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Does buying lots of things make you happy 

One of the most difficult questions in the world is this one. Some people thinks money
isn’t the most important thing in our life and we can live happy without it. Otherwise, some
people thinks that if we have money, we have happiness. I think like that second one.

Money doesn’t buy love ; friendship ; some kind of health, like it can’t buy the cure of
cancer ; if you have money you shouldn’t trust in wveryone because they only care about how
rich you are. There are more examples, but those are the popular ones.

Contrarily, people like me, think money can’ buy health, but it can buy you happiness
during sick. You can’t buy love or friendship, but you can buy adventures and stories.

Having lots of money, ins’t the same of buying everything in every shop, like clothes or
shoes. Milionairy people, buy things with lux, like an yacht, an house in every country they
stay, exaggerating.

Concluding, in my opinion, if I had money, I wouldn’t just buy clothes, shoes or earings,
I would travel making stories.

Maria Faia Colarinha J5

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