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Constitution of the CVCS Liturgy Action Committee


Cedar Valley Catholic Schools (CVCS) Mission Statement

The Mission of Cedar Valley Catholic Schools (CVCS) is to provide an exceptional Catholic edu-
cation for every student, built on a foundation of faith, discipline, knowledge and service.

Article I Name
The name of this body will be the CVCS Liturgy Action Committee.

Article II Mission and Purpose

Sec. 1 CVCS is to provide an exceptional Catholic education for every student, built on a foun-
dation of faith, discipline, knowledge and service.
Sec. 2 The CVCS Liturgy Action Committee, led by the Holy Spirit and under the direction of
the campus minister, supports and fosters the spiritual and liturgical life of our school
community by:
· Enhancing the celebration of Christ’s True Presence in the Eucharist;
· Encouraging full, active, and conscious participation to foster a sacramental people;
· Celebrating the fullness of God’s grace and mercy in the Sacraments; and
· Supporting liturgical ministers with training and ongoing formation.
Article III Membership
Sec. 1 Members of the committee will be appointed by the campus ministry, with the approval
of the administration. Members are chosen for their experience in liturgy and/or interest
and willingness to learn. Committee members may make recommendations for member-
Sec. 2 Membership will be a minimum of 10 persons and maximum of 12 persons. Required po-
sitions should be filled by the Campus Minister, a music minister, one person from CHS
Theology department, one person from the Blessed Maria Theology department, one
Blessed Maria Faculty member, two CHS Faculty members, one student representative
from each school, and a Pastoral Coordinator.
Sec. 3 The executive secretary is an ex-officio member of the committee.

Article IV Term
Sec. 1 Members will serve a term of one (1) year and may be reappointed by the campus minster
and/or administrator.
Sec. 2 Members are invited to reapply after their one year term expires.
Sec. 3 Terms of office begin on August 1 of the year of appointment.

Article V Officers
Sec. 1 The liturgist serves as executive secretary of the committee.
Sec. 2 The chairperson and the vice-chairperson of the Liturgy Committee will be elected by a
majority vote of the members present at the last regular meeting before August 1. Terms
of office will be one year. Officers may be re-elected.
Sec. 3 Duties of the chairperson are to preside at meetings, serve on the executive committee
and appoint chairpersons of ad hoc committees. Duties of the vice-chairperson are to pre -
side at the meetings in the absence of the chairperson and to serve on the executive com-
Sec. 4 A recording secretary will be appointed by the chairperson.

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Constitution of the CVCS Liturgy Action Committee

Article VI Meetings
Sec. 1 The committee meets monthly, excluding June and July. The pastor, executive secretary,
or chairperson may call special meetings.
Sec. 2 The decisions of the committee are the result of a process of consensus. Voting shall be
used only for the election of officers and when the committee cannot achieve a consen-
Sec. 3 A quorum is a majority of the membership.
Sec. 4 A decision vote is a majority of those present.
Sec. 5 Statements, recommendations and policies are effective only upon the approval of the
campus minister and pastoral coordinator.

Article VII Committees

Sec. 1 Ad hoc committees will be established by the committee to work on specific tasks.
Sec. 2 The chairperson of an ad hoc committee will be appointed by the chairperson of the com-
Sec. 3 Ad hoc committees may draw membership from outside the membership of the commit-
tee, subject to the approval of the executive committee. At least one member of the ad
hoc committee will be a member of the committee.

Article VIII Amendments

Sec. 1 Two-thirds vote of the membership is needed to approve amendments to the constitution.
Written notice is required with the advance agenda for the meeting.
Sec. 2 Subsequent confirmation by the pastor is required for an amendment to become effective.

Date: August 9, 2016

__________________________________ ________________________________
Rev. Scott Bullock, Pastoral Coordinator Haleigh Bries, Campus Minister

__________________________________ ________________________________

CHS Representative Blessed Maria Representative

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