern America is that those who cherish the democratic society they live in the most are also those with the least say. Corrupt elites with their vested interests run the show while the population just trudges along. Indeed, there exist institutions and organized groups who think they have a monopoly of wisdom on how the country should be run, and in particular how public money should be spent. The National Academy of Sciences, created by an act of Congress during the War against the South, claims to be the nations authority on science and research. It is thus a part of Big Government even it states that it is a private institution. Under the editorship of Dr. Randy Schekman, the academy publishes a journal that rivals the likes of Nature. The topic of many of the papers is that of evolutionary biology - the physical and engineering sciences receive comparatively less attention - the main aim being to promulgate its core tenets.

Schmuckman, a self-hating Jew, is just another snake oil salesman: The solution, my fellow-citizens, is in this bottle of Evolution. Keep buying into Darwinism and we will improve your life through advances in knowledge. But evolutionism offers nothing useful to mankind as it is merely atheism masquerading as science. It is an absolute disgrace that a Victorian-era imperialist, hailing from a country that waged two brutal wars of aggression against the American people, is feted as if he were second only in importance to George Washington. Darwin, a medical school dropout, is for some a holy prophet and sage whose sacred scriptures are more valued than even that of the Constitution of the United States. Any paper critical of Darwinism-Evolutionism submitted to the PNAS journal is automatically rejected irrespective of its intellectual merits no dissent against the entrenched orthodoxy is allowed, just as would be expected by the censorship practices of any tyranny.

These traitors in our midst hate freedom and the American way of life, and wish to impose their amoral nihilism and uncompromising materialism upon us all. They may claim to be merely advocates of naturalism, humanism, secularism or rationalism, but these are just sugar-coated code words for atheism. They are more of a threat to the survival of the American Dream than any terrorist bomb or Osama bin Laden. There is the danger of an America run by atheist extremists. There will be no room for any pluralism or diversity under their repressive regime since they hold totalitarian views and want to control what we think and believe.

They would have us all accept that natural selection (differential viability because of imperfect reproduction) can explain all of the functionality, intricacy and complexity invested in living organisms, including the amazing universe of the cell. But they provide no evidence whatsoever in support of their outlandish claims. Dont be fooled folks: All they can offer is their own conjecture and imagination instead of demonstrable and empirical observation the hallmark of good science. These rascals indulge in unfalsifiable speculation, based on their own subjective interpretations and whims. When they actually do perform experiments, they dont support molecules-to-man evolutionism. 93% of NAS scientists are strict adherents of atheism who cannot separate their work from their assumptions and prejudices.

Indeed, this Darwinian hyper-materialism and ultra-reductionism has little to offer modern biology in all its various fields: whether it is the origins of the digital information encoded in DNA, or of protein synthesis, or complex systems and traits, natural selection and random mutation is not a valid explanation. One can assert that biological phenomena must have natural causes, but the signature of real design/artefact in the cell is obvious for anyone with any sense to recognize.

So what can we do about this? Listen up: Without tax dollars, wimpy little turdsters like Schmuckman can barely wipe their own smelly arses. They certainly couldnt earn an honest days wage. Science is not advanced through handing out huge research grants, but through the God-given talent of the individual genius who works as a free person: an example being All-American hero, Thomas Edison. The National Academy of Sciences is not interested in outstanding thinking that challenges existing ideas and strives for truth. The only thing it is interested in is speculative research that desperately tries to plug the holes in the leaky ship of the crumbling theory of Darwinism, a most un-American ideology imported from the British Empire. So here is what I recommend you do: Go out and lobby your congressman to deprive public funding to NAS-affiliated scientists wasting your money. Explain to him/her that Darwinism is not science but rather naturalistic philosophy apologising for atheism. In this way you will be securing the divestment from evolutionism and its industry of lies by consigning a false pseudo-religion with roots in ancient paganism and insidious freemasonry to the ash-heap of history where, along with Marxism, it so deserves to end up. The United States represents the last best hope on Earth whereas Darwinism represents the colonialist and racist weltanschauung of a bygone era, marred by its bogus and flawed ideas.




-Team of PNAS



(Sean Carrol)

(Richard Lenski)

on Quixote


(Franciso Ayala)

(Doug Futuyma)

.but for those of us who care about Freedom and Truth:



SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS: BE THEY IN GOVERNMENT OR ACADEMIA "Here's my strategy: We win, they lose." Ronald Reagan Earl OHanlon

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