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The key for a better countrie

One of the more important aspects of being a profesional in Colombia is the

responsability and the duty of give back to our country our knowledge with the
intention of improve the quality life of our people.

Colombia is a third world country ( i have some issues with this type of
clasification but i won't mentioned here) and this imply a lot of problems and
problematics in all the imaginable aspects ( social, economical, educational,
political, cultural).

Grew in Colombia and also study in a public university, represent for me the
oportunity of open my eyes and my mind in the uneerstanding of the idea: that
we all have a duty with the work of improve our community and from our
professions we have to generate more interestet and empaty with the hard
reality of our poor and forgotten communities around the country.

But in my opinion, the most critical problematic and the beginning of all the
others problems of our society is the lack of good education, and because that
we have to focus first in that. This is for me, the most important aspect to
improve in the way of build a better country and a better place for living.

I study system engineer, and i know that nowadays, the tecnology and it's
development means a lot in the new strategies around the world for improve
and make more efficient and equal the acces to knowledge, information and
good education.

I think, that from My field, we can make estrategy alliances with the
government ( altough is difficult to find will or good political intentions) to give
global acces to internet and tecnology for educational tools, like computers,
tablets, etc and teach the teachers and parents how to use it in the way of
improve and give the best acces for education to our kids around all the
countrie, especially in our far lands and to in the places more affected for the
war and the abandonment of the government. The children represent the
future of our world, and from the fields like they system engineer and
asociated careers, se have to give more attention and put more effort in the
way ti give them (our children) the best tools ti learn and receive good
education that allow to a future generations be more concients and capable of
improve the situation of our country.

Another important strategy that from our field of knowledge as system

enigneers si the foment of more careers asociated to the tecnology
development, have more profesionals in this kind of area Will make our
country more educated and competitive for the needs and interests of the big
companys of tecnology in the world, maybe with this increase of educated
workforce in the field, the international invest Will improve in the creation of
new headquarters in the cities and make our economy strongest.

This idea has to ve taken with careful, cause the purpose of our people won't
have to be waste our knowledge and workforce in the increase of foreings
economys, i think that the important is try to find in the experience of working
with this companys the ideas and tools for begin ti generate ideas and local
companys for the interest of our communities and focused in the solution of
multiple problematics that we have rightnow.

In this same way i think there are a lot of more ideas to improve our countrie
problematics frome the field of system engineer, but in all of them, i conclude
a thought, and it is that in the education of our people from childs but to in the
adulthood we can find the key, for begin, as a countrie to build a better, equal
and competitive nation.

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