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Hi Latifa, I've read your message and want to express my appreciation for your honesty

in sharing your thoughts and feelings. I understand and respect your need for some
time to reflect. When you're ready, I'm here for a conversation. Your perspective is
valuable to me, and our friendship is important.

You articulated your fear of toxicity in friendships, particularly fearing that initial praise
might eventually turn into negative judgments. This fear might be influencing your
actions and decisions.

I acknowledge your disappointment with online communication, and I genuinely didn't

intend to cause any fear. I now realize that my impulsive actions might have conveyed a
different message. Your praise during a challenging time (For me: I was going through a
lot and you came as a saviour at that point of time and pulled me up) was
circumstantial, and I didn't anticipate it might be perceived as toxic. I assure you that I'm
committed to ensuring a positive experience in our friendship.

I understand your concern about the potential for negativity, and I want to assure you
that I'm committed to avoiding any negative outcomes. Your well-being and comfort in
our friendship matter to me. I agree that it's early in our communication (3 days), and I
want to emphasize that I am committed to making it a positive and lasting connection.

You're not being cowardly; instead, you're exhibiting the wisdom to ensure that nothing
disrupts the harmony in your life.

I strongly believe that both of us are at a stage in life where it's crucial to focus on
our careers, as they will play a pivotal role in shaping how we spend the next
three decades and beyond.

It's indeed crucial, and I value the idea of natural communication once we reconnect. In
the meantime, if you're open to it, we could stay in contact for learning purposes. We
could challenge each other to improve our English vocabulary, and I can share some
resources but nothing private about me and I won’t ask you either.

Whenever you feel ready to talk or continue our friendship, I'm here. Your sincerity is
important to me, and I look forward to the possibility of reconnecting when the time is

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