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“Microeconomics is about the money you don't have, and macroeconomics is

about money the government is out of.”

Annisa sentya moerpradighta prayreyka

Erika danella Muhammad ichsan

Jesslyn alvina nathanael jason

Microeconomics is the study of individuals, households and firms' behavior
in decision making and allocation of resources. It generally applies to
markets of goods and services and deals with individual and economic
Microeconomic study deals with what choices people make, what factors
influence their choices and how their decisions affect the goods markets
by affecting the price, the supply and demand.
between macroeconomics and microeconomics

Microeconomics focuses
Microeconomics is
on individual based on buyer and
perspectives from a seller trends, where
consumer standpoint, macroeconomic
whereas analysis looks at the
macroeconomics aims to supply and demand
find shared of goods and
perspectives at the services in the
national level. economy.
monetary policy : a set of tools that a nation's central bank has
available to promote sustainable economic growth by controlling
the overall supply of money that is available to the nation's banks,
its consumers, and its businesses.
supply : describes the total amount of a specific good or
service that is available to consumers.
according to wikipedia, the loss of value or
benefit that would be incurred (the cost) by

engaging in that activity or choosing that

option, versus/relative to engaging in the
costs paid with tangible
alternative activity or choosing the

alternative option that would offer the

highest return in value or benefit (the best costs paid with intangible

forgone opportunity).
examples The equation

Reyka pays for the monthly subscription of Netflix,

with the same amount of money she could’ve bought

Spotify premium. The opportunity cost is spotify

Opportunity cost = FO - CO
premium access

Jason uses his car to go to some place which
takes him 60 minutes to arrive and 50K rupiah for
gas. If he had gone by motorcycle, he would have

had a 45 minutes-journey to the destination and

cheaper gas’ cost 20K rupiah.

Capitalism : individuals and business

aim to earn a profit with production
of their investments and labor in a
free market operating largely by
supply and demand.

Socialism : a populist economic and

political system based on public
ownership of the means of production.

mixed : an economic system that combines aspects of

both capitalism and socialism, a mixed economic system
protects private property and allows a level of economic
freedom in the use of capital, but also allows government Market Economy
to interfere in economic activities in order to achieve
social aims.
Monopoly : include profit maximizer, price maker, high barriers to entry,
single seller, and price discrimination.a market system characterized by
one producer(seller) or one (buyer)
Oligopoly : a market system the profit maximizer, price maker, high
barriers to entry, single seller, and price discrimination
Perfect competition : a market system characterized by many different
buyers and sellers where everyone has a fair chance
Monopolistic Competition : a large number of buyers as well as sellers.
But they all do not sell homogeneous products. The products are similar
but all sellers sell slightly differentiated products
Innovations developed by tech companies like Microsoft,
Apple, Google, and many others have changed how
people communicate and the way the world operates.
Fueled largely by profit motivation, these companies
continue to innovate in a way that opens up even more
Greater social needs include transportation, defense,
education, health care, and the preservation of natural
resources. Some also define the common good as caring
for those who can't directly contribute to production.
Examples include the elderly, children, and their
Mixed : Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991,
Russia went on to achieve high levels of sustained
economic growth through the 2000s. As with many other
countries, it was significantly affected by the 2008
financial crisis but recovered strongly after. Yet its desire
for war has led to a number of economic sanctions against

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