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Background of the study

About everything we do in our daily lives is affected by fashion. The word fashion, is an

expression of the times. It has a powerful impact on what we wear, where and how we live, and

the kind of food we eat. Also, fashion has even an influence on how we spend our leisure time,

how we travel, and where we choose to work or study. Throughout the ways that we use fashion,

we reveal our own special personality and individuality. According to the Webster dictionary,

fashion is a prevailing custom, usage or style, and in this sense its influence is all-encompassing.

If one takes into account, fashion already has far-reaching effects on the world. Fashion means

the style of clothing and accessories prevailing at a particular time.

Going back to the older times in the Philippines, the fashion of the Filipinos was influenced

by the countries that colonized them, they were colonized by Spain for 300 years, America for 50

years and Japan during the world war II. Apart from that, their fashion was also influenced by

the climate of the country. Since the Philippines have a tropical climate, Filipinos then wore

colorful woven clothes with intricate beads and other ornaments. In addition, the natives during

the pre- Spanish period wore canga and bahag. Canga is a collarless shirt which later became

adorned with laces, trimmings, buttons, and collar while bahag was a type of loincloth. The

canga was later on evolved into Barong Tagalog. The filipinos used both the baro and saya made

from silk in matching colors. This style was exclusively worn by the women from the upper

caste, while those of lower castes wore baro made from pounded white bark fiber, and a floor-

length wrap-around skirt. Women usually wore jewelry, such as gold necklaces and earrings,

which symbolized wealth and beauty. In some tribes, women also wore tattoos signifying beauty,

power and wealth.

By the 19th century, due to the continuing influence of the Western culture, the rising

economy, globalization, and exposure from the European fashion scene, the Filipino’s clothing

began to changed. By 1850’s, female’s clothing was now full wide skirts that usually have long

train rather than the simple floor length skirts, a bodice called camisa which means blouse in

English and a panuelo, a big square cloth folded triangularly and worn in the Philippines like a

great ruffle or collar. The attire is composed of four pieces namely; the camisa, the saya, the

pañuelo and the tapis. The camisa is a collarless chemise whose hem is at the waist, and is made

from flimsy, translucent fabrics such as pineapple fiber and jusi. The pañuelo is a stiff covering

for the neck, which acts as an accent piece because of embellishments added to it. The purpose

of the pañuelo is related to modesty, used to cover the low-necked camisa. The saya is a skirt

shaped like a bubble with a length that begins from the waist reaching the floor. These are

usually comprised either of single or double sheets, called "panels" or dos panos; some examples

are made out of seven gores. The tapis is a knee-length over-skirt that hugs the hips. Tapis

designs may be plain and is usually made of opaque fabrics such as muslin and the madras cloth,

and also is used for the purposes of modesty as it keeps the lower torso from showing due to the

thinness of the saya. Also, when going to the church or attending mass, the women usually wore

a veil above their heads, similar to other Catholic countries at that time. The males also

continued to wear but a more intricate version Barong Tagalog. Throughout the centuries the

Barong Tagalog has evolved. Buttons and collars were added, as well as intricate designs on its

pina fabric and laces. Underneath the transparent Barong Tagalog is the Camisa de Chino a type

of shirt, usually in white that said to have been originated from the Chinese. The women wore

this kind of fashion even when the Spanish Regime was finally overthrown and was replaced by

the First Philippine Republic. Today, this type of clothing is now called as the "Maria Clara"

dress, named after the character of Maria Clara from Dr. Jose Rizal's novel Noli Me Tangere

who became a symbol of the traditional Filipino woman, known as modest, elegant and


Throughout history, the fashion industry has played a significant role in popular culture for

people all over the world, who are different ages, races, shapes and sizes. Fashion became an

opened-world, and because of cultural globalization, anyone can now become a reference of

trends and influence and inspire the creations of the designers. But there is more to the industry

and culture within it that most can’t imagine. Fashion can be examined sociologically,

environmentally, historically and economically (Ling, 2011). As a result of globalization, the

fashion industry has opened up to a variety of new styles, influences, and methods of production.

The constant growth of globalization in terms of fashion allows consumers to receive an access

to newly reinterpreted styles and trends globally (Skov, 2002). Thus, fashion trends have become

more readily available to consumers all over the world. Globalization has changed both the way

fashion trends are transmitted and the way the clothes are produced. Fashion has been readily

available for all people to enjoy. As we mix and mingle, integrate styles, care about what

everyone is wearing, what is ‘on trend’, and what looks ‘hot’, we also urge each other into

consumerism. Enter again: competition.

