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Research Paper Pattern 4 Outline

THESIS: Homeschooling children is not as effective as children attending a traditional school because there are not
enough government regulations on homeschooling; additionally, homeschooled children lack important social skills and
do not receive the best broad education.

I. First Main Point: Government regulations on Homeschooling
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. While some believe there are not strict enough government regulations on homeschooling,
others argue there should be no government or state interference.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Parents who homeschool are self-motivated and dedicated
(2) Violates human rights

B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence

1. Without Government requirements on homeschool education, children could be under the
instruction of parents without proper schooling.
a) Supporting details
(1) Nine states require a high school diploma
(2) Zero states require a college degree
(3) Homeschool teachers cannot learn from other teachers

C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence

1. Some parents see homeschooling as an educational alternative that does not have to abide
by government rules, regulations, or policies.
a) Supporting details
(1) Parents deprive children of academic instruction
(2) Parents homeschool to conceal mistreatment

II. Second Main Point: Homeschooled children and social skills

A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Critics argue the idea that homeschooled children struggle to develop social skills and form
relationships is extremely inaccurate.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Being surrounded by many children does not guarantee social relationships
(2) More opportunities outside of school

B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence

1. Traditional schools provide children with some of the most valuable and comprehensive
experiences while growing up.
a) Supporting details
(1) Interactions with other children
(2) Diverse groups of people

C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence

1. Social and relationship building skills developed at traditional schools are also crucial when
engaging with people in college and in the workforce.
a) Supporting details
(1) Skills learned at traditional schools
(2) Using those skills later in college and in the workforce
(3) Learning how to engage with groups of people
III. Third Main Point: Broad education
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Proponents of homeschooling insist that learning from home allows parents to teach their
children the things that are most important to them in a more cohesive manner.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Curriculum is more focused/consistent
(2) Students learn better at their preferred speed
(3) Learning specific information is not always most important

B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence

1. Numerous parents do not believe homeschooled students receive suitable education in core
a) Supporting details
(1) Students tend to struggle in mathematics (a STEM field)
(2) Tend to be exempt from routine assessments
(3) Curriculum is more lax

C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence

1. Many believe that students who are homeschooled do not receive the same benefits as students
attending a traditional classroom setting.
a) Supporting details
(1) Lack of beneficial school resources at home

D. Supporting detail 3 topic sentence

1. Oftentimes, homeschooled children end up falling behind academically.
a) Supporting details
(1) Younger children require more attention while older fall behind or vise/versa
(2) Education often ceases at 8th grade

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