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 Overview.
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is one of William Shakespeare’s best-known
works and one of the most widely-read plays in the English language. Estimated to have been
written between 1599 and 1602, Hamlet was one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays at the
time of its release, and has remained hugely influential since its creation.

 Fast Facts: Hamlet

 Full Title: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
 Author: William Shakespeare
 Year Published: Between 1599 and 1602
 Genre: Tragedy
 Type of Work: Play
 Original Language: English
 Themes: Appearance vs. Reality; Revenge and Action vs. Inaction; Death, Guilt, and the

Most of the characters in Hamlet are citizens of Denmark and members of the royal court,
reeling after the death of their king. The characters are deeply suspicious of one another, as it
becomes clear that the king may have been murdered—and by his brother Claudius no less.
As Hamlet is a tragedy, each character carries within themselves a tragic characteristic that
contributes to their own downfall. But it is in particular the unstable atmosphere of the new
court of Claudius that brings about much of the action of the play.

 Plot Summary.
Hamlet is the story of the events that take place after the king of Denmark is found dead. His
son, Hamlet, is visited by the king's ghost, who tells him that Hamlet’s uncle Claudius was the
murderer. Hamlet resolves to kill Claudius and avenge his father's death, but he struggles with
the morality of his decision and finds himself unable to act.
To fool Claudius into thinking he knows nothing about the murder, Hamlet pretends to be
insane; however, Hamlet’s actual mental state becomes less and less certain throughout the
play. Meanwhile, when Claudius begins to realize Hamlet knows more than he lets on, he plots
to kill him. Hamlet, though, is smart; much of the play depicts his brilliant wordplay and
cunning outmaneuvers of the king’s courtiers—until, of course, the play’s tragic ending, which
sees most of the royal family killed.

 Major Characters.

Hamlet. The Prince of Denmark, the title character, and the protagonist. About thirty years old
at the start of the play, Hamlet is the son of Queen Gertrude and the late King Hamlet, and the
nephew of the present king, Claudius. A reflective and thoughtful young man who has studied
at the University of Wittenberg.

The Ghost. The specter of Hamlet’s recently deceased father. The Ghost claims to have been
murdered by Claudius and calls upon Hamlet to avenge him.

Horatio. Hamlet’s close friend who studied with the prince at the University of Wittenberg.
Horatio is loyal and helpful to Hamlet throughout the play.

Claudius. The King of Denmark, Hamlet’s uncle, and the play’s antagonist. The villain of the
play, Claudius is a calculating, ambitious politician, driven by his lust for power, but he
occasionally shows signs of guilt and human feeling—his love for Gertrude, for instance, seems

Polonius. The Lord Chamberlain of Claudius’s court, a pompous, conniving old man. Polonius
is the father of Laertes and Ophelia.

Ophelia. Polonius’s daughter, a beautiful young woman with whom Hamlet has been in love.
Ophelia is a sweet and innocent young girl who obeys her father and her brother Laertes.

Laertes. Polonius’s son. He is a man of action, in direct contrast to Hamlet, and is ready to take
his revenge as soon as he discovers Hamlet’s hand in the destruction of his father and sister.

Gertrude. The Queen of Denmark, Hamlet’s mother, recently married to Claudius. Gertrude
loves Hamlet deeply, but she is a shallow, weak woman who seeks affection and status more
urgently than moral rectitude or truth.

Fortinbras. The young Prince of Norway whose father was killed by Hamlet’s father, who
eventually becomes king of Denmark after Hamlet's death.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Hamlet’s childhood friends, whom Hamlet outwits at every

 Major Themes.
Appearance vs. Reality. 
Is the ghost really Hamlet’s dead father? Is Claudius lying? Hamlet must continually
grapple with his inability to trust his own interpretation of events, which keeps him in a state of
Death, Guilt, and the Afterlife.
Hamlet frequently wonders about the mystery of death. Tied to these thoughts is always
the question of guilt, and whether or not his soul—or the soul of another, like Claudius—will
wind up in heaven or hell.

Revenge and Action vs. Inaction.

Although the play is about revenge, Hamlet continually delays the act. Connected to this
theme is the question of the afterlife, doubts about which seem to stay Hamlet’s hand.

Answer the following questions.

1. What country is Hamlet set in?

2. What is the name of Hamlet’s uncle?


3. Who is now married to King Hamlet’s wife? In a well-developed paragraph, explain

whether or not you believe he is truly in love with Gertrude or why you believe he married



4. Which of Shakespeare’s four main genres is Hamlet considered to be?


5. What atmosphere is created by the opening lines? What do we learn about the state of
Denmark from this scene?

6. “Well, where is it then?” Comment.


7. Briefly summaries the ghost’s story.

What is Hamlet’s response? What plans does he make? Why is it important that Hamlet
force Horatio and Marcellus to keep silent at the end of this scene?

8. What does the appearance of the ghost of Prince Hamlet's father foreshadow?

9. Is the Ghost real or a figment of Hamlet's imagination??


10. Why does Hamlet delay in taking revenge on Claudius?


11. Why does Hamlet pretend to be mad?


12.What is Polonius’s role in the court of Denmark?


13. Laertes warns Ophelia not to give in to the advances of Prince Hamlet. What are the


14. “I am with you. Whatever you decide to do, I’ll support you.”
Comment on the following quotation, explaining what these words show about the
speaker’s character.

15. In their conversation immediately following the departure of Laertes, Polonius tells
Ophelia that she must not spend any more time with Hamlet. Why not?

16. Ophelia was often called simple by people who knew her. Explain.


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