For the past centuries, globalization did not only have a role in the fashion industry but it

also plays a vital role in the continuity of the progress and stronger partnership of different

countries. It opened up opportunities for developing countries to rise, leaving no one behind and

through this, it discarded the boundaries and borders that was put up. Thus, the world was called

as “global village”. Since the 80’s, the world economy has become increasingly “connected” and

“integrated” (Lee & Vivarelli, 2006). It means that the whole of the world is increasingly

behaving as though it were a part of a single market, with interdependent production, consuming

similar goods that are available from the same companies almost anywhere in the world, and

responding to the same impulses. In addition, it provides possibilities for interactions leading to

convergence among people (Scholte, 2005).

Now the impact of globalization does not end in the economic sphere only. Globalization

can be referred as a concept of structured process which allows flow of goods, capital,

knowledge and technology between individuals of the states from all over the world, resulting in

economic convergence, high standards of living and considerable evolutionary changes in

political, cultural, biological and economic aspects human race (Robertson, 1992). Globalization

binds political, economic, social and environmental processes together across country borders,

continents and cultures. It implies increased flows of goods, money, and people but also of ideas

and cultural expressions and we can see the impact of globalization in the fashion industry.

The Philippines is considered as a globalized country because of the different colonizers

who came not only to inject their culture but also they influenced Filipinos with their education,

religion, language, practices, and even fashion. Up until now, globalization is still evident as

Philippines is turning into a free and developed country meaning, the impact of the developed

countries did not stop during the earliest times but is continuously influencing the Filipinos and it

isn’t hard to see that globalization created a great impact on the fashion statement of the

Filipinos, mainly the Ilocanos.

Thus, this research paper establishes a purpose to identify the impact of globalization on the

fashion of Ilocanos.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to analyze the impact of globalization on the fashion statement of the

Ilocanos. Specifically, this study will answer the following research questions:

1. What are the factors of globalization on the fashion statement of the Ilocanos?

2. Is there an impact of globalization on the age of participants with regards to their fashion


3. What are the effects of globalization in the lives of Ilocanos?

Significance of the Study

This study would provide concrete evidence that globalization has a factor on the fashion

preferences of the people. Moreover, the results of this study will prove that the impact of

globalization is widespread and universal that is, the effects of globalization can be seen among

the fashion of the Ilocanos.

Specifically, this study will benefit the following:

Parents. This study could serve as a tool for understanding on how globalization works and

how it affect the preferences of their children in choosing and buying their clothes.

Future Researchers. This study would benefit the future researchers because this study will

serve as a reference in analyzing the connection of globalization to the fashion preferences of

people, specifically Ilocanos.

Definition of Terms

Globalization - This refers to the interaction or influence of nations to one another creating

a free flow of goods and services.

Fashion - refers to the clothes, accessories, and styles that is currently trending or the

preferred get-up of the people.

Ilocanos - refers to the people living in Ilocos Norte that speaks Iloko as their dialect.

Consumerism – the act of buying goods and services

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is limited to the impact of globalization to the fashion preferences of Ilocanos

living in Laoag City.

This study will be conducted at Laoag City, Ilocos Norte during the month of November

2018. The researchers will be using questionnaires to gather data from the respondents.

The study involves 8 respondents, 4 late-adults with the age ranging from 45-80 years old

and 4 teenagers with the age ranging from 15-25 years old.

The results and implications of the study will only be exclusive for the group.




I. Definition of Fashion

II. History of Fashion

III. Fashion Industry

A. Clothing Fashion

B. Fashion Trend

IV. Background of Fashion

A. Expression of oneself

B. Indexical Nature of Fashion

C. Influencers of Fashion Trend

a. Technological Influences

b. Social Influences

c. Economic Influences

d. Celebrity Influence

V. Fashion of Ilocanos in the Olden Times

VI. Fashion of Ilocanos in the Present Time

VII. Effects of Globalization on Fashion

VIII. Conceptual Framework

This chapter presents a larger body of literature that serves as the foundation for the

development of the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study. The researchers sited and

synthesize literature from reputable sources.

Definition of Fashion

Fashion is a trend, especially in clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup,

hairstyle and body. Fashion is distinctive and often constant trend in the style in which people

present themselves. Costume is regularly

Fashion is one of the most popular style or practices that are used by people and

nowadays in the modern 21st century there will be hardly any person being unaware of the

fashion sense. (Banister et al, 2014). There is observation of fashion sense at in observing the

clothing makeup, accessories, footwear and also body or furniture which makes fashion sense to

be one of the distinctive styles used in working and also to manage the designs at which makes it

difficult for people especially designers who have the responsibility to create new dresses and the

textile designers to have innovation and add technicality for the costume designing along with

linking the term ‘fashion’ and regulating the special senses such as fancy dresses which should

be added in various clothing studies. Fashion tends to spread globally and plays an important role

in processing the fashion sense and also to exhibit the latest trending dresses.

Style is a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup,

body or furniture. Fashion is a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style in which a person

dresses. It is the prevailing styles in behavior and the newest creations of fabric designers.

