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MATTHEW 13:16-17
But blessed are your eyes, for they see,
and your ears, for they hear. For truly, I
say to you,jmany prophets and
righteous people longed to see what
you see, and did not see it, and to hear
what you hear, and did not hear it.

This verse serves to remind me of God's love for
humans.That is, among all living things and
creatures of God, only man has been able to
communicate with God. God not only created all
things to provide us with a living environment,
but He also bestowed upon us the organs that
allow us to understand His words.

This scripture, in my opinion, shows how blessed those eyes
and ears who choose to truly see and hear. Eyes that looked
for light, and ears that were open to the divine voice. Some
people hear the message but fail to comprehend it because
they are uninterested. Others shows early interest but
quickly abandon it due to a lack of deep spiritual concern.
Only a few people respond to the message with faith, but
those who do have their lives transformed.

The Media is full of things that urges me to
consider how my life would be better if I did
what influencers do or bought products that
are in style. This scripture can be applied to
my life by reminding myself and recognizing
that I am already blessed in many ways. This
scripture reminds me of how fortunate I am to
be able to hear and see the truth with clarity.
How blessed I am to be able to be able to
communicate with God.

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