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Hazel Mae Aguarin

Genuine Conversation
A blessed morning to everyone who are present here with us today. I am standing in front of you
to share my perspective on something very important in our lives - the deep meaning of talking with
someone. Yes, talking is surely overrated but having a genuine conversation is definitely rare.
Can I ask you? Who among you are still fond of talking to others, can you raise your hands for
me please? Okay, I can see that most of you raised your hand, meaning you are all good conversation
makers, in other word, chikadoras. But kidding aside, you should be thankful if you are still able to talk
with someone. Having a short yet authentic talk and being able to have time to express your feelings is
one of the best things to do to start your day, to end your day or to enjoy every day. Talking doesn’t need
too much time, it just needs a willing ear and an open mouth that speaks from the heart. In today’s
generation, our world is relying on instant connectivity, sad to say that we mostly spend time on using our
devices to get connected and be updated. But this instant connection covers up meaningful conversations,
honestly speaking, talking heart to heart is now increasingly rare. We are surrounded by devices that
claim to bring us closer together, yet, in the midst of all the digital noise, I often find myself feeling more
isolated than ever. I want real conversations.
So, why do I believe it's important to talk with someone? For me, it's not just about words; it's all
about the shared human experience that slowly builds a unique and strong bond. Its not just a typical
gathering of information, but it provides an avenue for understanding and empathy. Our world and lives
are filled with different people with diverse perspectives and experiences. Having the chance to talk to
them allows me to step into the shoes they are wearing and to see the world through their eyes. Talking
with them is also an act of validation. In our fast-paced lives, everyone’s in a rush, only few takes time to
engage in meaningful conversation. And if you are lucky enough to meet that few good people, you can
experience the powerful affirmation of someone's worth, especially when they say, "You matter, your
thoughts and feelings are valid, and I am here to listen." I believe that it is not only me who gets kilig
when I hear those word, it’s like words of assurance.
Always remember my dear audience to consider the therapeutic value of sharing our thoughts and
feelings. It is okay to release the thoughts that weigh heavy on your mind. It's like unloading your soul
and finding peace in the shared space of understanding. Let us not forget the joy that comes from sharing
laughter, stories, and experiences. Talking with someone transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary
memories. It's in these conversations that I find the richness of life, the beauty in shared laughter, and the
warmth in the exchange of stories. Therefore, I believe that I must share the transformative power of
connection in the simple act of talking with someone. It is the foundation where relationships grow,
understanding happens, and a sense of belonging is nurtured.
So, let us not underestimate the importance of a heartfelt conversation. Let us all make a effort to
go beyond the surface. Try to be engage on conversations because it’s a kind reminder of the beauty of
human connection. Because, in every end, it's not just about talking; it's about truly connecting and
making each other's lives better through the power of genuine conversation.

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