Because the more technical term costume is regularly linked to the term "fashion", the purpose of

the former has been relegated to the special senses like fancy dress or masquerade wear, while

"fashion" generally means clothing, including the study of it. Although aspects of fashion can be

feminine or masculine, some trends are androgynous.

History of Fashion

The history of fashion is a history of people. During this past century, it was the

couturiers and designers that laid the foundations of the modern fashion industry we know today.

The liberation of women from corseted confinement, the creation of ready-to-wear clothing,

logos, licensing, window displays, lifestyle brands, fashion shows, marketing and even

protection of intellectual property rights, are each a direct result of the ingenuity, bravery and

creative genius of individuals who were in their lifetimes stylistic and societal visionaries. In

recent years, Asian fashion has become increasingly significant in local and worldwide markets.

Countries such as China, Japan, India, and Pakistan have traditionally had large textile industries,

which have often been passed upon by Western designers, but now Asian clothing styles are also

gaining influence based on their own ideas.

Fashion Industry

Fashion industry shows the trends and the youth have been crazy on following the

changing fashion trends which show that people spend much money on getting them styles.

There are different tools used by fashion industry to make the youth crazy and these tactics are

called promotions. Most of the promotion is done by television where people see an actor or

actress wearing particular outfit which later becomes the trending fashion (Bhardwaj et al, 2010).

Background of Fashion

Fashion trends are influenced by several factors including political, economic, societal

and technological. Examining these factors is called a PEST analysis. Fashion forecasters can

use this data to help determine growth or decline of a particular trend.

Expression of oneself

Fashion enables us to make statements about ourselves and our identities, with the use of

clothes, accessories and/or other physical items, enabling us to visually communicate who we

are, who we’d like to be, what kind of social group we belong to and who we are most likely not

to be associated with. Thus, fashion is about identity, about the self and as described by Roche

(2000: 193), “the most talkative of social facts”.

Influences of fashion trend

a. Technological influences

Technology helping hand has given a new thrust to the trend forecasting by taking it to new

heights. Few years back tracking fashion trends was an uphill task as it meant a lot of travelling

to gather useful information about fashion trends then the team would make a report and after

final it was published to be sent to the fashion markets for direction and their reviews and all this

exercise used to consume lot of time. But now trend analyzing and forecasting is done on daily

basis. Fashion houses now with the help of various software’s draw digital sketches of dresses

which are then in no time forwarded where they are needed.

With the help of technology speed of fashion has become super fast as the fashion styles

displayed on ramp are made available to the fashion lovers without any time lag. This thing

makes it possible for the middle class people to get the dresses that are quite similar to the

dresses worn by models on ramp. We can say that from past three decades with technology help

retailers make available fashion styles for ordinary people at economical price that too in short


Another benefit of technology to the fashion world is that customers view fashion trends/

collections immediately after they are finalized. Many fashion houses make their fashion shows

online at the same time they are being organized and this thing helps fashion lovers to get the

dresses they saw in fashion shows in very short span of time. Fashion designers nowadays

collaborate with online stores so that their collections are purchased by fashion lovers.

b. Social Influence

The success of the fashion trend lies in the way the society interprets the fashion trend

and judges it. Hence the impact is measured by the barometer of social acceptance which in turn

is driven by the several motivational forces that underline the people’s values and behavioral


Everyday fashion is an interactive process through which the aspiring individuals of the

society consciously project their bodily self in a distinctive manner in the form of clothing style.

It is unlike the traditional capitalist fashion system where the so called elite or rich decide the

course of fashion tastes and fashion gets disseminated from the top to bottom sections of the

society. This distinctive manner of style is equally drawn from the fashion trends percolated

through contemporary life, style conventions, fashion code concepts developed by the

designers& forecasting service providers alike and street style fashion, Appreciation of aesthetic

experiences, ethnographic accounts witnessed in the social vicinity of a local population.

(Malcolmbarnard 1996, 2008)

Socio-cultural factors also have an important role in the growth of the fashion retail

industry. Major social changes have occurred in the last ten years that have affected the demand

for fashion products. While the millennial generation is now the main target of the fashion

marketers, its preferences are very different from the previous generations. A number of changes

on the socio-cultural level have affected how people shop and make their shopping decisions or

which brands they prefer to shop from. Millennials do not just want convenience but also low

prices and great quality.

c. Economic influences

A wide diffusion of wealth and an increase in family income is one of the most important

factors in speeding up the change in clothing patterns and styles. Families have income that now

exceeds the amount of money needed for the bare necessities of life. Another factor that affects

change in styles is that, the middle class always tries to copy the higher class, while the higher

class is always changing their styles to stand out from the middle class (Kiran, Riaz, & Malik,


d. Celebrity influence

Fashion trends are shaped and influenced by celebrities. Fashion is wearing what is

considered chic or popular at a particular time. Celebrities not only influence fashion trends but

create them too. It is easy for famous people to influence fashion because fashion critics and the

general public spend time reviewing these outfits, then the dos and don are decided upon. In

sociological terms, fashion products are regarded as high involvement purchases closely

connected to sentiments of self-image, social status and cultural identity (Fairhurst et al 1989;

