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EDUCANDO (a): ____ TURMA: 9º ______

EDUCADORA: Alexsandra Ribeiro DISCIPLINA: Língua Inglesa Data: ___/10/2021

Which polyglot speaks the most languages?

According to Guinness, he is retired US military Gregg M. Cox, able to read and write in 64
languages (14 of them fluently) and 11 dialects. But, there are also extraordinary cases that
were not recorded in the record books. Carlos Amaral Freire, 82, from Santa Catarina, has
already studied 135 languages. "For more than 50 years, I've been learning two new ones a
year. But I don't have the vanity of being the greatest polyglot in the world," he says. "Just to
talk to my family I need five languages: Basque, Spanish, Italian, Greek and Portuguese." He
is the author of the book Babel de Poemas, with texts translated from 60 different languages
into Portuguese. He recently studied Low German (spoken in northern Germany) and Sicilian
and revised five other languages. [...]CRUZ, Felipe Branco.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 07 de jun. de 2016.

Questão 1 – A finalidade do texto é:

a) informar
b) entreter
c) divulgar
d) instruir

Questão 2 – Grife os trechos que constituem o discurso direto e circule os trechos que
constituem o discurso indireto. Em seguida, defina:
a) Discurso direto:

b) Discurso indireto:

Questão 3 – “Ele é autor do livro Babel de Poemas [...]”. A forma pronominal substitui:
Questão 4 _ Defina poliglota:


Questão 5 – Retire do texto:

a) Pronomes pessoais. ______________________________________________________

b) Conjunções. ____________________________________________________________
c) Uma frase na forma negativa. ______________________________________________
d) Números em inglês. ______________________________________________________
e) Palavras cognatas. _______________________________________________________

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