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Reflection on positive psychology




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Reflection on positive psychology



Gibb's model is one more way of reflection. It is liked the most because it is vivid and on

point as it tells about people's experiences. It includes Description, thoughts, and feelings,

evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. It is an accessible, simple, handy model

which covers a variety of experiences.

Positive Psychology

A description of my learning of positive psychology includes that it deals with the wellness

and optimism of people and their behaviours. My further understanding is that it is the

psychology of how a healthy and normally functioning mind works compared to mentally

distressed ones. William James defines this as healthy mindedness. Under this study,

scientists strive to discover the stressors and speculate the reasons behind unhealthy

relationships that affect one's psychological state (Dickerson & Kemeny,2004). This is all

associated with the psychology behind a normal and well-functioning human being. This

term was officially originated by Abraham Maslow, while Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi searched

for the reasons behind how and why people are happy and optimistic as compared to the

mentally sick or distressed ones. Mihaly did this through the Experience Sampling Method to

search for the experience of flow in the 1980s( Horvath,1980). There are scales regarding

positive psychology, which are optimism, self-efficacy, and self-esteem, introduced in 1991

by Synder. It can also be measured through the (HM) Happiness Measures scale. My feelings

towards positive psychology are that it is motivating, encouraging, and helpful because my

evaluation of positive psychology is that interventions need to happen at every level of

influence, for example, in schools, with families, etc. It is also important that positive

psychology interventions are appropriate for individual cases. My conclusion of positive

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psychology is that there are good and bad examples of interventions. In practice, learning

about positive psychology will mean I can be more resilient in life and overcome the traumas

with Mindfulness. I learnt that there is a way to get out of the mental trauma, and that is

positive psychology.

Resilience, Mindfulness and Hope Interventions

Resilience is, in general, moving on from a traumatic incident or trouble and recovering back

from it to continue daily life. It has been studied since the 19th century (Hjemdal, 2007).

According to (Arnau 2002; Carle & Chassin, 2004; Juffer, Stams, & van IJzendoorn, 2004),

resilience varies from population to population. If one event is tragic to a certain population,

it may not be tragic to others. Hence the other one would prove to be more resilient and

happier. According to Carle and Chassin, 2004 adaptation to a certain event would prove to

be the reason behind a resilient population. However, hope and Mindfulness are entirely on

the other side but co-related as per Alvord & Grados, 2005; Baer et al., 2006; Cohen et al.,

2008; Collins & Kuehn, 2004; Hand, 2004; Hemenover, 2003; Keltner & Walker, 2003;

Langer & Moldoveanu, 2000; McAdam-Crisp, 2006; Wallace & Shapiro, 2006. Unlike

resilience, hope and Mindfulness can be increased or learned by a person himself if they are

being willful for it (Baer et al., 2006; Brown & Ryan, 2004; Snyder, 1994). They are

dependent upon physical, mental, and social risks. Mindfulness and hope are also concluded

to help in reducing the adverse effects of painful or traumatic life incidents. In a setting where

there are more tragic events, there is a person who intentionally learns Mindfulness and hopes

then can become resilient to the tragic events that happen a lot. Such as children with a

history of more abuse or a life of children with no parents to supervise or protect. However, if

hope and Mindfulness are not intentionally brought up to learn resilience from the tragic

events, it is useless.

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Perceptions of Mental Illness and changes in legislation

Description: All literate persons may recognize mental illnesses through mental health

literacy but may have a stigma against laypeople regarding mental disorders. Mental health is

an ignored concept in most of the countries that are struggling to get developed. Mental

health is disordered to every one out of four people because of specific behaviours and

certain ways of thinking. Beliefs regarding mental illness are built up by one's surroundings,

environment, company, and ware bouts. It keeps on varying as the awareness increases in an

individual's area. The concepts and sets of beliefs of the people can be determined from their

help-seeking patterns. Fixed stereotyped perceptions are those that are made because of a lack

of awareness and personal knowledge. At the same time, open-minded approaches and beliefs

are made through personal knowledge, research, and increased awareness of the issue.