O’Cass 2004). Hence celebrities, with their pervasive media coverage and popular associations

with notions of glamour, success and attractiveness, are natural partners for fashion brands

seeking to convey attractive lifestyle affiliations and hence tap into consumers’ liking for easily

understood archetypes in advertising (Epstein 2007; Carroll 2009; Ceballos & Villegas 2014). In

a saturated, marketing-orientated sector such as fashion, promoting products deemed critical to

consumers’ social standing and function, celebrity endorsement is recognised as being not only

more likely to occur, but also more likely to be successful (Kahle and Homer 1985;

Erdogan1999; Sandhu et al 2014).

Fashion of Ilocanos in the Olden Times

In the olden times, for Ilocanos dressing inappropriately for one's age or perceived wealth

or status attracts gossip such as mabiag ti ruar ngem matay ti uneg (outwardly alive, but inwardly

dying);uray napintas no inutang (even if it is nice, it is acquired through credit). Still one should

dress well for special celebrations. Every day wear, especially at home, consists of short pants

for boys, and dusters, loose skirts, shirts, and short pants for girls. Those working in the fields

wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and wide-brimmed hats as protection against the sun and

mud. During the rainy season, people wear a headdress of labig leaves extending well down the

back. Older women wear their hair long and knotted in a bun, while men keep it short and apply

pomade on special occasions.

It is also evident in the olden times for the Ilocano woman to wear Baro't Saya. This is a

Filipino style of women's clothing. Traditionally, it is composed of a blouse and a long skirt with

a "panuelo". The upper class women wore more elaborate baro't saya sewn with beads and has

colorful designs. The skirt is also wider than what lower classes wore. These types of clothing

that are "simple yet functional" that have both indigenous Filipino qualities and Spanish

influence started to become prominent during the 16th-century in the Philippines. Such clothing,

through the innovation of modern-day Filipino fashion designers, can be worn in the Philippines

for formal occasions and office uniforms. Barong Tagalog is a clothing worn by men. Originated

in Luzon, this clothing is made of pineapple fiber and is actually transparent, where an undershirt

has to be worn together with black pants.

Fashion of Ilocanos in the Present Time

Fashion and clothing of the Ilocanos refers to the way the people of  the society dress up

in instances such as while they are at home, at work, travelling and when attending special

occasions. The clothing style and fashion sense of the Ilocanos in the modern-day era have been

influenced by their native ancestors: their Spanish colonizers (the Philippines was a colony of the

Spanish Empire for around 333 years), the Americans (the Philippines was a territory of the

United States for about 46 years), and even the Japanese (Japanese soldiers occupied the

Philippines during World War II for 4 years), as evidenced by the chronology of events that

occurred in Philippine history. At present, Ilocanos conform their way of dressing, in addition to

the above factors, as a result of the influence of what is shown by the media on televise fashion

shows, among others. Present-day Ilocanos, due to climatic reasons, prefer to wear T-shirts

combined with jeans trousers for men and skirts for women. The "jeans and T-shirts"

combination was introduced to the Filipinos by the Americans.

Effects of Globalization on Fashion

For centuries, textiles and clothing styles have been one of the most obvious and poignant

indicators of cross-cultural interchange.  With the rapid rise of globalization over the past several

decades, the spread of fashion across global cultures has mirrored the changes in economy,

culture, and daily life that globalization has brought.  As countries and cultures seek to define

their cultural identity within the globalized context of the information age, fashion weeks are

being born around the globe.  Despite being touted as a Western tradition, fashion has played a

role in reclaiming cultural identity through personal style. Exploring the fashion trends of past

and current cultures gives unique insight into globalization and the understandings held about

globalization at the time.

Globalization is the economic and social process whereby local markets and cultures are

increasingly dominated by global markets and cultures. Globalization affects various factors and

fashion is increasingly becoming very dominant force Globalization has significant effect as

individuals choose clothing personal style (work related-casual outing) globalization favorable

impacts adverse impacts impact of globalization on the fashion industry favorable impacts of

globalization over fashion industry. Accessibility of the latest fashion trends outburst from

numerous and massive social networks and blogs, advertisements, magazines, music videos,

films ,internet & television, creation of open market and free trade amongst countries ,change of

individual preferences, unique styles follows a trend in global style.


Input Process Output

Statement of the problem

3. What are the factors of

globalization on the fashion  Formulating research  What is the impact of

statement of the Ilocanos? questions globalization on the
4. Is there an impact of fashion statement of the
 Survey/gathering data
globalization on the age of Ilocanos living in Laoag
participants with regards to their  Analysing data
fashion preference?
 Presentation of data
5. What are the effects of

globalization in the lives of







The topics are given a deeper clarification in this section as the researchers present the

study. This encompasses the research design, locale of the study, population and sample of the

study, research instrument, data gathering and statistical treatment.

