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1. Explain how nuclear energy works.

Nuclear energy is the energy stored inside the center of the atom, called nucleus. In order to
release this energy, power plants split the middle of the atoms into smaller pieces. The
energy is released as heat, this heat is used to boil water to make steam, like a giant kettle.
The steam is a huge turbine that works as generator, that makes electricity. Off to it, the
steam cools down and turn back into water so it can be used again. The electricity that is
produce will then be distributed to homes and other facilities through wires.
2. Discuss the reasons why nuclear energy is awesome and terrible?
There are three reasons why nuclear energy is awesome.
 Nuclear energy is a life saver.
A study shown that this saved millions of people already from the past years. Among
all the renewable sources of energy in the world, nuclear energy ranks last in the
death tools of the energy generated per year. And its waste is stored safely so it can’t
harm the environment.
 Nuclear energy is a clean energy source as it reduces Co2 emissions which can
lessen the human made pollutions that result to global warming.
 Nuclear energy can be a tool for new technologies and innovations.
Just like the thorium reactor model which can be as an alternative in making nuclear
weapons that is less wasteful. One ton of Thorium is equivalent to 200 tons of
Uranium or 3,500,000 tons of coals, and what is incredible is that its wastes can only
be dangerous after a thousand couple of years.
However, there are also three reasons why we should stop using nuclear energy.
 Nuclear weapons proliferation, these weapons and bombs are extremely dangerous
that it can destroy a city in just a single nuclear bomb. While we are using the
electricity coming from nuclear plants, weapons are can also being charged with the
nuclear reactor energy.
 Nuclear waste and pollution. Nuclear wastes can cause to some serious problems
in the environment like erosions as they are stored for several years. Aside from its
harmful radioactive waste, this also produces chemical elements like plutonium
which is extremely dangerous to human health.
 Accidents and disasters. One of the first things most people think of when they
hear nuclear power plant is the disaster at Chernobyl. It’s estimated that there have
been as many as 10,000 deaths from the long-term effects of radiation in the region.
The Fukushima power plant crisis in 2011 showed that no matter how safe nuclear
power plants are designed to be, accidents can and do happen.

3. Discuss the process how electricity is produce in a nuclear plant, show the process
Nuclear power plants heat water to produce steam. The steam is used to spin large
turbines that generate electricity. Nuclear power plants use heat produced during nuclear
fission to heat water. In nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms,
releasing energy. Fission takes place inside the reactor of a nuclear power plant. At the
center of the reactor is the core, which contains uranium fuel. The uranium fuel is formed
into ceramic pellets. Each ceramic pellet produces about the same amount of energy as
150 gallons of oil. These energy-rich pellets are stacked end-to-end in 12-foot metal fuel
rods. A bundle of fuel rods, some with hundreds of rods, is called a fuel assembly. A
reactor core contains many fuel assemblies.

The heat produced during nuclear fission in the reactor core is used to boil water into
steam, which turns the blades of a steam turbine. As the turbine blades turn, they drive
generators that make electricity. Nuclear plants cool the steam back into water in a
separate structure at the power plant called a cooling tower, or they use water from lakes,
rivers, or the ocean. The cooled water is then reused to produce steam.

4. Lists down some products produce using nuclear energy and cite some advantages and
disadvantages in our society.
 Radioactive material that results from the fission, or splitting apart, of enriched
uranium or plutonium in nuclear reactors. E
Examples: cobalt-60, cesium-137 and iridium-192.
 Tailings or waste produced by processing uranium or thorium from ore.
 Certain processed radium-226 or material that becomes radioactive in a particle
accelerator used for a commercial, medical or research activity.
Examples: include fluorine-18, cobalt-57 and iodine-123.

 These materials can be use in civilian and military work.
 They are used in industrial radiography, gauges and well logging.
 The public also uses them in products such as smoke detectors, some exit signs,
static eliminators and some luminous watch dials.
 Medical licensees use byproduct materials to diagnose and treat patients in hospitals,
clinics or doctors’ offices.
 Colleges, universities and other institutions use byproduct materials in course work
and research

 These materials can remain radioactive and dangerous to human health for thousands
of years.
 Harmful effects on nature.
 Can lead to some serious disasters.

5. What are some mitigation to be done in order that our environment will not be affected
by nuclear works?

 Before disposal, nuclear waste needs to be in solid form and resistant to leaching.
 Blocking nuclear reprocessing for energy.
  Placing the waste in a deep (500 meters below the surface) and stable geological setting.
 Reduce the mass of long-lived, high-level waste using a technique known as partitioning
and transmutation.
 Used fuel must not be directly disposed.

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