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Answer the following questions

1. What happens when youth departs?

When youth departs, it takes something from our hearts and it never comes again.

2. How does a person feel when he is youthful?

When a person is youthful, he feels that something sweet with flying feet is following him.

3. The poet says, “We sigh in vain”. Why?

The poet says, “we sigh in vain: because when youth is gone, we feel that something
beautiful has vanished and it is impossible to bring it back.

4. Where does a person look for youth, after it is gone?

After youth is gone, a person looks for it everywhere, on the earth and in the air.

5. Why does the poet compare losses and gains with youth?
The poet compares losses and gains with youth to bring out the contrast between them. If
we lose something, there is always a possibility of regaining it back, whereas if youth is lost,
it can never be brought back.

6. What is the message of the poem?

The poem conveys the message that one should make the best use of one’s youth because
once it is gone, it never comes again.

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