Research Design

Research design involves observation and interview. The observation and interview that

will be held will be interpreted to come up with solutions regarding the said research topic. A

research design does not include numerical data at all, just pure research observation gathered

with regards to different interpretation of the researchers from the data that will be taken from

the different respondents’ perspective regarding how globalization affect the fashion statement of


Locale of the Study

The distribution of survey questionnaires will be floated in the area of Laoag City.

Laoag City is the location chosen by the researchers in order to meet the needed information for

the research study.

Population and Sample of the Study

The respondents will be a local born citizen of Laoag City. Four teenagers, ranging from

15-25 years old, and it will be selected randomly. Four late-adults, ranging from 45-80 years old,

will also be selected randomly. In total, there will be 8 respondents who will be answering the

survey questionnaires.

Roles of the Researcher

The role of the researchers will be the interviewer and observer while gathering

information from the respondents. The researchers will not interrupt the respondent while they

are answering the survey questionnaires. The researchers’ feelings and perception must not be

mentioned while the conducting the survey so that there will be no possible biases in the answers

of the respondent.

The researchers will clarify the respondents if they don’t understand well some of the

questions in the survey questionnaires and the researchers must answer only the respondent’s

queries in order to meet a clarification and no more further answers. The researchers must do the

following steps and procedures, with honesty, in order to conduct the study successfully.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers first chose their topic which is “The Impact of Globalization on the

Fashion Statement of the Ilocanos Living in Laoag City”. After choosing their topic the

researchers formulated their problem regarding the topic. After that the researchers formulated a

topic for their qualitative research subsequently, they form a problem related to their topic.

Interview questions and observations were used to gather the related data for the study’s

objectives and research questions. The purpose of this study is to discover the impact of

globalization on the fashion statement of Ilocanos. The researchers approached random number

of respondents to participate in this study. The researchers interviewed the said respondents and

observed them on a particular day.

As an initial step of data gathering, respondents were given an orientation on the purpose,

scope, and the significant contribution that the study can provide. Issues on confidentiality were

also discussed. The researchers gave the respondents reassurance that all information and results

will remain confidential and protected. Every respondent was also informed on their right to

decide on their involvement in the study, wherein the informed consent was explained



Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter explains the presentation of findings and interpretation of data gathered by

the researcher. This would give answers to the problems of the research. The researchers

clustered the answers that were similar and were then analyzed.

Respondents’ preference pertaining local or foreign brands

This data presents the different perception of respondent’s regarding their fondness on

local or foreign brands. Respondents have different insights on what they prefer the most. Most

of the respondents answered they prefer foreign brands, others responded neutrally and others

responded they prefer local branded clothes.

“I prefer the foreign made because of the quality of

their brand and the durability it gives me. It is more

in, because their kind of fashion sense is more

recognized to the millennial.,”

- Respondent 1

“I would buy foreign brands than local brands. My main reason

is I am assured for the durability of that product than what is being

produce here. In terms of fashion, I choose foreign brands because it

is more trendy”

- Respondent 3

“Local made because products from abroad are

more expensive and we don’t know the materials

they use.”

- Respondent 6

“I would prefer foreign made products because of its quality and style

comparing it to the local made it is more fashionable.”

- Respondent 7

Respondents have different perspectives with regards to their preference on foreign or

local brands. The first 5 respondents, which happened to be millennials, responded that they

prefer foreign brands rather than the local brands because of the quality and durability of the

products of foreign brand. On the other hand, the last 5 respondents which happened to be late

adults or senior citizens, two of them responded that they prefer foreign brands and 3 answered

that they prefer local brands because foreign brands are more expensive and they are unaware of

the materials these brands use. Moreover, respondents mentioned that in the older times, they do

not have enough products from abroad and if there is, they do not have enough money to buy

one. This implicates that most of the millennials prefer the foreign brand and some of the late

adults and senior citizens still stick with local brands but some of them prefer foreign brands as

well. With these, there are many factors to consider in this comparison and it all boils down to


Respondents’ insights on the emergence of foreign brands in Laoag City

This data shows the different perspective of the respondents on how they view the effect

of the emergence of foreign clothing brands in Laoag City.

“Because it’s good to have the idea that’s not only

the other places that gets to be in with the fashion

but also places such as Laoag City”

-Respondent 1

“People tend to be more fashionable because of

many choices in their clothing brands”

- Respondent 3

“I think people became more updated with the

fashion trends and they adapt more the style of

foreign or westernized style of fashion.”

