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Karl Henderson, Senior Manager, Santa Clara, California iy : cg. Me has boon will Karl Henderson isan American with a master's degree in electrical engineering: He has beet Metionie Systems for five years. He has never traveled ouside the United States, and he inks hehas a good idea of what Indian, Taiwanese, Brazilian and British people ae ike from the mS he has watched. Henderson, who has a typical California accent, uses all the Amertt® communication rituals and expects everyone to understand him and respond in a simmar manner He is a very consensus-driven manager and generally wants all team members (0 participate an Voice their opinions. He does not push a decision on any team member 4 to hearing from After finally deciding on the time of the first meeting, he is looking forwar introduced everyone, He forwarded the same e-mail his VP sent to all team members and briefly himself. This is his agenda for the meeting: © Use this fi ut any technical is t meeting to lear about each team member and not to talk too much abot sues, © Tell everyone each team member has to be flexible with his or her time schedule for this project. «© Bricourage Chris Haines to take the lead in some of the discussion because he could handle the project from the United States in Henderson’s absence. Henderson has high regard for Haines and knows Haines has been waiting for this opportunity. © Tell everyone to use the DBX system for data storage © Ask Charles Kiew about fabrication unit capabilities because Henderson knew Crystal Fabrication Labs was still working on the 6-micron technology. Ask Sarah McGraw about the design code she had written. McGraw is the most important person to Henderson on this team, and he wants to make sure she is always within reach (virtually) « Alert Jules Shelford that he has seen the specs and knows they would have to be changed because what he wrote was not feasible for the technology currently being used. Chris Haines, Hardware Engineer, Santa Clara, California Chris Haines is an American with an engineering degree. He has been with Metrionic Systems for three years and has worked with Henderson on two projects. He doesn’t like Henderson very much because he never reacts to anything Haines says. ‘This relationship dynamic has led Haines to believe that Henderson has a very low opinion of him. Haines also ie working on another Project and is in no mood to do too much work on Henderson "s project. He decides that he will Just listen to what Henderson has to say in this meeting and not comment on anything. Jules SI i helford, Associate Director of Marketing, London d has been in marketing all his life ondon J has Jules Shelfc ' bi ee yond degree in marketing i office; he speaks Saran see eae of marketing and works out of the L visited the U.S. Office twice. : ish accent. He has been with the firm for 10 years and ice. Shelford had initially wanted the UK engineering team to develop the product, but because of a lack of technical expertise, the proj pushed to the US {had to be II his working life, Shelford has heard engineering teams ss they cannot detiver on the ly thought the engineering teams gave ‘absurd reasons for changing reality was that they just didn’t want to work hard ough. He wants team. marketing spec: the specs. He believed the to make sure - in this first meeting boss is and exactly how the product should be mad hours are only from “nine (0 five” He gene team know who the real that Henderson and the rest of the le, He also wants to tell them that business Vikram Malhotra, Senior Manager, Bangalore, India Vikram Malhotra has an engineering degree and an MBA from a prestigious Indian university. He has been with Metrionic Systems’ Indian office for six years and is glad to be part of this Project. He is certain his team knows the most about network storage devices. In his previous work, however, he had experienced some friction between the U.S. and Indian offices. It was almost like dealing with two different companies because the offices did not share a common identity. The Indian office believed the U.S. office sent all menial work to India, took credit for any achievements, and blamed it for anything that went wrong. This time, though, Malhotra believes he should be assertive from the beginning and not behave like someone who can be pushed around. His team had already been using the DI data storage system and in the meeting he wants to make sure everyone uses the same system. He believes there is no system better than Di. Malhotra is detail-oriented and aggressive. He wants to be the first person to answer every question in the meeting. The meeting date and time incidentally clashed with a birthday party he was supposed to take his son to; Malhotra was miffed the team members were not consulted about their availability, especially given that people are in different countries. He wants to make sure he makes this point at the first meeting. Sarah McGraw, Hardware Engineer, Sydney, Australia Sarah McGraw is Australian and holds an undergraduate degree in electronics. She joined Metrionic Systems one year ago and is the only person who has coding experience relevant to the project. She has been working from home in Australia for one month, while taking care of her ailing father. Her house has poor Internet connectivity. She had recently decided she would work only three out of five days on this project. She wants Henderson to know about this. She also wants him to know that some scripts she had written were derived from the designs of her previous company and that she feels uncomfortable sharing them with the team. Charles Kiew, Manufacturing Head, Crystal Fabrication Labs, Taiwan Charles Kiew, an engineer, is Taiwanese and has just learned English. He is the manufacturing head of Crystal Fabrication Labs and has worked for Metrionic Systems in the past fabricating chips. He hardly speaks, and every time someone asks him a question, he takes time understanding what the person means and then calmly answers. In telephone meetings, he also sometimes will answer questions only after consulting a nearby Taiwanese colleague during the conversation itself (many times without asking for people to hold and without using the mute function). He has a habit of not speaking unless called upon, but he is keen on letting Henderson know that Crystal Labs has a great 9-micron fabrication technology. If asked about 6-micron (which Crystal Labs hasn’t built yet), he plans to avoid the question. Diago Silva, Marketing Head, GB Systems, Brazil Diago Silva is the marketing head of GB Systems in Brazil, Metrionic Systems’ preferred vendor of raw materials. He is very excited about this meeting. He thinks his English is good enough, even though he sometimes answers in Portuguese and then takes time to translate to English. He wants to talk about his team, his office and his company’s extensive experience in providing raw materials to the electronics industry. He wants to ensure that GB Systems keeps getting business from Metrionic Systems.

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