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Ultimate Strength for Bending

Behavior in flexure
Pre-cracking behavior in flexure

• When small load is applied, bending moment is produced

• Tensile stresses in lower concrete fibres and steel

• Good bond between concrete and steel bars.

– So slip is negligible
– Strain in concrete = strain in steel
– But stresses aren’t equal

• Stress distribution is linear over the cross-section

Behavior in flexure
Flexural cracking

• When stresses at extreme tensile fibre reaches

the flexural tensile strength f’ct.f, cracking occurs

• Cracking starts at high bending moment region

• By the time load reaches its full service load,

cracking region has extended along the beam,
with roughly vertical cracks
Behavior in flexure
Post-cracking service load behavior

• Concrete stresses above the crack are more or less

For equilibrium;


M = Tz
Behavior in flexure
Over-load behavior

• Moment M increases above the working load

• Compressive concrete becomes highly stressed

• Concrete stress behaves in non-linear manner and becomes more


• Beam deflects at an increased rate

Behavior in flexure
Over-load behavior

• If a beam is under-reinforced moment My is reached when

the steel yields

T = fsyAs
• Section is in a condition of high overload but still can accept
a small increment in moment

• Moment capacity Mu is slightly higher than the moment at

first yield
Behavior in flexure
Over-load behavior

• Very little increase in steel stress beyond fsy

• For moment to increase beyond My, moment arm z should increase

• z can increase because compressive strength of concrete is not exhausted

at My

• To accommodate a slight increase in z, large deformations should occur

Behavior in flexure

• Lever arm increases slightly

• Maximum moment increases beyond My

• C and T remains essentially constant

• Progressive reduction in concrete compression area

• Eventually, increase in compressive stress cannot keep pace with the

decrease in area of compressive zone. Therefore, there can be no further
increase in moment

• Peak moment is the ultimate moment or moment capacity of the section,

• Bending deformation represented by rotation
δθ of one face relative to another
• Curvature, κ, is rotation per unit length, δθ/δx
• Curvature, κ, is rotation per unit length, δθ/δx
• Curvature, κ, is equal to the slope of the strain
• Ductility characterized by extended
flat plateau

• Ductile beam undergoes large plastic

deformation prior to failure

• Good ductility achieved if quantity of

steel is kept small, e.g. p < 0.02

• Quantity of steel measured by steel

proportion, p:
Elastic analysis of cracked sections
• M > Mcr

• Concrete behaves more or less elastically to a moment applied over

a short time period

• So linear analysis can be used to estimate the short-term stresses

and strain in crack section
Elastic analysis of cracked sections
Elastic analysis of cracked sections

Eg. Elastic cracked section analysis of a
singly reinforced section
For the section shown, determine the neutral axis depth and
concrete and steel stresses induced by a bending moment of 80
kNm, given the section is cracked but in elastic range. Ec = 23500
Eg. Elastic cracked section analysis of a
singly reinforced section
Eg. Elastic cracked section analysis of a
singly reinforced section
Transformed Section Analysis of
Uncracked Section
• A more accurate analysis

• A linear analysis of the composite section

• We use a concept of transformed steel area

– Steel stiffer than concrete by the ratio n = Es/Ec
– As can be replaced by an ‘equivalent’ concrete area
– nAs for the same strain carries the same force that
steel would carry
Transformed Section Analysis of
Uncracked Section

• Steel displaces an equal area of concrete

• To account for displaced concrete area, additional transformed area is

taken as (n-1)As

• Following the transformation, section can be treated as homogeneous

– dn, Igt, and concrete stresses are then found
Ultimate Strength Theory
• Analysis

Ultimate resistance (Ru) against a specific action

effect or combination of loads, can be
determined analytically

The process of predicting Ru is referred to as

Ultimate Strength Theory
• Design

Action effect (S*)

– moment
– shear
– torsion

S* ≤ φRu
Process of obtaining the required section of a member is
called design
Ultimate Strength Theory
• If a given action effect under load is severe enough to cause
failure, then the ultimate strength has been reached

• Designer is to ensure that this will not occur

• Ultimate strength method incorporates the actual stress–

strain relations of concrete and steel, up to the point of

• The capacity reduction factor (φ) cover unavoidable

uncertainties, including variation in material qualities and
construction tolerances
Ultimate Strength Theory
• Basic assumptions

1. Plane sections normal to the beam axis remain plane after

bending. The strain distribution over the depth of the section
is linear

2. The stress–strain curve of steel is bilinear with an ultimate

strain approaching infinity
Ultimate Strength Theory

3. The stress–strain curve of concrete up to failure is


ε = 0.003
4. The tensile strength of concrete is negligible.
Ultimate Strength Theory
Elastic neutral axis

