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Class / Semester : VIII (specialization)

Subjects : English / Specialization

Academic Year : 2020/2021

Main Material : Poem / KD 3.4

Time Allocation : 1 lesson = 30 minutes (1 x meeting)


Through observing Poem activities (reading and watching through videos), students

a. Comparing the form of social function, text structure, and linguistic elements of
poem . text

b. Find the types of words in the poem text carefully

c. Through the task of looking for Poem, students can show an attitude of
independence with a sense of responsibility

Learning Method

Approach : Scientific Learning Learning Model : Discovery Learning

Method : Discussion, Question and Answer, Presentation

1. Laptops
2. Zoom
3. Google
4. Youtube
5. Sticky Notes

E. Learning Resources
1. English – Indonesian Dictionary
2. Internet/You-Tube/Google
3. Relevant teaching materials

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E. Learning Activities
The first meeting
Preliminary activities Time
a. The teacher prepares students to take part in the 10’
learning process such as praying, attendance, preparing
textbooks, and preparing student assessment sheets.

b. The teacher conveys the learning objectives to be


c. The teacher conveys the assessment that will be used.

Core activities Time

a. Explain about Pronoun 70’
b. The teacher asks one of the students, just give one example
pronoun word what they know
c. Explaining kinds of pronouns
1. subject ( I,you,we,they,etc)
2. object (me,you,us,them,etc)

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3. possesive adjective (my,your,our,their,etc)
4. possesive pronouns (mine,yours,ours,theirs,etc)
d. Show/Read the poem in front of students,the poem that we
choose it is (Our Strang lingo by lord cromer)
E. Students are asked to work in groups and they can choose
their member freely if it class have 30 students make it 6
F. Students pay attention to the structure and words from
that poem
G. The teacher asks and give work for students to translate
and find a words that use pronoun in that poem.
H. With the guidance of the teacher, students can discuss
about the work we gived, and make sure students must
translate that poem using dictionary.
I. when they are done with their work, the representative of
each group must read the poem in english and indonesian
language and then they are also presentation the result of
their discussion inclunding how many words pronoun they
can found.
Closing Activities Time
a. Students conclude learning (guided by the teacher) 10’
b. Learners get feedback on the learning process and results:
Thank you very much for your participation. You did a good
job today, I'm very happy with your activity in the class.

c. give students assignments for the next meeting, find a poem

that have pronoun words.

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