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Burhan, Mahassen G.

NLM ll


Problem Focus Action Response

Sever Diarrhea Diarrhea related to irritable bowel dis- Assessed patient general status, per- Patient was able to report reduction in
order as evidenced by loose stools. formed bedside care, provided patient frequency of stools, returned to more
comfort, monitored normal stool
and recorded vital signs, tt & O and consistency, identified and avoided
02 saturation, assessed pain score. contributing factors such as poor hy-
Observed and documented giene, eating large amounts
stool frequency, characteristics, of meat and fibers and drinking poor
amount, and precipitating factors, quality water——————————
promoted bedrest, if indicated, RN.BURHAN.
and provided bedside commode.
Restarted oral fluid intake gradually,
discussed patient's usual diet,
provided opportunity to vent frustra-
tions related to disease process, ad-
ministered medications, as

Problem Focus Action Response

Shortness of breath Airway proper positioning in semi-fowlers The patient has clear and open
Assess the amount, quality and color airways as evidence by normal
of the sputum ,Monitored respiration breath sounds. normal rate and
,heat and cold application. depth of respiration .
Give medication as prescribed ———————————————

Problem Focus Action Response

Fever and chills Fever Temp 38 C,Skin warm to touch , flush Afebrile, Temp:37 C degree
skin,dry lips. ————————
Increase fluid intake, cold compress,
paracetamol medication as ordered
Problem Focus Action Response

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