- Respondent 7

“I think local brands and products would be taken

for granted and local economy will eventually


- Respondent 2

“Because of the continuous import of foreign

products it may affect the economy of the


-Respondent 6

“Almost all the product of Laoag City is from

foreign product and I think there’s no originality”

-Respondent 4

“because of the influence of the western countries,

teenagers now prefers more trendy daring clothes

because it’s fashion”

-Respondent 5

“The local or the traditional clothes are fading

away because of many foreign brands that are

imported in our city.”

- Respondent 8

Majority of the respondents, regardless of their age, have a positive regards towards the

emergence of the foreign brands in Laoag City. Three of the respondents with an age of 18, 19,

and 45, answered that because of the emergence of these foreign brands, it opens up a whole lot

of new possibilities and more options for the consumers to choose what they would like to buy

and wear. While Respondent 2 with and age of 23 and Respondent 6 with an age of 59 stated

their answers and connected it with the economy. They have answered that due to this fast

growing shops of foreign brands, the economy of the Philippines will be affected in both positive

and negative. Positive in a way that they let different producers of foreign brands to put up

businesses here, giving a free flow of goods and services from their country to ours and negative

because the producers that produces local brands will less likely to have a lower income. Whilst

three respondents with an age of 18, 78, and 71 stated that the emergence of foreign brands were

not accepted by these three respondents. Respondent 4 answered that we have no originality

because we are following the latest fashion trends of the western countries. In addition,

Respondent 5 stated that there is a bad influence of the emergence of this foreign brands because

majority of the younger generation or the millennials love to buy from these shops and there are

lots of trendy clothes that are not suited for their, example are the plunging neckline dresses and

clothes that show a lot of skin which can be connected to the answer of Respondent 8 that our

traditions of Filipinos are slowly fading because we get to have this ‘colonial mentality’ that it is

better to buy clothes in these foreign brands because of their quality.

Impressions of people perceived by Respondent’s wearing fashion branded clothes

This data shows the different impressions of respondents regarding people who wear

fashion branded clothes.

“I don’t mind the opinion of others, because I wear what I want

and what represent me”

- Respondent 1

“I think my fashion will make them love and be inspired about fashion”

- Respondent 8

“From the norms, beliefs, and the custom instilled in the minds of

people nowadays, they base the economic and social status of an

individual base on the lifestyle and the clothing he/she would wear”

- Respondent 2

“People today are judgmental because of that foreign clothes, we

can’t stop them from thinking that we want fame and we pretend

like we have a lot of money”

- Respondent 4

“I think the impression of people seeing me wear fashion-branded

clothes is good and it gives them an impression that I follow the trends”

- Respondent 3

“I think people will have an impression that I am presentable and

beautiful with the clothes I wear”

- Respondent 7

“If I wear fashion-branded clothes it seems like it doesn’t suit me because

I am old”

- Respondent 5

“They will be shocked because I am too old for this kind of fashion”

- Respondent 6

The answers of the respondents were different. Respondent 1 with an age of 18 said that

he didn’t care about what other says because he likes to wear what he wants. To show his self-

expression. Respondent 8 with an age of 71 also has a unique answer which is he thinks that

people will be inspired with his fashion. In contrast with that, Respondent 5 and 6 with an age of

78 and 59 respectively, said that people might be shocked and it seems like this fashion-branded

clothes doesn’t suit them because they are too old for these things. The answer of respondent 2

and 4 is that they will be judged with how and what they wear because they said that wearing

these fashion-branded clothes influences how people perceive other people by looking through

their clothes. But following the trend makes you more presentable and beautiful in the eyes of

people and that will give you confidence, and that is what the respondent 3 and 7 answered.

Respondent’s feeling of acceptability wearing fashion updated clothes

This data shows the different opinions of the respondents regarding their acceptability in

the society when they wear fashion updated clothes.

“Certainly and absolutely, yes. Because it would seem for them you

have that sense of belongingness and that you’re not different from


-Respondent 2

“Yes because I think our society nowadays often judge because of

the kind of clothing we wear and on my case wearing updated

clothes people makes me feel that I belong to the society.

This give me such comments on my fashion outfits.”

- Respondent 3

“Yes. Because we have to follow some trends and enjoy life while

Still alive.”

Respondent 6

“Wearing trendy clothes makes me feel the belongingness with the

society standard because nowadays, fashion became a very huge part

of the lifestyle of everyone.”

- Respondent 7

“Yes because I am following some trends which is the society I keep

trying to love it”

-Respondents 8

“At some point no, people who are not aware of that fashion sense might

Consider it the old ones.”

