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Prince Hamlet is a kind, thoughtful, caring, and devoted young man. He is not
only brilliant, but also quick-witted, self-aware, and appreciative of his standing.
- The title character, Hamlet, is a 30 year old Prince of Denmark who is an only child.
Hamlet is a kind, thoughtful, caring, and loyal man. He is not only brilliant, but also
quick-witted, self-aware, and appreciative of his standing.

Polonius, counselor to King Claudius and father of Laertes and Ophelia loves his
children but he is willing to sacrifice them for the sake of his own fame.
- Polonius is the king's counselor and the father of Laertes and Ophelia, however his
children seem to have more heart and integrity than he does. His love for his children is a
strength, but he also appears to be willing to put their best interests aside in order to make
the politically correct decision.

Claudius is the uncle of Hamlet, the new husband of Gertrude and the new King
of Denmark. Claudius is a deceptive, corrupt, envious, and controlling man.
- Denmark is ruled by Claudius. Claudius has recently ascended to the throne, taking his
deceased brother's (or Hamlet's father's) position. He has also married his brother's
widow, Gertrude, much to the displeasure of many.

Horatio is Prince Hamlet's loyal friend. Horatio is also a student at Vinton Bergen
in Germany, his role which he performs well is trusted ally and logical thinker. 
Because he has Hamlet's trust and company, Horatio is often privy to the prince's
most personal thoughts and plans.
- Because he has Hamlet's trust and company, Horatio is frequently privy to the prince's
most private thoughts and plans. Shakespeare frequently gives the viewer insight into
Hamlet through Horatio. Lastly, because Horatio is so close to everything that happens—
yet not directly involved—he is able to be a witness to the happenings in Denmark.
Laertes is a young man eager to begin his life who is both adventurous and
obedient. Laertes' name derives from Homer's Odyssey, and he has lived in
France, so he is familiar with royal etiquette. Laertes is the gentle, loving older
brother to Ophelia.
- Laertes is the older brother who is gentle and compassionate. When he speaks with his
sister about Hamlet, he demonstrates his loyalty, affection, concern, and a smidgeon of

Ophelia is Hamlet's love interest and is the daughter of Polonius and the sister of
Laertes. She is a young, bright, and gentle woman who is at ease even with those
in higher positions than herself, and she is completely devoted to Hamlet.
- (read) Although it's difficult to tell how deep her love for Hamlet is, she is undeniably
dedicated to him. Her unrestrained devotion, along with her clear lack of love experience
—as well as Hamlet's attempt to drive her away from him—all contribute to her agony
and, finally, her tragic death.

Hamlet's mother, Gertrude, is the widow of old King Hamlet and the wife of the
current King Claudius. a central quality of Gertrude's character is that she loves
her son.
- Gertrude is queen to Claudius, the current king of Denmark, and the widow of his
brother, the elder King Hamlet. She is also mother to Prince Hamlet.

The ghost is the spirit of Hamlet's father, who was killed by his own brother
Claudius recently. The ghost tells Hamlet to revenge his father's death, but he
shows to be a kind ghost rather than a demon.
- The ghost is Hamlet's father's spirit, who died recently. The ghost informs Hamlet that his
death was not natural. He claims that his brother Claudius murdered him, and he pushes
Hamlet to avenge him by killing Claudius. Hamlet is disturbed by the ghost's words. He's
undecided about whether to believe the ghost or consider it as a demon attempting to
trick him into murder.

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