However, the stigma and taboo have been almost broken completely in developed countries

through awareness campaign's introduction to the subject in educational institutions, a

location of international mental health awareness day, starter of the foundations and media

campaigns for mental health, and lastly, the availability and accessibility to the mental care

pactions and organizations. However, developing countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Siri

Lanka, Iran, Afghanistan, Nepal, etc., are still fighting to break the stereotypes and achieve an

open-minded approach regarding perceptions of mental illnesses. Nonetheless, I think that the

legislation still needs to change to spread awareness and correct the perception of mental



It feels good that compared to when psychologists suffered criticism for representing new

psychological dogmas versus now when people have finally started to believe and accept

psychological issues. I was surprised by the survey's finding that most of the taboo has been

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broken and that people have started to be more aware of the mental health situation around

the world. I was shocked by the assessment in A&E, the role of the police and happy to see

the recommendations for future legislation because if the legislations get stronger in this

topic, then mental health issues will have groundbreaking confidence in the society, and

people will start to suffer less. This way, a greater number of people will start to seek help. I

am of the opinion that this topic should be brought up on the biggest platforms as possible to

break the remaining stigma.


To evaluate, the world's people should not suffer from mental health issues considering it a

stereotype and ignoring it. People should be warned and taught about such concepts. It is

shocking and disappointing to see that the progress is not uniform all over the world, but it

varies from country to country, which is not fair. An effort for mental health must be

internationally made so that no country is behind. The stigma against mental health must end

because it is not accurate to label mentally sick persons as mad people. Everybody deserves

treatment and a right to live.


In conclusion, a white paper was established on Feb 11, 2021, by the Department of Health

and Social Care presented proposals to act in light of them to cope with the country's mental

health situation. It proposed an establishment of a strong and accessible care system. It aimed

towards perfecting the health care system to the extent that it becomes effective enough to

care for the people. It also proposed the removal of competition and procurement rules to

empower the NHS system. It also emphasized deducting useless bureaucracy from the

system, which was considered to hamper the growth of an effective mental health care

system. The aim was to build up public confidence by empowering accountability. The

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criticism is that this proposal, unfortunately, was posted at the time of the pandemic, and

every institute was in crisis. The proposal was too demanding as it asked for a drastic change

in the commissioning bodies. The cost was also needed for such improvements, such as in

staff which meant that the implementation and the outcome could not be immediate.

Therefore, the proposal could not bring about the change that was exactly needed.

However, furthermore, in conclusion, I suggest that there could be a change in the

accountability system of the health care system. I think it should be a subject to the spotlight

that there is immense importance of the personal stories of the people that provide much

learning to the psychologists and the helping mental health care institutes. Therefore, I

suggest that they must be emphasized that much.


In practice, Learning about this topic has made it clear to me that mental health matters. The

stigmas and stereotypes are meant to be broken. I think that the illiteracy in the world now

has to be finished through various efforts and means. Mentally sick people are not mad but

sick. Mental health issues are not to be judged but to be dealt with with care and the help of a

medical practitioner.

Mental health data trends and changes across the life course

To describe, the main relationship between the mental health data trends is directly

proportional to the age of the people. This varies upon the time spent and whether it turns into

negative mental health, also known as psychopathological symptoms. Or it can also turn into

positive psychology, known as subjective well-being. It is also proven by the study that

mental health support also fluctuates throughout one life course. Studies also show that

mental health rating is dependant upon the socioeconomic condition and cultural background

of the people. Still, further studies and research is needed to drive mental health data because

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it is difficult to study the full life span of the people and then compare it to different states

