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Individuals regardless of racial, cultural or region around the world consumed fish as
a source of nutrients in their diet. Eating fish is essential in providing nutrients that keep our
heart healthy by reducing the chances of getting heart attack and strokes. Other importance of
fish is it can help maintaining the brain function and good for decreasing the risk of diabetes,
dementia as well as depression. Besides of the advantage in nutrition, it is also important to
cultural and family practices in the way of catching, preparing and eating the fish since
different culture have different way of preparing dishes.

However, the rising issue of the world today is about the future food security in the
fisheries and aquaculture sector. The world consumption of fish products has no sign of
slowing down. The statistics provided by Food and Agriculture Organization shows that from
1990-2018, more than 14% rise in global capture of fisheries production and more than 122%
rise in total fish consumption. In addition, the data in total fish consumption per capita in
Malaysia also shows an increasing pattern from 26.6kg per person in 1971 to 52.1kg in 2005
and rose to 56kg in 2016.

Figure 1: Shows the value of marine fish landing (RM)

Marine Fish Landing



Fish Price ('000)




Axis Title


Source : Department Of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal

Based on the study from Fathi, S., Harun, A. N., Rambat, S., & Tukiran, N. A. (2018),
stated that one of the major current issues in aquaculture Malaysia is fish stock depletion. The
study also mentioned the cause of global depletion of fish is due to exploitation and
inefficient management of fisheries. Besides, in Malaysia the problems other than overfished
such as pollution and climate change also resulting in fish catch depletion. Hence the study
said that the decreasing capture fisheries production with the increasing cost of fishing
operation led to the increase price of fish.

Example of high price of fish reported in the news for fish like ikan kembung which is
consider as ikan rakyat due to its easily found fish and relatively cheap compared to other.
The report stated that the price of fish has been marked up to almost 300% due to supply
chain which require multiple intermediaries. Based on the report on Market Review on Food
Sector by The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) shows the increase in price of
ikan kembung from fishermen until it reaches the consumer. The cost of landing the fish is
RM6.50/kg and then sold to jetty owner for RM8.50/kg which then sell to wholesalers for
RM14/kg and lastly consumer gets the fish from retailer at the price of around RM17/kg.

Figure 2: Shows the price of fish per year (RM)

Fish Price per year (RM)


13 13

10.8 11
8.5 8.59

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Moreover, the illegal entry of foreign fishermen into the country's waters also
contributed to the disruption of supply and fish prices in the market. News published by
Berita Harian said “the boat was believed to have been in the state's waters for more than two
weeks, and they were constantly changing locations every day after catching fish and squid
illegally” (Mamat, 2021). Another incident reported by Sinar Harian on 11 July 2020 told of
a fishing boat with catch and fishing equipment estimated to be worth RM1 million
confiscated (Tiga nelayan Vietnam ditahan tangkap ikan secara haram, 2020). This illegal
action is not good because severe overfishing drives species to ecological extinction.


Regardless the increasing in price, the consumption of fish keeps on increasing per
capita. Based on the study from Rahman, M. N., & Islam, A. R. (2020) the consumption level
is observed based on age categories, profession, gender, education, and income levels (p <
0.05). However, the study shows that education and income is positively significant with fish
consumption level while negatively significant to age categories. In addition, the study from
Can, M. F., Günlü, A., & Can, H. Y. (2015) also stated that there are significant different of
fish consumption between age categories, gender, education and marital status. The result
also shown positive significant between education and income.

I. Education

The educated must know about the importance of consuming nutritious and healthy food. For
example, tuna can maintain brain flexibility, improve intelligence, behavior, emotional and
social. It can also improve concentration and sharper thinking. On 28 February 2021, Astro
Awani has shared an article about nutritious foods are important because they can help
children focus, strengthen memory and stimulate the growth of brain cells. Can et al. (2015)
and Verbeke and Vackier (2005) investigated that higher education indicated higher level of
fish consumption, which was confirmed by the current study (Qasim, Qasim, & Nazir, 2020).
A study by (Rahman & Towfiqul Islam, 2020) also mention about Myrland et al. (2000)
found that graduates ate more fish species than other categories.

II. Income

Income also plays an important role in determining fish consumption. According to (Jimoh &
Mohammed, 2015), the positive sign shows that fish is a normal good such that, as income
increases, fish demand also increases to some extent; due to the increase in purchasing power.
With income set to increase, it is expected that the human consumption toward fish also
increase. In another study by (Kumar, Dey, & Paraguas, 2005) said that with the rise in per
capita income and technological development, the fish demand in India would increase
substantially with change in species mix. In addition, the study by (Qasim, Qasim, & Nazir,
2020) discovered that family income has positive impact on fish intake. So, with the higher
income, fish demand has been projected to increase.
Fathi, S., Harun, A. N., Rambat, S., & Tukiran, N. A. (2018). Current issues in aquaculture:
Lessons from Malaysia. Advanced Science Letters, 24(1), 503-
Rahim, S., Yunus, A., & Yusof, T. A. (2019, August 6). MyCC: Massive jump in price from
jetty to consumer for fish, especially kembung. New Straits
Rahman, M. N., & Islam, A. R. (2020). Consumer fish consumption preferences and
contributing factors: Empirical evidence from Rangpur city Corporation,
Bangladesh. Heliyon, 6(12), e05864.
Can, M. F., Günlü, A., & Can, H. Y. (2015). Fish consumption preferences and factors
influencing it. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 35(2), 339-

Jimoh, K. A., & Mohammed, S. T. (2015). Analysis of Fish Demand in Ilorin-West Local
Government Area, Kwara State, Nigeria. International journal of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries.
Kumar, P., Dey, M. M., & Paraguas, F. J. (2005). Demand for Fish by Species in India:
Threestage Budgeting Framework. Agricultural Economics Research Review.
Mamat, M. R. (28 february, 2021). Nelayan warga asing tangkap ikan secara haram ditahan.
Retrieved from berita harian:
Qasim, M., Qasim, S., & Nazir, N. (2020). n. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin.
Rahman, M. N., & Towfiqul Islam, A. M. (2020). Consumer fish consumption preferences
and contributing factors: empirical evidence from Rangpur city corporation,
Bangladesh. Heliyon.
Telur, ikan antara makanan terbaik buat anak makin bijak! Baca tip ini. (28 february, 2021).
Retrieved from Astro Awani:
Tiga nelayan Vietnam ditahan tangkap ikan secara haram. (11 julai, 2020). Retrieved from
sinar harian:

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