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1. What does "Eternal Law" mean?

God's Divine Wisdom, which oversees the common good and regulates everything, is
known as Eternal Law. The eternal law is God's purpose to lead all of creation to God's
eternal salvific plan of being holy and faultless before Him through Jesus Christ (Ephesians
2. What does "Natural Law" mean?
Natural law is an ethical and philosophical framework that asserts that humans have
inherent values that guide their reasoning and actions. It asserts that these moral principles
are innate in persons and are not imposed by society or courts.
3. What does Matthew 6:1-4 say about Jesus' teaching of hypocrisy?
In Matthew 6:1-4, Jesus warns that doing the right act for the wrong motive is not
righteousness. This follows on from His teaching in chapter 5, which emphasized on the
idea that ideas and attitudes are just as important as behaviors in determining
righteousness. Those who perform excellent deeds solely for the approval of others will not
be blessed by God. Because they're largely interested with worldly approval, hypocrites
make sure that everyone notices their donations and prayers. True worshippers contribute
quietly and pray alone behind closed doors; God the Father is aware of their giving and
rewards them.

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