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Business Card
Product Brochure
Facebook Page and/or Post

General Information.

Your performance task for Empowerment Technology for

MIDTERM coverage will be one with the following subjects below
adhering to the project-based learning (PBL) implemented by the

● Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship (for

● Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century (for
● Business Ethics (ABM)
● Entrepreneurship (ALL Strands)
● Empowerment Technology (ALL Strands)
● Physical Education and Health 4 (ALL Strands)

Thus, failure to accomplish the tasks may affect your grade

badly for all the mentioned subjects above. So, DO WELL ^_^

Outputs to be submitted:

1. Business Card
2. Product Brochure
3. Facebook Page and/or Posts (this includes promotions, page
likes and follows for the assigned preexisting business to be
General Instruction:

1. You will be partnered with a business institution here in our own

(List of grouping and assignments will be followed).
2. With all you have learned on the subjects above, you will create
a (1) business card, (2) brochure, and a (3) Facebook page and
post for your partner institution.
3. Do an interview and coordinate with them about any information
they wanted to include. Observe Data Privacy Act.

Business Card
- Create a unique business card for your partner institution.
- Make use of any good information from your interview that you
can include in the card.
- Supply at least 100 copies of the card to your partner institution
once approved.

Product Brochure
- Create a brochure about the products and services offered by
the business partner.
- Supply at least 50 copies of the brochure to your partner
institution once approved.
- In case, they don’t want a brochure, you may have a printed
tarpaulin as the alternative.

Facebook Page/Posts
- Create a Fb page for the store/business partner.
- In case there is already an existing page for the business
Option 1. Help the page to gain likes, follows, and shares.
Option 2. Create an article about the store and post it on your
wall, and tag the store.

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