(Brailovskaia, 2014). My feelings about it is that as people spend more time of their life, ther

experiences broaden up. So, when their experiences increase, its’ effect upon their mental

health increases simultaneously. My experience is increasing day by day but uptil now, they

are negative because of all traumas I have suffered. My mental health started off by being

posstive and health when I was born, but now they have changed into the ones with negative

effect. After my horandous traumas which left me feeling devastated, I am trying to imrpove

my mental health for better. My evaluation is that those negative events that made me suffer

from depression, PTSD, anxiety, ulcer, joint pain and panic attacks have taught me possitive

lessons. The possitve lessons shaped me up as a stronger and wiser person for the future. I

have learnt that nobody can make someone else stronger or become a lifetime shelter or even

grow old together possitively. My analysis is that people will always come to hurt and break

others because we came alone in this world and will go back alone too. So, it is only us who

can truly help our selves, someone else will fix you. It is my life and one has to struggle to

own it and beat every demotivating person out of the way because people will always come

to knock you off the bridge. But what did not go well as an experience, was that, even

parents, siblings and family can be selfish and enemy. This taught me that there are no well-

wishers in the society. As a conclusion, I have learnt is that It is the creater and one’s self, the

whole life. Although motivaters and hopfeul people exist, but no one can truly help another

or enable one to stand on their feet. It is our life, we have to learn the rules ourself because

nobody else will. Many of my friends, realitives, siblings and mates have the similar view

and experience as well. My practice or action plan is that I will not expect people who are

nice and kind to me, to help me in my darkest times too. I will not let negative people’s word,

swipe me off my feet. I will only listen to the possitive and hopeful words and negate the

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negative ones. I will let it in from one ear and let it out from the other. I will be praciticing

mindfulness and possitivity only.

Overall Conclsuison

Overall conclusion is that mentally sick people should go and seek help whilst ignoring the

negative ones. Minfulness, hope, resilliance, determination and hope is the key. If education

regarding mental illnesses is provided, circumstance might improve a little bit. Even a small

difference counts and it can save or improve many people’s life. Mentally sick people should

remind themselves that there is hope and help that they can find if they strive. They should

commeomrate this in their mind that negative people and thoughts intervene, only to kill your

hope. Lastly, while mentall ill people try to achieve hope, negative people and their illnesses

should be structured through behavioural coaching or therapies.

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2021., T. U. o. E., Nov 11, 2020. Gibbs'Gibbs' Reflective Cycle.

Fordyce, M. W., 1987. A Review of Research on the Happiness Measures: A Sixty Second

Index of Happiness and Mental Health. Springer, Vol. 20, No. 4 ((Aug., 1988)), p. 27.

Fahad Riaz Choudhry, 1. V. M. L. C. M. a. T. M. K., 2016 Oct 31. Beliefs and perception

about mental health issues: a meta-synthesis. Dove Press, p. 12.

McKenna, H., 2021. The health and social care White Paper explained. The King'sKing's





Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of, p. 141.

Pia Schönfeld, ⁎. J. B. a. J. M., 2017. Positive and negative mental health across the lifespan:
A cross-cultural comparison. Int J Clin Health Psychol.


Positive Psychology

Task One: Happiness Survey

Task 3: Happiness Survey

1. Conduct a survey of at least 5 people by asking the following questions.

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a. What makes you happy?

b. What does the phrase 'living the good life mean to you?

c. If you could make 3 wishes to improve your happiness, what would they be?

Evaluate each answer in the table below, deciding whether you would consider it as hedonic

or eudaimonic.

Hedonic Eudaimonic

1. 1.

(a) Being with friends a. Freedom

(b) Having fun and being happy all the b. Being able to do what I want to do

time independently

c. get more friends, staying long hours c. Live alone in my own house, have

with them, going on trips with friends my own business, no restrictions

2. 2.

a. Drugs a. Education

b. Whiskey, gin, champaign, weed b. Being educated and not iterating

c. Drinking in public, allowing all sorts c. Getting good grades, getting my

of drugs, no restrictions on drugs desired degree and admission in the

3. Ivy leagues

a. Sex 3.

b. Being able to have freedom a. Family

c. No restrictions, more girls, more sex b. To keep my family happy and

4. together forever

a. Sleeping c. to provide my kids with a good

b. being able to live peacefully education, happy memories and a

c. Living a quiet place, living alone,

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sleeping whenever I want bright future


a. Responsibilities

b. being able to fulfil my


2. Now, write a summary of your results (300 words max) and upload it in the Forum

Link. What common beliefs/values about happiness were evident in your results.