When load is initially applied all

sections are uncracked

When the load reaches its full service

level, peak moment regions are cracked

In uncracked regions, effect of steel

reinforcement is small and can be

Stresses and strains are calculated using

gross section
Ultimate Strength Theory
Transformed Section Analysis

Estimate for steel stresses can

be obtained by multiplying
the concrete stress at the
level of the steel by the
modular ratio, n

As is replaced by an equivalent
concrete area nAs
Ultimate Strength Theory
Taking moments of the areas about the elastic NA give

for concrete for steel

b(kd)2/2 nAs (d − kd)

For equilibrium

b(kd)2/2 = nAs(d − kd)

Now let the steel ratio be

p = As/bd

Substituting gives

k2 + 2pnk − 2pn = 0

Neutral Axis parameter:

Ultimate Strength Theory
• Actual and equivalent stress blocks

• For an uncracked section and a cracked section at low stress level,

linear (compressive) stress distribution may be assumed

• Resultant Cult is computed as the volume of the curved stress block

Ultimate Strength Theory
• Actual and equivalent stress blocks

Ultimate resistance of the section in bending can be

expressed as
Ultimate Strength Theory

• factor η < 1 accounts for the difference between the crushing strength of
concrete cylinders and the concrete in the beam

• α and β define the geometry of the stress block

• According to Clause 8.1.3 of the Standard

Ultimate Strength Theory

• Equivalent rectangular stress block gives the

same Mult as the actual stress block
Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
• Failure of a concrete member occurs when εcu = 0.003

• At this ultimate state, the strain in the tensile

reinforcement can be

εs > εsy → Tension failure (section is

εs < εsy → Compression failure (section is

• Tension or ductile failure is the preferred mode

Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
• We can establish an equation for the
neutral axis parameter (kuB)

• For 500 N-Grade bars, kuB =0.545

Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
kuod = dn

kuo is with respect to do

do is the distance between the extreme

compression fibre and the centroid of the
outermost layer of the tension bars

kuo ≤ 0.36 (Clause 8.1.5)

If kuo>0.36, compression reinforcement (Asc) of

at least 0.01 times the area of concrete in
compression must be provided
Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section

Where pB= Ast/bd is the balanced steel ratio

Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section


If p < pB the beam is under-reinforced

If p > pB the beam is over-reinforced

Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
kuo is a function of do

So kuo ≠ kub

Maximum allowable ku = 0.4

This is the maximum allowable reinforcement ratio

In design, ensure that kuo ≤ 0.36

Moment equation for tension failure
(under-reinforced singly reinforced sections)
Moment equation for tension failure
(under-reinforced singly reinforced sections)
Moment equation for compression failure
(over-reinforced singly reinforced sections)

εs < εsy and is unknown

Moment equation for compression failure
(over-reinforced singly reinforced sections)
Moment equation for compression failure
(over-reinforced singly reinforced sections)
Moment capacity

for beams with Class N reinforcement only

0.6 ≤ φ ≤ 0.8
Moment capacity
• Previous calculations for Mu is valid only if the
reinforcement is reasonably concentrated and
can be represented by Ast located at the centroid
of the bar group

• If the spread of reinforcement is extensive over

the depth of the beam, some of the bars nearer
to the neutral axis may not yield at failure

• This leads to inaccuracies

Example: Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
For a singly reinforced rectangular section with b = 250 mm, d =
500 mm, f’c = 50 MPa, and Class N reinforcement only (fsy =
500MPa), determine the reliable moment capacity for
i. Ast = 1500 mm2
ii. Ast = 9000 mm2
iii. A balanced design
iv. With the maximum allowable steel ratio (pall)
v. Ast = 4500 mm2
Example: Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
Example: Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
Example: Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
Example: Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
Example: Ultimate strength of a singly
reinforced rectangular section
Minimum Strength Requirements
(cl 8.1.6)
Minimum Strength Requirements
(cl 8.1.6)
T-beams and other flanged sections
• Flanged beams: T, L, I or box

• Structurally efficient

• Beam and slab building floor system can be taken

as T beams and L beams
Effective Flange Width

actual stress distribution

effective stress distribution

Effective Flange Width
Criteria for T-beams
• If the neutral axis at the ultimate state stays
within the thickness (t) of the flange, the
flanged beam may be analysed or designed as
a rectangular beam with the width equal to bef

• This is because the concrete in the tensile

zone is ineffective and can be ignored

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