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(slide 1)I did a project about a subject that appears in

almost everyone's life. And that topic is called

(slide 2) Procrastination is avoidance of doing a task
which need to be accomplished. It is the practice of
doing more pleasurable things in place of less
pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks
instead of more urgent ones, this putting off impending
tasks to a later time.
(slide 3)But how do we procrastinate?
(slide 4)For example, I had time to make this
presentation for 2 weeks. I chose to start the work on
the last day until the dead line. This presentation
should not have taken me more than 1 hour. But it took
me … 6 hours. It took me half an hour to choose the
topic…I chose a random topic but I didn t know what
to write about it. After that I scrolled on tik tok for 2
hours and for another 2 hours I watched videos about
Indians building clay houses in the jungle on youtube.
After that I realised that I didn't work on the project at
all so I came with this subject.
Some activities that waste your time and keep you
away from your tasks are
Surfing Social Media(which is one of the biggest
addictions among teens)
• Watch TV, especially Netflix
• Talking on the phone
• Hanging out with friends
• Listening to radio
• Reading magazines/books
(slide 5)Why do people procrastinate?
(slide 6)Most people procrastinate from various
reasons such as
Fear of failure
• Fear of the unknown
• Poor time management
• Finding the task boring
(slide 7) Overcoming Procrastination depends on three
TIME MANAGEMENT and you can do improve
this by:
• Do unpleasant tasks first
• Set a starting time
• Assign a time slot for work on a task
• Develop a daily priority list
• Utilize memory joggers
• Guard against diversions
• Always have your organizer with you
• Use an occasional time log

MIND MANAGEMENT and you can do improve
this by:
• Admit procrastination
• Be good to yourself by removing the anxiety of
• Don’t use fatigue or illness as an escape
• Live for the present
• Give self rewards
• Refrain from self punishment
• Appreciate the intermediate
(slide 8) What helped me in overcoming
The app called “Forest” which break your phone
addiction by locking your phone for a period of time.
How does it work?You plant a tree when you need to
stay focused.If you commit to your task without
getting distracterd, your tree grows; if you cannot resist
your temptation of using your phone, your tree dies.
It also helped to schedule my activities with a night
before but I stopped doing this one year ago.
(slide 9) To finish with a fun fact I want to say that
humans are not the only species that procrastinate,
pigeons procrastinate too.

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