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The hostage-taking happened first in the Alabama ship which was

handled by Captain Phillip. Captain Philipp and his crew were held captive
when four Somalian Pirates hijacked their ship. During the negotiation
happened inside the Alabama ship, some of the procedures that needs to be
followed during negotiations were followed but some weren’t. First, the captain
was able to stabilize and contain the situation when the hostage-takers were
boarded in the Alabama ship. He was able to warn his crew and place his crew
in a safe area. However, he wasn’t able to hide himself and two of his crew.
Second, the captain did allow the hostage-taker to speak. He doesn’t intervene
while they are talking about what they want, and he just answer their question
and follow what they ask him to do. Moreover, the captain was able to avoid
the hostage-takers attention in finding his crew members who remained
hidden. He tried to direct the attention of the hostage-takers by leading them to
parts of the ship which is away from the crew and giving them food and water.

In addition, the captain never dismisses any request from the hostage-
takers. He never says no, and he just follow their orders. He also softens the
demands of the hostage-takers by offering $30,000 cash. Lastly, the captain
takes his time in negotiating with the hostage-takers, this was portrayed when
he doesn’t hastily give in to the request of the hostage-takers even though they
threatened to kill them within a minute if his crew doesn’t show up.

While on the other hand, there are protocols that were not followed with
the negotiation that happened in the ship. When the crewmate captured the
captain of the hostage-takers, they negotiated with the other hostage-takers.
And during their negotiation, they allow exchange of hostage even though they
are unarmed, and they don’t have enough knowledge on how to handle the
situation. This led to the captivation of Captain Philipp and the escape of the
hostage-taker using the Alabama’s sailboat.

In this part, the US NAVY was involved in the process, and they
negotiated to save captain Phillip. First procedure followed is that the US
NAVY, a law enforcement association, participated in the hostage negotiation.
They were trained on how they should handle things given the location that the
hostage-taking happed in the ocean then its best to hand-over the matter to
the US NAVY. During the negotiation, they started with a US NAVY member
who could speak the hostage-takers native language. By using this negotiator,
they were able to stabilize the situation because they were able to understand
the demands of the hostage-takers and this likely give assurance to the
hostage-takers that the negotiator was able to understand their demands and
that they are willing to give what they ask for in exchange for the hostage. In
addition, the negotiator was able to select the right time to contact the hostage-
taker because they are about to shoot the hostage if they didn’t call and talks
about giving the ransom money asked. Moreover, the US NAVY took their time
negotiating and allowed the hostage-takers to speak, because they negotiated
wisely when the negotiation is happening, they expressed their conditions to
the hostage-taker, and they determined the hostage takers demand during the
negotiation. Furthermore, the negotiator didn’t dismiss any demands from the
hostage-takers, and he never accept a deadline. Moreover, the US NAVY moved
the Alabama Ship together with the crew away from the scene because they are
not experienced on how they should handle the situation and also for their

However, there are procedures that were done by the US NAVY that
could harm the hostage. First, they were the one to start an offer. They offer
food and water even though the hostage-takers are demanding money. They
weren’t able also to avoid direct frequent attention to the victim because they
always asked for the hostage. Furthermore, they make alternate suggestion
that is not initially agreed upon. This happened when they suggested that they
should receive the money in their boat with the presence of their elders. This is
also a trick which is dangerous because this triggered the other hostage-taker
wherein he almost shot the hostage if the US NAVY weren’t just lucky to have a
sighting of the three hostage-takers which enables them to kill them all. Lastly,
they weren’t able to avoid face to face negotiation, but the good thing is that
they were armed so they can protect themselves incase a riot occurs.

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