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One day Yudi sent a message to his friends in the Whatsapp group he created to discuss and study

together. Yudi wants to study together at Sadewa's house, in the group there are Yudi, Bima, Arjun,
Nakula and Sadewa. Yudi also sent messages to them through the group.

Yudi: Assalamu'alaikum Guys.

Bima, and Arjun: Wa'alaikumussalam

Yudi: How are you guys?

Arjun: Alhamdulillah it's fine

Yudi: Well guys, I have a suggestion, how about we hold a study together?

Bima: Your advice is good too. OK, I agree then.

Yudi: okay, what do you think (asked Yudi to Arjun)

Arjun: Of course you can, I always have free twenty four hours to day 😊

Bima: BTW, where do we study in groups?

Yudi: hmmmmm, how about in Sadewa's house.

Arjun: you can too, what time is it held?

Yudi: In my opinion, it's good at 13. 00 PM, noon. What do you think?

Bima: Okay, do it.

Yudi: Where did the others not respond?

Arjun: Earlier the Nakula was in her house, bathing her pet bird.

Not so long ago, the Nakula sent a message.

Nakula: Okay Broo, what's wrong? sorry just online (added Nakula)

Yudi: what about Nakula, do you want to study together at Sadewa's house or not, if you want us to
gather at 13. 00 PM

Nakula: Okay. No Problem Bro

Yudi: Okay, Fix, we will gather at Sadewa's house at 13.00

Si Yudi also contacted Si Sadewa about his plan to do group work at Sadewa's house, and Sadewa agreed
to the plan.

Several hours later, Yudi, Bima, Arju and Nakula arrived at Sadewa's house.

Yudi: Assalamu'alaikum (while knocking on the door of Sadewa's house)

Sadewa: Wa'alaikum greetings, who? (chilli screaming)

Yudi: This is me, Yudi and my friends too.

Si Yudi, Bima, Arjun and Nakula were waiting in front of Si Sadewa's house. Not long after that, Sadewa
opened the door of his house.

Sadewa: sorry guys, for making you wait.

Arjun: Ok, No problem.

Finally they entered Sadewa's house and studied together. After so long they studied together, they
began to feel bored and bored with their activities. Along with this, one of them, Bima, proposed an idea
that he felt could change the atmosphere of his friends.
Bima: Eh Guys, I have a idea, what if we are buy a drinks?

Yudi: What kind of drink, cold drink or fruit juice?

Bima: Not that drink, if it's normal. It's better if we buy alcoholic drinks only.

Sadewa: But if you want to drink liquor not at my house, I'm afraid my neighbors will catch you.

Bima: Take it easy, the most important thing is we just drink it in a quiet place. I'll buy the drink problem
later. (Bima persuaded)

Sadewa: OK, then we'll have a drink in a quiet hut near the rice fields.

Finally, they agreed with Bima's opinion and Bima immediately went to buy the alcoholic drink from a
shop in secret. When Bima arrived at the shop, Bima immediately chose the type of alcoholic drink he
wanted to buy.

Bima: Sir, I want to buy the alcoholic drink.

Budi: oh yes, bro, which drink do you want. There are McDonald's, Wishkey, Iceland, Red Label, Vodka,
Bintang Beer, Stamp Orang Tua, ARAK Bali, and Toak. : v

Bima: I just bought the stamp from my parents, Sir, how much is it?

Budi: 65 thousand per bottle.

Bima: I bought two bottles, yes Sir

Budi: okay, as bad as I get it.

Not long after, the seller came out with two bottles of alcoholic drink that Bima had ordered.

Budi: This is the drink you ordered.

Bima: Thank you Sir, here is the money (while giving Pas money to the seller)

After Bima bought the drink, Bima immediately returned to Sadewa's house, and the five of them left for
the designated place, namely a quiet hut in the area near the rice fields. The five of them had so much
fun at the time that they fell unconscious from drinking too much alcohol. When it was late in the
afternoon, there was an ustadz walking in the rice field and accidentally found the five of them in a state
of unconsciousness.

Ustadz: Astaghfirullahal'adzim, this is why you are sleeping here (while seeing the 5 correspondents). O
Allah, they were drunk (while shocked).

The ustadz kept trying to wake the five of them and not long after that Yudi and Bima woke up and got
up. Then Ustadz told them to help his friend who was not aware to be brought to the Ustadz's house.
After arriving at the Ustadz's house, Yudi and Bima were asked about the incident ..

Ustadz: Why did this happen Mas, what's the story?

Bima: (flashback to tell the story)

Ustadz: Astaghfirullah, remember what you and your friends are doing is not good and is strictly
prohibited by Islam, there is even no benefit at all for yourself and your life, so you better leave your
habit of drinking alcohol. this with your friends.

Yudi: Yes Sir ustadz, we realize that our behavior was wrong, we apologize profusely. We will try to
change ourselves and repent.

Ustadz: Yes, thank God if you can realize that. For a moment I will tell one of my students to make
medicine so that your friend will quickly wake up. Rohman (while calling one of his students)

Rohman: Yes, what's wrong?

Ustadz: Please make medicine for these 3 people

Rohman: Yes, kyai, I'll make it for a moment.

Not long after, Rohman finished making the medicine that Ustadz ordered.

Ustadz: You ask your friends to take this medicine (the cleric ordered Yudi and Bima)

Yudi: yes Ustadz, thank you

Bima: Ustadz already, so what do you do (Bima said)

Ustadz: Yes, be patient, soon they will also be aware.

Bima: Yes, Ustadz

Not long after, their three friends came to their senses, and the Ustadz told the 5 people.

Ustadz: I remind you again, don't you repeat doing actions that are prohibited by religion, for example
this alcohol. The law of drinking alcoholic beverages is haram, so don't drink it, if you still drink it, you will
get a sin and be put into the fire of hell in the afterlife.

Arjun: Yes Ustadz we admit we were wrong and we will try not to do it again.

Bima: If I can ask something from Ustadz, will Ustadz accept me from my friends to become a student of
Mr. Ustadz, and study religion from Ustadz?

Ustadz: Alhamdulillah then, I will be happy to accept you as my students

And in the end the five of them became the Ustadz's students and studied together with the Ustadz in
order to change their lives and morals so that they could be even better, and migrate together to get the
pleasure of Allah and be able to enter his paradise.

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