It is evident that hedonic happiness is all about achieving pleasure and being able to enjoy

life, but there is no specific goal in it, while Eudaimonia happiness has a subject, goal,

ambition and purpose to thrive for and achieve. Truly sex, drugs and friends lead one to

pleasureful experiences, but a career has aims and ambitions which are rewarding for a


Topic 2: Mental Health Data and Statistic

1. Reflection on European mental health trends

As the world proceeds further, 165000 people have already died in European states until

2016. As per the distribution of the percentages in them: UK stands first with 9.3% deaths,

the Netherlands with 8.5% while EU members are carrying only 1.0%. However, all of this

varies because of the changing factors like gender, population, ethnicity, race and age.

2. 2. Reflection on UK mental health trends

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UK being the most affected one by the mental health issues AMPS reveals that women are

more vulnerable to such problems than men. Even children 1 out of 8 are affected a lot by it.

People suffer anxiety more than depression.

3. Reflection on using PHE Fi nge rt i ps to access mental hea lt h trends data

It was simple to use this website, and it gives an on-point knowledge regarding the

health of the people. All of the data changes every month.

Task Two: Peters Case Study

The doctor will advise Peter to exercise and take off from work for self-care.

Due to a lack of energy and self-care, Peter cannot exercise, but he will have to work from

the perspective of an abundance model. He will have to improve his positive affect,

optimism, and self-efficacy (Ganesan, Radhakrishnan, and Rajamanickam, 2021) to take care

of his health and cope with the situation of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

Task Three: Character Strengths Survey

I have never done a survey before, but after doing that, I realized that my character strengths

are that I am confident, kind-hearted, pious, open-minded, liberal and possess leadership

qualities. These are the qualities that have helped in my past, present

Resilience, hope, and recovery

1. Reflection on Amira Case Study

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Amirah is unable to show any signs of resilience because she is not used to frequent incidents

such as bombing and seeing the disabilities of her father. She cannot willingly hope and

practice Mindfulness to learn to be resilient after what happened to her.

The school could use Gibb'sGibb's reflective cycle in her situation by asking her the

Description, feeling, evaluation, analysis, and then action to help her accept the case and

focus on what she has to do next. This will help her learn from the experience. (PHE, 2014)

Mental health literacy mindfulness and mental health.

Task Two: Resilience Survey

Amira has not learned from the past tragic event, and she cannot reflect it and accept it. She

will have to be shown a way to accept it and bring back her career interests. Gibbs model will

be of excellent help to her in such a situation as she has no motivation to study, focus and

move forward.

Task One: Joe'sJoe's Case Study

Joe will have to practice Mindfulness to cope up with his paranoid situation. He will have to

be mindful of what he does. Whether or not he smokes cannabis, he will have to decide that

based upon mindfulness exercise. He will also have to be mindful of what he thinks. He will

have to keep track of his thoughts and be mindful about whether or not he has to be anxious

or not.

Cultural Diversity and Mental Health Risk & Management in Mental Health

Task One: Shubh Case Study

According to Shubh'sShubh's case study, her problem is to be understood through the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and (DSM-5) Cultural Formulation

Interview (CFI). Her culture in Bangladesh is a relevant clinical issue in this case. The causes

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behind her cultural problems are to be asked from her. Then her stressors would be

determined, and then she must be supported. She then is to be taught upon self-coping. Her

past help-seeking is to be found out as well, and then the barriers must be identified. After the

cultural factors that hamper her help-seeking, she has to be helped with coping techniques.

Risk factors are Shubh, her husband, her mother-in-law, the environment, and past life


Task Two: Key Terms and definitions in managing risk for mental health

Adaption: adapting to prevent trauma and getting used to the situation

Acceptance: accepting what has been done

Coping: Adapting such strategies that will help survive the situation

Legislation and perceptions of mental illness

1. are misunderstood

2. Students are mostly committed to bettering their lives.

3. Drug users are reliant and not able to enjoy life without

4. Victims of domestic violence are vulnerable and scared

5. are lifesavers that have the challenge to meet public pressure

6. Single parents are strong and hardworking.

7. People Politicians are useless!

8. People claiming benefits are in a vulnerable situation with the potential of getting


9. Teenagers Lecturers are helpful

10. Doctors with mental illness are suffering; however, there is always hope.

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It states that victims who have experienced domestic violence are easily open to many mental

illnesses; bureaucracy is not needed. However, lectures do help. Although people with mental

health diseases are suffering but there always be a ray of hope for them.

