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J5 Beyond B1+ Summer Test Revision Units 6 – 9a

Name: ………………………………… Date: …. / …. / ……..

How much vocabulary can you remember from the last three units? Complete the mind maps below, then
compare with a partner.
Here are a few to get you started…
topping steam burglary warn blame motionless grill let smb down fall out
with smb grateful forgive donate inherit witness remains
shoplifting put up with



-ful and -less




Got them all? Check your books to be sure. How confidently can you use this vocabulary? Is there
anything that you’re unsure of?

Adjectives with –ful and –less S’s Bk p76 Relationships S’s Bk p82
Money S’s Bk pp72-73 Reporting verbs S’s Bk pp86-87
Crime S’s Bk p64 and pp60-61 Food S’s Bk pp94-95
Grammar Can’t have, could/may/might have, must have

Unit 6 p63 and p65

Should, must, have to, ought to, had better

Unit 7 p75 and p77

Conditionals review

How do you feel about these structures?

I know them.

I need a little bit more practice.

I need a lot more practice.

Third conditional Reporting Verbs

Unit 8 p85 and p87

Wishes and regrets: I wish and If only

How do you feel about these structures?

I know them.

I need a little bit more practice.

I need a lot more practice.

Use of English
We have done several First (J6) Use of English tasks this term. What technique do you use for
each one?
Open Cloze (e.g. p70 Top Three Art Crimes) Word Formation (worksheet)
Technique – Dos and Don’ts Technique – Dos and Don’ts

Pre-First Gold p71


Essay Article

Dos and Don’ts Dos and Don’ts

Read the essay question on p93 of your Student’s Book (ex3). Plan your essay…
Good plan 5/5    Bad plan 1/5

Letter of Application
Dos and Don’ts

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