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Gold B2 First, Unit 2 KEY

Cb p 16

1–4 Students’ own answers

Vocabulary Cb p 17
formation of adjectives


-able -ous -ic -al -ful

sociable adventurous realistic practical thoughtful
comfortable cautious dramatic emotional careful
lovable generous pessimistic harmful
predictable sympathetic helpful
reliable hopeful

6. sociable, comfortable, lovable, predictable, reliable,

adventurous, cautious, generous, realistic, dramatic, pessimistic, sympathetic, practical, emotional,
thoughtful, careful, harmful, helpful, hopeful, meaningful, useful

There is a stress change in: drama – dramatic, generosity – generous, pessimist – pessimistic,
reliability – reliable, sympathy – sympathetic.

7. Suffix: achtervoegsel Prefix: voorvoegsel

careless comfortless, loveless, thoughtless, useless, helpless, meaningless

Additional activity

unsociable, uncomfortable, unlovable, unpredictable, unreliable, unadventurous, ungenerous,

unrealistic, undramatic, unsympathetic, unemotional

Word formation (Part 3) Cb p. 17

8. People behave differently in different situations.
9. It is an adjective with a positive meaning.
The words in the gaps are:
Adjectives: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8; Nouns: 3 (singular), 4 (plural), 7 (plural)
10. 1 hopeful 5 unpredictable
2 pessimistic 6 adventurous
3 reality 7 differences
4 characteristics 8 meaningless
Reading focus Cb p.18
Multiple matching

Suggested answers
1. Students’ own answers
2. 1 A no B yes C yes D no
2 Yes, they all are.
3. always imagined = it seemed natural to me that …
follow in my parents’ footsteps = I too would study …
4. 1A 2D 3B 4D 5C 6A 7B 8C 9C 10D
5. Students’ own answers

Vocabulary Cb p.19
Phrasal verbs
1. talk (me) into
2. set up
3. put (me) off
4. make it
5. carry on
6. taken after
7. breaking into
8. worked out

Adverbs and adjectives Cb p 20

Answers Grammar Reference Cb p 142

Exercise 1
1. highly
2. lately
3. wrong
4. hardly
5. late
6. hard
7. high
8. wrongly

Cb p 20
Exercise 1
1. hardly
2. hard
3. friendly
4. easily
5. wrong
6. lonely
Exercise 2
1. adjectives: hard, friendly, lonely
adverbs: hardly, easily, wrong
2. wrong and hard can be both adjectives and adverbs.
They are both irregular, in that they have two adverb forms hard/hardly and
Exercise 3
1 freely 2 free 3 hard 4 hardly 5 lately 6 late 7 close 8 closely

Extreme adjectives, modifiers and intensifiers

Cb p. 20
Exercise 4
1. enormous, huge
2. amazing, wonderful, fantastic, brilliant
3. astonished, stunned
4. furious
5. terrified, petrified
6. beautiful, gorgeous, stunning
7. terrible, awful, disastrous
8. weird, unbelievable
9. impossible

Exercise 5
1. fairly
2. very
3. completely/absolutely
4. very
5. (an) absolutely, completely
6. a bit, fairly
7. very
8. absolutely, completely

Exercise 6
1. Really
2. absolutely
3. A bit
4. Quite
5. Quite

Listening focus Cb p. 21
Exercise 1
Students’ own answers

Exercise 2
Research, oldest children, most successful, middle children, happier than their
siblings, youngest child, least independent
Exercise 3
1. Evidence: leading happy, as well as successful, lives; responsible and
2. B

Exercise 4
1 B 2C 3B 4B 5C 6C 7A

Exercise 5
1. have the best chance of leading happy, as well as successful lives…
2. parents often encourage the oldest child to help their younger brothers and
3. I remember hating my younger brother and thinking that he was my parents’
favourite …
4. imaginative and artistic
5. where there are either two boys, or two girls, the birth order effect is stronger.
6. it’d be much easier for two third-born children ….
7. Our relationships outside our family can have just as much influence …

