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a major concern of living in the didgital era is how
technology shapes one's sense of self and
identity.there is no doubt that the beliefs, value
orientation, and behavior of individual especially
those constantly exposed are heavily influenced
by technology. one concept that is related to the
conceptof the digital self is online disinhibtion.
The digital self is the persona you use when you're
online. Some people maintain one or more online
identifies that are distinct from their “real world” selves;
others have a single online self that's more or less the
same as the one they inhabit in the real world.
Abundance Mindset
The power of digital is transformative. Individuals and
organizations operating from a scarcity mindset typified by
hoarding of knowledge, grasping of power, and a perception
of the world as a zero-sum game cannot function optimally
in a digital world. An abundance mindset symbolized by a
collaborative and cooperative approach, open-mindedness,
gratitude, appreciation and trust are hallmarks of a digital
and connected world. When organizations comprehend
this, they will be able to thrive in a digital world.

Interaction is referred to as an
empathic failure and will possibly
have consequences. Children
remain developmentally concrete
for many years and cannot
comprehend who their parent is
communicating with or why. They
just experience the disconnect
and the fact that something they
don't understand is coming in
between their relationship with
their parent.
is a kind of excessive self-love, and another common
byproduct of developing our e-personality or digital self.
The fact is: due to our growing ability to customize and edit
our online presence, it’s very easy to get caught in the trap
of thinking we are more important than we really are.
Anyone who uses sites like Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter
has probably exaggerated some claims about themselves in
order to seem more like their “ideal” self, even if it is just
building your friends list so that you seem more popular.
This formation of a “digital self” often doesn’t just harm
our own self-perception, but also the people we choose
to treat while inhabiting this self. Because the internet
can give us a superficial sense of power and authority,
many people often abuse this power by hurting others.
Cyberbullying especially is becoming a huge problem in
schools everywhere. Some victims have been so badly
harassed online that they have dropped out of school or
even committed suicide.

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