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Exercise 1. Poster Making

Group Name/No.: _____________________________ Date Submitted: __________

(Ancient Period)

(Middle Age) (Modern Age)

(Philippine Invention)

a. What is the invention?

Discovery is the product of knowledge – the adaptation of mind to reality. Invention is the
product of creativity – the adaption of reality to mind. Our group came up with one invention on each
era, first is in the Ancient Period which is concrete, Middle Age is eyeglass, Modern Age is automobile
and Philippine Inventions is microchip.

b. What are the precursors of your chosen invention? What tools existed prior to it or how
did people carry out activities before its invention?
The precursor to concrete was invented in about 1300 BC when Middle Eastern builders found
that when they coated the outsides of their pounded-clay fortresses and home walls with a thin, damp
coating of burned limestone, it reacted chemically with gases in the air to form a hard, protective
Before every other form of transportation, humans traveled on foot. ... Many types of
transportation systems such as boats, trains, airplanes, and automobiles were based on the internal
combustion engine.
There are 13th-century European examples of handheld convex lenses that were used to treat
age-related vision loss known as presbyopia. (We'd call them reading glasses today.) But the
technology wasn't applied to treat nearsightedness for another 200 years. One of the first known
examples of a handheld, concave lens appears in an early 16th-century.

d. What were the social, political, cultural, or economic contexts in which the invention was
Technology- broadly understood as material artifacts or assemblages of artifacts used by humans
to reconfigure social, political, cultural and economic activity. In this context the two biggest technology
drivers are agriculture and war are studied in detail. While new inventions created more effective and
devastating weapons of war used to kill and destroy. Throughout the course, numerous technologies are
scrutinized and examined in terms of their cost versus benefit to society. It also investigates how
technologies are inter-related and how cultural factors affect the acceptance or rejection of technology.
Throughout history, new inventions and innovations have produced more food, created new tools, made
life easier, and war more devastating. Today technology influences and affects every aspect of our life.
However, we often forget that it profoundly affected the lives of past generations dating back to the
beginning of civilization. Perhaps not to today’s extent, but the impact was still dramatic.
e. What were the social, political, cultural, or economic impacts of your chosen invention?
Our modern lives are filled with technologies. In fact, they have become so integrated into our
lives that many of them are frequently used but never really thought about. Few people stop to consider
that civilization once lived on without them. Many of these technologies are so common today that they
have become almost invisible. The impact of technology on our lives is substantial, even though it may
not be obvious, understood, or even considered. For many, it is simply accepted. Technologies have
changed the way people live, work, and play. However, this is not a new phenomenon. Technology has
changed civilization in many ways throughout all of history. Today, few people stop to consider the
social, economic, and political impact technology has had on our lives. The social, political, economic
and cultural impacts of technologies are explored to determine their positive and negative effects. While
new inventions created more effective and devastating weapons of war used to kill and destroy.
Throughout the course, numerous technologies are scrutinized and examined in terms of their
cost versus benefit to society. It also investigates how technologies are inter-related and how cultural
factors affect the acceptance or rejection of technology. The intent of the course was to enhance the
student’s understanding of how technologies developed and why. The material covered helps us to
understand and recognize our dependence on technology and its impact on our lives. In this inventions
people will know the use and effects of technology in order to be better prepared for the new
technologies of the future.

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