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Individual Variables

• Age

- The needs, preferences, and usage behavior of customers will also change with each stage in
their life. The need for food, clothing, equipment, entertainment… is young in adulthood and different
from weakness.

- According to the results of the census of 1-4-2009, the age of the population of Thai Nguyen
province is as follows:

* Population aged 0-14: 29.6%. For this age group, they often buy items for personal use. If they don't
have an income, they still rely on their parents, so it doesn't have much impact on the retail system.

* Population aged 15-59: 63.0%. This age is looking out for income for themselves, having the need to
buy consumables and equipment.

* Population aged over 60: 7.4%. If they are still working at this age, they still need to shop. The rest if
there is no day off, they mainly increase the demand for medicine for health, consumer purchases, and
equipment purchases.

At here to be found at the age from 15- 59 has a value to the current en buying and buying equipment
from retail systems in Thai Nguyen province. Because at this age, there is only one input to buy products
for their own needs.

• Major

Occupation has a great influence on the buying behavior of customers and buying equipment of the
retail system in Thai Nguyen province. Customers with different occupations will have different
purchasing behavior. groups of customers according to occupations that they are interested in their
products and services, such as: intellectuals, civil servants, workers, farmers, artists...

• Economic status

Economic status is reflected in personal income, accumulated assets, borrowing capacity, spending
attitude, etc. And consumption behavior is also strongly influenced by this factor. This is one of the
factors that luxury brands care about the most. Thai Nguyen is a province with a fairly high income, with
many factories, enterprises and commercial centers in the area. Thai Nguyen people increasingly like to
buy goods and equipment at supermarkets and large stores such as Vincome Plaza, Lan Chi mark, ...

Especially, during the covid-19 period, shoppers tend to buy more stockpiling supplies. When the
economy is down, retail establishments are also less attractive than before.

• Style of life

Influencing consumer behavior, the goods a person consumes often reflect their lifestyle. Marketers will
often explore associations between lifestyle groups and products or will position products according to
individual lifestyles. Depending on the region, people have a different way of life.
• Personality

Each person has a unique personality, human personality is expressed by style, qualities and personality
traits such as confident, independent, vibrant, polite, daring, dynamic, humble, energetic explosion, ...
Personal characteristics also influence less, more on the purchase decision of consumers.

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