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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad

Department of Computer Science


Submitted By:
Maroof Ishaq
Usman Ahmed
Sanan Umar
Hunain Waris

Submitted To:
Ma’m Gulmina
Submission date (7-April-2016)

We have visited many shops for getting their invoice, we’ve observe their work style, activity well. We
see most of their client system. But for confidentially and software license they didn’t agree to show us
their server system. By observing shops we greatly understand the system of Point of Sales and all of my
lacking knowledge about a POS become clear. We watch their product cost in a sticker labeled in the
products body, date validation in that label for date oriented product and non-date oriented products.
By observing one shop I got the idea for fixing product rate in every product purchase invoice.

2. PACT Analysis

The main types of people that are using this system are those with a busy schedule, those that do not
have a car to transport their items (i.e. students), or people with disabilities (Cheng 2011).Whatever the
reason, this system has to fulfill everybody’s requirements whether they are expert users or novice.
If we think about the problems that a group of students who share an accommodation can come across,
the most significant ones are: having to collect the payment and arranging the delivery for a combined
order. This problem emerges from the fact that all of them are different, with unique preferences and
personalities, fact that makes the sharing activity complex and difficult to deal with. Furthermore, since
the system that could solve their partitioning problem is missing, they are strained to buy expensive
groceries from local stores individually.

Online shopping is an activity that is not very frequent, it generally occurs three or four times per
month, depending on the user’s lifestyle and on how much money is he willing to spend. Supermarkets
make online shopping available seven days a week but the orders have to be placed by 10PM on the day
before the delivery.
In a shared house the online ordering activity is carried out by all of its tenants because they have to
select their personal products from the same user account and then checkout as a group. This whole
process consist the following six stages: browse products, select items, book a delivery slot, and enter
personal information and payment details.

Context of use:
Physically, this activity takes place at any time of the day in an indoor environment (for example the
room of a house or a computer lab) where the presence of at least one computer is essential. Socially,
this task does not need privacy and it may happen in a group of cohabiting students that have to use the
system in the same time. Organizationally, this system is very ecologically constructed due to the fact
that all the products are listed online and due to the delivery method that is made through only one
vehicle for 20-30 customers, bringing their items right to their door.

First of all, to start the online shopping activity, a computer with an operating system installed on is
required. There is a certain amount of information that needs to be inserted by the user (contact details,
address, payment details, etc.), which indicates the fact that a keyboard is a necessary tool. Another
essential input tool is the mouse, which permits the user to navigate through the website.
A monitor is necessary in order to have visual access to the data stored on the website. The user has to
perceive the information transmitted through the electronic channel (the monitor screen) and decode it
using his language skills and his ability to interpret and recognize graphics (Bloisi 2010).
The communication between the website’s database and the user’s computer is established via an
Internet connection. Updates are being rolled out on the website every day by its administrator to
ensure the user about what products are still on stock or what offers have been changed. Besides the
option to order through a classical shopping website, another way to run this activity is through a
Google Chrome Application, which only the Tesco supermarket has.

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