-Respondent 1

“No because it’s a big deal for the people who thinks that you just want some


-Respondent 4

“No I prefer to stay on the traditional fashion clothes because I’m too old enough.

to follow updated clothes and just to be accepted by the society I will change

the way I dress”

-Respondent 9

Respondents have different opinions regarding their feeling of acceptance in the

society when they wear fashion updated clothes. The 5 respondent, which happens to be late

adults and 1 millennial, stated that they prefer to wear updated clothes to feel like they belong in

the society. On the other hand, the last 3 respondents which happened to be 2 millennials and 1

senior citizens, responded that they prefer to wear the traditional fashion clothes the age 78 stated

that they are old enough to follow the trend clothes and the millennials which is both 18 stated

that other people just want some attention from the society and people who are not aware of that

fashion sense might consider it the old ones. This implicates that most of the late adults prefer to

wear updated clothes because it made them feel that they are accepted by the society and some of

the millennials still stick on with the traditional fashion clothes but some of them prefer to wear

fashion updated clothes as well.


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary, or the research work undertaken, the conclusions

drawn, and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study. The study aims to know

the impact of globalization on the fashion statement of Ilocanos.

Summary of the Topic

The topic that the researchers wanted to focus on their study is “The Impact of

Globalization on the Fashion Statement of the Ilocanos Living in Laoag City” The related

literature review and studies focuses on the background of Fashion Industry, Influencers of

Fashion trends and the fashion of Ilocanos on the present and older time. The researchers

gathered data from interview and observation on the selected respondents.

Fashion statement to Ilocanos plays a vital role in their lives and there are factors that are

influencing it. Regardless of their age, their preferences on fashion style is based on these factors

mainly economic, personal and social. Along with these factors is the inclination of globalization

on the fashion statement of the Ilocanos in Laoag City.


This study sought to analyze the impact of globalization on the fashion statement

of the Ilocanos. The data presented on the previous chapter provides an answer to this study.

There are indeed different perspectives of the Ilokano respondents on how fashion statement

affects their lives. Most of them answered that they prefer foreign brands because of its quality

and durability, while most of the late adults and senior citizens preferred the traditional way of

styling because some of them do not have enough foreign products and they do not have enough

money to buy one for themselves. With this, we, the researchers have seen that there are factors

that has to be considered particularly in the comparison between foreign products and locally

made products which fall down to globalization. Moreover, majority of the respondents have a

good notion on the emergence of foreign brands in Laoag City because it gives the consumer

more picks on their fashion style. There are also respondents who gave their opinion on how this

emergence of foreign brands affects the economy of Philippines on its state allowing of free flow

of goods and services and how it affects the income of local brands producers. There are also

insights from the respondents that emergence of foreign brands, with the westernize culture of

these countries tends to affect the mode of dressing of the younger generation with a more show-

off skin fashion style. Furthermore, most of the respondents is concerned on what people may

think towards them wearing fashionable branded clothes. Specifically, late adults think that

wearing fashionable branded clothes does not suit their age anymore. Some millennials also

expressed their insight on how people judge other people based on the fashion style. However, it

is also found out that being updated on the fashion trend adds up confidence to the two

respondents. In addition, most of the respondents prefer to wear updated-fashion-brand clothes

particularly the late adults, because they feel more accepted in the society if they go with what

are trends and what is new as of today. Some millennials and one senior citizen stated that they

stick on the traditional way of styling because millennials think that people are seeking for

attention purposes only without considering the perceptions of the older one, and then we have

here one senior citizen who stated that she is old enough to follow what are those updated

clothes. Apparently, millennials, late adults and senior citizens have the same points in which

some stick on what is trend and some stick in the traditional way of dressing themselves.


With the gathered, organized, and presented data about the impact of globalization on the

fashion statement of Ilocanos living in Laoag City, the following are humbly recommended:

 We ask for researchers to conduct further research to the fashion statement of Ilokano’s

and the impact of globalization on their fashion style.

 Build confidence with fashion style. Fashion statement can be a platform to build up

confidence to those who lack it. The nature of the society to judge people according to

their fashion style would be degrading to those who do not engage themselves in fashion.

Bear in mind that;

 Fashion statement does not have to be expensive. To look presentable does not require

a high-end clothing brand. There are brands who offers a quality product with the most

affordable price. An example for this is;

 Local brands. Patronizing our own products does not mean that it is being outdated in

the field of fashion industry. There are a lot of local fashion designers who is also capable

of creating products that can be a trend in the society.






College of Teacher

Dear Respondent,

Warmest Greetings!

We the 1st Year student of Mariano Marcos State University major in English in
Secondary Level is presently conducting a research entitled “The Impact of Globalization on the
Fashion Statement of the Ilokanos Living in Laoag City”
In view of this, we would like to request your participation by answering our
questionnaire and rest assured that all information derived herein will be treated with
utmost confidentiality.

Thank you for your time and involvement, God Bless.

Very Truly,

Agustin, Jirha

Bustamante, Rejine

Espejo, Laurence

_________________________ James, Mabie Gail

Adviser Morta, Rose Ann

Pascua, Kisha

Patricio, Johanna

Ranada, Ma. Angelica

Sevilla, Isiah

Name (optional): Gender:____


1. If you’re going to buy clothes or shoes, which would you prefer the foreign made or the local

made? Why?




