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tto. # Visual and Performance Art UNIT

Activity 11

Let's enhance more knowledge leamed from this lesson"

1. What forms of art you want to discover more and your interest? Justify your

There were fiany forms of art to discaver but I wauld rather chaose and
learn more abaut photagraphy as one of the rnany forms of visual arts. t like
photagraptty since it is an afi of capturing tigltt with the use of camera ta create
an image. Tt-tis present-day, people can now create ar capture an image easily
with the use of their cellular phone. Anybady can leam this art, just create a
perfect image then it's a photography.

Now it's your turn to answer.

Page 154

Visual and Per{ormance Art

2. Given that you are an artist in your CIwn field, how can you expre$s it to you rself
and to your mmmunitY?

ls nat that an easy being an afist in your field. There were lats af
frustration befare you can creaie something in your own field. As an anist in my
awn field I cautd express my work of arts to the community by letting them see
and critique my masterpiece. Let them try to explore and engage by giving thern
the apportunity to try it with themselves. Create a lecture for thern to leam
further knowledge and ideas that could make them graw as we{l- I&is ls how I
could express it ta myself and ta the cammunity.

Now it's your turn to answer"

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