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Name Gagan Sharma

Email Address

Student Number PGP12116

Workshop in Communication Skills

(Duration: 30 minutes)
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Persuasive Internal Request (e-mail)

As the manager of Human Resources at Sysoft computer consulting, you must improve
company recruitment and retention rates soon.

Employee turnover at the company is higher than 20 percent, and filling vacancies can
take up to a year. Recruiting trends in the high-tech industry are clear. Record low
unemployment rates, a burgeoning computer industry, and too few computer systems
graduates have made the hiring game extremely competitive. To stay ahead, most firms
have pumped up recruiting tactics, using hiring bonuses, unusually high salaries, extra
vacation, and early reviews and raises to win the best employees. "I asked for a six-month
review from MicroTech," said one especially promising candidate, "and they agreed to it.
They'll even offer a raise after three months if my performance is up to it."

You're certain that your boss will never agree to give new employees salary raises after
only three months on the job. However, offering reviews and pay raises at six months
would enable you to snare the best hires without paying top dollar up front. Company pay
scales simply don't allow for outlandish starting salaries, and reviews typically are given
after 12 months. By offering early reviews for the best candidates, you could honour the
internal pay scales while offering applicants the opportunity for early raises.

At a recent recruiting seminar, you learned that many companies are resorting to early
reviews because they must. Nearly 30 percent of all high-tech companies offer them.
Raises based on those reviews range from 2 percent to 8 percent, and a few star
employees manage to gain even more. Companies using the tactic report great results.
One company apparently reduced its usual 10-percent turnover to 1 percent for those
who received raises. Those expecting early reviews performed well right away because
they wanted the early pay raise. When they got it, they stayed on.

You are determined to make early reviews part of your hiring arsenal, and you plan to
pitch the idea to your boss, Director of Public Relations Michael West, in a meeting. You
have checked with his assistant, and he is available for a meeting on Friday December 18
at 10:30am. You would like to meet with him and discuss the issue, but your email
should precede the visit. Write a convincing email that briefly outlines your proposal and
gets you the appointment. Do not rely on the wording of this assignment for your own
text. Make sure your final version is professional looking and free from spelling

mistakes, scratches, and other insertions of words or sentences. It may help to write
up a draft version. When you are done, please submit it to our course shell. EMAIL





Subject: A proposal to retain the best talent and reduce retention rates

Dear Michael

As you are aware, Michael, our firm and the IT industry both suffer from significant staff
turnover, owing to the huge number of bright individuals who leave one after the other,
making the recruitment process a difficult battleground.

Of course, we in human resources are in charge of this, but I feel the public relations
department has a significant influence on the recruiting process, as people will flock to a
company with a better brand image/value.

As a result, I'd want to provide a suggestion to improve our company's image while also
addressing the high turnover rates. I feel that doing early reviews for our newly hired
personnel is the best way ahead. Traditionally, yearly evaluations have been the sole
option for employees to demonstrate their progress and seek a raise, but in today's
dynamic market, employees want raises even if their growth occurs over a three- to six-
month period. They frequently move to our rivals that provide more value if we don't
provide it.

According to a recent conference I attended, it has been demonstrated via several

research studies that early assessments and suitable raises for workers based on their
performance and potential may cut turnover rates by as much as 90%.

I'd like to schedule a meeting with you on Friday, December 18 at 10:30 a.m. to discuss
the possibility and implementation of an early review system as part of our recruitment
programme. I hope you will realise the advantages that exist for us not only in the HR
department, but also in the PR department when dealing with our stakeholders.


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