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Activity 12

1. Explain the relationship between moral acts and moral character (be able to cite example).
 So far, we have seen that one's actions reflect one's character, and they also form one's
character. Consequently, the morality of one's actions also reflects and forms one's
character. Good moral actions come from a good character and form a good character.
Bad moral actions come from and form a bad character. moral character is necessary for
moral behavior. I argued that moral character is relevant to moral behavior in two
important ways. First, given that I am already aware of what I ought to do of what the
“moral” action is, moral character facilitates doing that action. The person who has moral
character does moral actions more readily more easily and more willingly than one who
does not. I also argued that moral character matters in a second, much more fundamental
way: the person who has moral character is able to recognize what is moral and occasions
for moral behavior in a way that those who lack moral character cannot. Those who lack
moral character often fail to act morally because they simply fail, in many instances, to
recognize the morally relevant aspects of the situations they find themselves in.

 Everyone chooses the good (or what they believe to be the good), even someone acting
immorally or breaking the law has some good in mind. The thief steals a jacket, because
he thinks looking cool is a good or steals money, because he thinks being able to buy
things is a good. The physician who writes a prescription for contraception is choosing
the good of keeping a job or a reputation or (what he or she thinks is) the good of the
patient's health. But to know only an apparent good is to be hampered in choosing the
good. Full(er) knowledge of the good frees us to choose the true good rather than an
apparent good and therefore frees us to act in a truly moral way. More concretely,
choosing the good is “doing those things which truly constitute our fulfillment and

2. What was a defining moment in your life? What do you do to form your moral character?
 I remembered I was 5years old that time when my mother starts to spoil me with things
that I want. Since I was the only child back then and also a girl, everything that I wanted
like Barbie, cooking tools toys, dresses, etc. were automatically given to me. There's this
one time my mother told me that I became a spoiled brat and throwing tantrums are one
of the strategy that I used just to give me what I want, In the age of 8, my mom gave birth
to a boy; when my mom was in the hospital I have this yaya that always scold me
whenever I started to throw tantrums and one time I encountered an accident because of
my yaya, my life was 50/50 according to doctor and I was coma for 7 days, because of
the damage that I got from that incident. When I woke up, I realize that our life is
mysterious, that we can't have it forever thus, it helps me to realize that I am lucky
enough to have parents like them and I should not take it for granted, as for my yaya, my
mother fire her right after she knows what happened to me. As of today, I treat people
with kindness and I’m not spoiled anymore even if my mother wants me anything I want
since I am her only daughter. My mom raises me well, she always tells that if you want to
be respected then treat others with respect and be kind always, because we don't know
what that person goes through just to live in this world.

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