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4. OOI SHI EN CN200151







A bipolar junction transistor (bipolar transistor or BJT) is a type of transistor that uses both
electrons and holes as charge carriers. The physicist, William Shockley designed BJT in 1947,
and it has gone through several modifications since then. Until the 1960s, germanium was used
in the layers. At the turn of the century, germanium was phased out in favour of silicon, a more
thermally stable element. The speed of the BJT was gradually improved through the process of
doping, leading to the invention of BJT variants. The transistor is the foundation of computer
memories, microprocessors, and other integrated circuits. A bipolar junction transistor, also
called bipolar transistors, is a three-terminal device that can function as electronic switches or
signal amplifiers. The term "bipolar" refers to the fact that this type of transistor has two types of
semiconductor material—one positive (p-type) and one negative (n-type)—through which a
current flows. It's the p-type layers in a BJT's job to attract the electrons that enter the transistor
through its input circuit. The n-type layers, on the other hand, should encourage electrons to flow
out of the transistor. This push-and-pull effect between the layers enables the electrical current to
be amplified and controlled. P-type and n-type silicon are layered together to form a three-layer
"sandwich" to make BJTs. First layer is the base, to which a small starting current is attached.
Second layer is the emitter, which emits electrons. The third which is the last layer, is a collector,
which collects the electrons that have been amplified. Electrons are passed between from the
emitter to the base. There are two types of sandwiches, which are NPN
(negative-positive-negative) and PNP (positive-negative-positive).
Bipolar Junction Transistor also known as BJT which is an electronic component that is
mainly used for amplification and switching purposes.The first bipolar transistor was invented at
Bell Labs by William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John BardeenIt is also a solid-state device
and in these transistors, the current flow in two terminals are emitter and collector, and the flow
of current controlled by the third terminal is the base terminal. Below shown is the basic symbol
of BJT.

A BJT is a 3-terminal semiconductor device, the term bipolar is taken from the truth that
this kind of transistor includes two kinds of semiconductor materials like P-type (positive type)
and n-type (negative type) where the current flows from these regions Usually, these transistors
include Silicon. This transistor comes with two PN junctions. The PN junction exists between
emitter and base is called emitter-base junction and the PN junction exists between collector and
base is called collector-base junction. Emitter-base junction is forward biased and the
collector-base junction is reverse biased. There are two types of BJT which are NPN and PNP
Negative-positive-negative transistor also known as NPN transistor which is a type of
BJT where a P-doped layer of semiconductor exists between the two layers of N doped material.
The P doped region represents the base of the transistors while other two layers represent emitter
and collector respectively. NPN transistors are also called minority carrier devices because
minority charge carriers at the base side are used to control large current at other terminals of the
transistor. The current moves from an emitter to the collector where electrons act as a minority
carrier at the base side. Diagram below show electrical symbol NPN transistor
Positive-negative-positive transistor also known as PNP transistor which is
a type of BJT where N doped semiconductor layer which acts as a base, is
housed between the two layers of P doped material.The base uses small base
current and negative base voltage to control large current at the emitter and
collector side and voltage at the collector side is larger than the voltage at the
base side. This transistor is rarely used for applications as conduction carried out
by the movement of electrons is considered fast and holds more value as
conduction by movement of holes. Below show the electrical symbol of PNP BJT

- To calculate the value of voltage and current of circuit and make sure the value is the
same as the value measured in the software.
- To simulate the circuit in the Proteus simulation software so that we get the measured
value to compare with the calculated value.
- To familiarize the function of the Bipolar Junction Transistor and how it works in the


A successful project needs a lot of data and materials to support and certificate a production of a
proper circuit. With the easy access network, the data of Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) was
carried out and being studied so that the circuit of the project can be simulated smoothly.
With the help of internet and study material, a circuit of an auto refill tank with water level
indicator was processed after all the discussions. The mainstay of the circuit is included with two
types of BJT, that are PNP and NPN.


The circuit of the auto refill tank was drawn and simulated with the help of Proteus simulation
software. The value of calculation compared with the value of simulation then plot a graph to
show the relationship between each result. The design of circuit was carried out by the assembled
Light Emitting Diodes (LED), PNP and NPN of BJTs, resistors, buzzer and switches.

The study of the circuit based on the performance of the simulation is carried out. In order to
show the voltage and current of the BJT, probes of Volt and Ampere were used for the output
value. When the switch of Level 1 is pushed, the LED D4 will light up, while the water level
drops to the first level. If the switches of Level 1 and 2 are pushed, the LED D4 and D3 will light
up, while the water level drops to the second level. For the first three level switches are pushed,
LED D4, D3, D2 will light, while water level drops to third level. If the switches of all levels are
pushed, all LEDs will light up since the water is empty and the buzzer then alarm to alert refill
the water.