Exercise 6
Students’ own answers

Grammar reference answers Cb p 143

Exercise 3
1. to put up with
2. to buy
3. to do
4. to start
5. helping
6. to do
7. to help
8. being

Cb p. 22

Exercise 1
Students’ own answers

Exercise 2
A4 B1, 3, 5 C2

Exercise 3
1D 2E 3B 4C 5A
Exercise 4
1. both
2. –ing
3. the infinitive
4. the infinitive

Exercise 5
Students’ own answers

Exercise 6

1 A making
B to make (stop + -ing = discontinue an activity, stop + infinitive = in order to)
2 A phoning
B to phone (try + -ing = do something as an experiment, try + infinitive = make an effort to
do something difficult)
3 A to buy
B buying (remember + -ing = refers back to the past, remember + infinitive = refers forward
in time)
4 A to tell
B telling (regret + -ing = refers to the past, something you are sorry about, regret + infinitive
= used to give bad news)
5 A giving
B to give (forget + -ing = couldn’t remember something happening, forget + infinitive =
didn’t remember to do something)

Exercise 7
1. telling
2. to set up
3. to sell
4. to buy
5. sewing
6. to study
7. to get away
8. enrolling
9. to see
10. producing
11. to persuade
12. working
13. to make
14. to perform

Collaborative task (Part 3)
1. Students’ own answers
2. twin sister/brother (Alana thinks you would tell a twin sister everything; Federico is close to his
brother); grandparents (you learn a lot from them; they are patient and kind); father/son
relationships (you can share hobbies); teacher (teachers can have a huge effect; a friend of
Alana’s was encouraged to take up drama and become an actor).

Agreeing Disagreeing politely Asking opinions

So do I I’m not convinced What about you?
Neither do I I’m not sure about that What’s your view…?
That’s very true I see what you mean, but…
I hadn’t thought of that Well, actually …
Good point
I suppose so

Expressions of agreement that are uncertain: I suppose so; OK, but …

4-5 Students’ own answers

Writing focus
Essay (Part 1)
1. Students’ own ideas
2. 1C 2B 3F 4A 5E 6D
3. 1, 4, 6
4. Points 1, 2 and 3 in paragraph 2. Point 2 also in paragraph 3
5. This makes playing with other children outside the family easier; because they may be jealous
of each other; because you don’t have shared memories; so it’s always possible to make
friends with your sibling as adults
6. 1 Even though 2 However 3 On the other hand 4 Despite

7. Sample answer
We may all have strong ideas about whether it is better to
have parents that are older or parents that are younger. However, there are advantages and
disadvantages to both situations.
If you have young parents, they will still be quite young
when you are growing up, so you may have similar interests. They may remember more clearly
what it is like to be a teenager or young adult.
Older parents might not have as much energy as younger
parents. This could mean it is more difficult for them to deal with sleepless nights and the physical
effort it takes to look after young children.
On the other hand, younger parents don’t have the same
experience of life as older parents. Older parents have been through many good and bad times
before their children are born. This means that they might be more able to deal with unexpected
While there are good and bad things about having older or younger parents, the most important
thing is to enjoy being with them. After all, it isn’t possible to make your parents any younger or

Review Cb p.25
1. 1 (have to) carry on
2 takes after
3 set up
4 put me off
5 make it
6 talk me into
2. 1 hardly hard
2 closely close
3 absolutely very/really
4 very absolutely
5 free freely
6 completely very/really
7 a bit absolutely
8 hardly hard
3. 1 confident
2 independent
3 practical
4 sociable
5 creative
6 cautious
4. 1 reliable
2 imaginative
3 adventurous
4 realistic
5 hopeless
6 sympathetic
5. 1 having
2 to work
3 running
4 to lock
5 to invite
6 working
7 finish
8 not to

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