Task One: Understanding terminology – stigma, stereotype, Discrimination, prejudice

Stima is based upon unpredictable danger and not regarding it; while stereotype is a fixed

image based on lack of awareness, Discrimination is based on the ethnic group, while

prejudice is upon racism.

Task Two: Understanding our stereotypes

Task Three: Summarise how public attitudes and perceptions of mental health have

changed over time.

Public attitudes and perceptions have changed over time based on their personal experiences

and awareness from the knowledge provided by the govt and NGOs. The rise in mental health

issues has also given awareness, which causes the change in people's attitudes. People have

now learned how to ask for help and what are resources will help them in such a situation.

Task Four: Describe the legislative framework which is applied in mental health service

provision and explain how current legislation applies to people with mental health


Legislation helps people with mental sicknesses through executive orders upon the mental

health care institutes to provide facilities and be more efficient in their tasks.

Task Three: Perceived barriers to accessing mental health services for BAME groups

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Mental health trends and data. Mental health across the life course

Stigma, stereotypes, unawareness.

Positive psychology Reflection on Fingertips

The video presents a range of well-being as well as health indicators. This tool is

designed to offer commissioning support to improve well-being as well as health and

decrease inequalities. The video provides a tour of every section of the fingertips tool. It

presents every indicator that exists in the particular topic in rows and geographical situations

in columns. This perspective is referred to as 'Tartan rug' and enables the comparing of values

of indicators all over the areas that belong to the group. For instance, countries and UAs in

the area or the practices of GP within CCG. When an overview includes various indicators,

the utilizers might need to scroll the screen downwards to identify all the measures.

Typically, the cells found in tartan rug represent values, even if utilizers possess an option of

displaying data trends.

Calculation trends are made in case data points that are non-overlapping are available.

The comparison areas emphasize a specific indicator. Data belonging to every area with

identical teams of areas are presented in the form of a bar chart, through default in

descending order, with related values, counts, limits of confidentiality, and trend marker that

is recent on the table. Arrows that are grey in the heads enable the utilizers to select the table

on a column known as the value or count. These arrows assist the users by helping them

choose distinct sort orders. The video also presents trends. This perspective shows data time

series. The uses can select an area they are interested in from the menu in geography towards

the page at the top.


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Erphotraining. (2012). Introducing the Fingertips tool: An erpho training video.

Erphotraining. Retrieved from:


2021., T. U. o. E., Nov 11, 2020. Gibbs' Reflective Cycle.


STUDENTS:. Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of , p. 141.

2021., T. U. o. E., Nov 11, 2020. Gibbs' Reflective Cycle.


STUDENTS:. Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of , p. 141.

cooper, R., 2021. Resilience is more than just a mindset. Roberston cooper.

Eurostat, 2020. Mental health and related issues statistics. EUrostat.

Fahad Riaz Choudhry, 1. V. M. L. C. M. a. T. M. K., 2016 Oct 31.. Beliefs and perception

about mental health issues: a meta-synthesis. Dovepress, p. 12.

Fordyce, M. W., 1987. A Review of Research on the Happiness Measures: A Sixty Second

Index of Happiness and Mental Health. Springer, Vol. 20, No. 4 ((Aug., 1988)), p. 27.



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Mariana C. Arcaya, 1. A. L. A. a. S. V. S., 2015. Inequalities in health: definitions, concepts,

and theories. Glob Health Action, Том 8.

McKenna, H., 2021. The health and social care White Paper explained. The King's Fund.

Yvonne Heerkens, W. K. v. d. H. E., 2018. Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on

employees' mental health: A systematic review. Janssen et al.

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