2. Why did you choose to be in with the trends instead of sticking with the traditional clothing?




3. What do you think is the effect of the emergence of foreign clothing brands in Laoag City?




4. What do you think about the fashion of the Ilokanos during older times?




5. What do you think are the impressions of people when you wear fashion branded clothes?




6. Do you feel accepted in your society if you wear fashion updated clothes? Why?





Respondents Signature

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Teacher Education
Laoag City


Personal Data
Full name: Jirha Clair A. Agustin
Sex: 19 years old
Address: Brgy. 40 Buyon Bacarra, Ilocos Norte
Birthdate: November 13, 1999
Birthplace: Bacarra
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Iglesia ni Cristo
Name of Father: Albert S. Agustin
Occupation: Farmer
Name of Mother: Heraclea A. Agustin
Occupation: Housewife
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary: Bacarra Central Elementary School
Secondary: Bacarra National Comprehensive High School

Mariano Marcos State University

College of Teacher Education

Laoag City


Personal Data

Full name: Rejine G. Bustamante

Sex: Female

Address: #49-B Raraburan, Laoag City

Birthdate; March 24, 1999

Birthplace: Bicol Camarines Norte

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Father: Ricky Bustamante

Occupation: Driver

Name of Mother: Janette Bustamante

Occupation: Housekeeping

E-mail Address:

Educational Background

Elementary: Buttong Elementary School

Secondary: Ilocos Norte National High School

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Teacher Education
Laoag City


Personal Data
Full name: Mabie Gail Carmen James
Sex: Female
Address: Brgy. 4, Sarrat, Ilocos Norte
Birthdate: September 10, 2000
Birthplace: Laoag City
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Manuel M. James
Occupation: Teaching
Name of Mother: Barbara C. James
Occupation: Teaching
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary: Sarrat North Central Elementary School
Secondary: Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Teacher Education
Laoag City


Personal Data
Full name: Laurence Alfred R. Espejo
Sex: 19 years old
Address: Brgy. 30 Cadaratan Bacarra, Ilocos Norte
Birthdate: October 09, 1999
Birthplace: Sta. Cruz Laguna
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Pentecostal
Name of Father: Emmanuel M. Cadiz
Occupation: Food Server
Name of Mother: Lily E. Cadiz (deceased)
Occupation: Housewife
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary: Cadaratan Bacarra Elementary School
Secondary: Cadaratan National High School

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Teacher Education
Laoag City


Personal Data
Full name: Rose-Ann Morta
Sex: Female
Address: #12, Namoroc,Vintar Ilocos Norte
Birthdate; May 10, 2000
Birthplace: Poblacion, Kabugao, Apayao
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Concordio A. Agbayani Jr.
Occupation: Farming
Name of Mother: Maxima M. Agabyani
Occupation: Housekeeping
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary: Badduat Elementary School
Secondary: Our Lady of Lourdes High School

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Teacher Education
Laoag City


Personal Data
Full name: Kisha R. Pascua
Sex: Female
Address: Brgy. 07 Badio, Pinili, Ilocos Norte
Birthdate: January 11, 1999
Birthplace: Batac City
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Iglesia Filipina Independiente
Name of Father: Freddie Pascua
Occupation: Farmer
Name of Mother: Premilia R. Pascua
Occupation: Housewife
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary: Badio Elementary School
Secondary: Pinili Institute
Pinili National High School

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Teacher Education
Laoag City


Personal Data
Full name: Johanna Florentino Patricio
Sex: Female
Address: #30 Cadaratan, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte
Birthdate; January 18, 2000
Birthplace: Cadaratan, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Seventh Day Adventist
Name of Father: Norman C. Patricio
Occupation: Businessman
Name of Mother: Mahleen F. Patricio
Occupation: Housekeeping
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary: Cadaratan Elementary School
Secondary: Bacarra National Comprehensive High School

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Teacher Education
Laoag City


Personal Data
Full name: Ma. Angelica G. Ranada
Sex: Female
Address: #15 Andres Castro St. Laoag City
Birthdate; October 30,1999
Birthplace: Laoag City
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Benjamin Ranada Sr.
Occupation: Businessman
Name of Mother: April Ranada
Occupation: Businesswoman
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary: Shamrock Elementary School
Secondary: Holy Spirit Academy of Laoag

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Teacher Education
Laoag City


Personal Data
Full name: Isiah Sevilla
Sex: Male
Address: Brgy. 16 Bacarra, Ilocos Norte
Birthdate: April 16, 2000
Birthplace: Laoag City
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Joseph P. Fernandez
Occupation: Carpenter
Name of Mother: Besiliza M. Sevilla
Occupation: Store
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary: Santo Cristo Elementary School
Secondary: Bacarra National Comprehensive High School


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