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The youth’s perception of Dr.

Jose Rizal's figure or role in the Philippines' history is still

remembered and remains significant in their eyes because of how he contributed during the
Spanish period. Moreover, Rizal aimed for the Philippines to have its own freedom wherein
it could be recognized as a nation and not as a province of Spain. And for this reason, Rizal
was able to provide us with our own national identity.

Students need to understand the meaning of freedom and how it was interpreted or defined
by Rizal. And for this reason, they will be able to appreciate knowing more about the
nation’s history and characteristics. Furthermore, it would enable them to engage more on
topics related to society and other issues with concerns to their nation.

Compared to the past, some Filipinos do not give attention or importance to some of Rizal’s
work since most students only do it just to pass the grade or meet the said requirements.
And due to this, there are some of his works are misunderstood or misinterpreted by their
readers. Moreover, some individuals only recognize that Rizal is the national hero because
this is what they have been told through the years.

Moreover, in the present, only a few know who Rizal really is. But in reality, Rizal is
recognized internally for his success, contributions, and knowledge. There are also
instances that individuals are named after him because they look up to him as a model. And
for this reason, Rizal is still recognized as a significant figure both in domestic land and

Despite the fact that Rizal’s impact is not the same compared to the past, Rizal is still and
will ever be a relevant and significant figure in the eyes of the Filipinos. And will always be
remembered and acknowledged for his accomplishments for the Filipino people. And for
this reason, We must try to learn and better understand his works that granted us our own
national identity.

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