Performance of the simulation

An auto refill tank circuit is built by assembled Light Emitting Diodes (LED), PNP and NPN of
BJTs, resistors, buzzer and switches in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1

When switch Level 1 is pushed, the LED D4 will light up as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2
When switches Level 1 and 2 are pushed, the LED D4 and D3 will light up as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

When switches Level 1, 2 and 3 are pushed, the LED D4, D3 and D2 will light up as shown in
Figure 4.

Figure 4
When switches of all levels are pushed, all LEDs will light up and the buzzer will alarm as
shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5

Figure 6
Figure 6 shows a simple circuit of auto refill tank to do the calculation for all voltages and
currents values.

From the datasheet of PNP and NPN BJT in Proteus, we know that β=100 and V BE=0.75V for
each transistor.

Calculation Mathematically Result Proteus Result

IB = 0.1 mA IB = 0.0961 mA
IC = 10.25 mA IC = 9.6070 mA
IE = 10.25 mA IE = 9.7031 mA
VB = 0V VB = 0V
VC = 0V VC = 0V
VE = 0.75 V VE = 0.8328 V
VEC = 0.75 V

The emitter voltage result in Proteus is greater than a few percent from calculation
mathematically because the current result. Since IE is small, VE will be small. Actually, there is
no substantial error because all the current results in calculation mathematically and proteus are
roughly the same.

Since VE > VB > VC , Q1 PNP transistor is in active mode. It turns the device into an amplifier. In
this case, IC = βIB is used since current going into the base pin amplifies current going into the
collector and out the emitter.

Calculation Mathematically Result Proteus Result

IB = 3.33 mA IB = 3.3624 mA
IC = 0.33 A IC = 0.3362 A
IE = 0.33 A IE = 0.3396 A
VB = 0V VB = 0V
VC = 0V VC = 0V
VE = 1 V VE = 0.9247 V
VEC = 1 V

The emitter voltage result in Proteus is greater than a few percent from calculation
mathematically because the current result. Since IE is small, VE will be small. Actually, there is
no substantial error because all the current results in calculation mathematically and proteus are
roughly the same.

Since VE > VB > VC , Q2 PNP transistor is in active mode. It turns the device into an amplifier. In
this case, IC = βIB is used since current going into the base pin amplifies current going into the
collector and out the emitter.

Calculation Mathematically Result Proteus Result

IB = 8.5 mA IB = 8.2827 mA
IC = 10.37 mA IC = 10.153 mA
IE = 18.87 mA IE = 18.4356 mA
VB = 0.75 V VB = 0.8587 V
VC = 0.1 mV VC = 30.6108 mV
VE = 0 V VE = 0 V
VCE = 0.1 mV

The base voltage and collector voltage result in Proteus is greater than a few percent from
calculation mathematically because the current results. Actually, there is no substantial error
because all the current results in calculation mathematically and proteus are roughly the same.

Since VB > VC and VB > VE , Q3 NPN transistor is in saturation mode. It acts like a short circuit
between collector and emitter. In saturation mode, both the base-emitter junction and
base-collector junction are forward biased. That means VB must be higher than both VE and VC.
The value VC must be slightly greater than VE (but both still less than VB) to get the transistor in
saturation mode.

Calculation Mathematically Result Proteus Result

IB = 4.25 mA IB = 4.1509 mA
IC = 10.37 mA IC = 10.1216 mA
IE = 14.62 mA IE = 14.2726 mA
VB = 0.75 V VB = 0.8491 V
VC = 0.1 mV VC = 39.1837 mV
VE = 0 V VE = 0 V
VCE = 0.1 mV

The base voltage and collector voltage result in Proteus is greater than a few percent from
calculation mathematically because the current results. Actually, there is no substantial error
because all the current results in calculation mathematically and proteus are roughly the same.

Since VB > VC and VB > VE , Q4 NPN transistor is in saturation mode. It acts like a short circuit
between collector and emitter. In saturation mode, both the base-emitter junction and
base-collector junction are forward biased. That means VB must be higher than both VE and VC.
The value VC must be slightly greater than VE (but both still less than VB) to get the transistor in
saturation mode.

Calculation Mathematically Result Proteus Result

IB = 4.25 mA IB = 4.1509 mA
IC = 10.37 mA IC = 10.1216 mA
IE = 14.62 mA IE = 14.2726 mA
VB = 0.75 V VB = 0.8491 V
VC = 0.1 mV VC = 39.1837 mV
VE = 0 V VE = 0 V
VCE = 0.1 mV

The base voltage and collector voltage result in Proteus is greater than a few percent from
calculation mathematically because the current results. Actually, there is no substantial error
because all the current results in calculation mathematically and proteus are roughly the same.

Since the values VB, VC and VE are the same as Q4 NPN transistor. Q5 NPN transistor is in
saturation mode because VB > VC and VB > VE. It acts like a short circuit between collector and
emitter. In saturation mode, both the base-emitter junction and base-collector junction are
forward biased. That means VB must be higher than both VE and VC. The value VC must be
slightly greater than VE (but both still less than VB) to get the transistor in saturation mode.

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