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1. Who are you or what would you become:

In five years… I have many dreams and goals in my life. What would be my career or what
will I become? In five years, I can see myself accomplishing my goals, which in two years I will
receive my college diploma. I’ve always wanted to work as a Flight Attendant or a Hotelier. But
before I apply this job I will have to apply a job which it could be in department store for at least
1-year experience. And then after, I apply for tourism and my back up would be a hotel industry.
I see myself working where I can buy things I want and support my family.
In ten years… I could see myself that I have a very busy life which I’m working. But after
working, I would travel some places I’ve always wanted to visit Japan, France, Turkey, and
others. But I haven’t see myself having my own family or having a boyfriend. I prioritize work
so I can save up some money for my future.
In twenty years… this is where I could see myself having my own family, a once in a
lifetime wedding, having kids, support my kids in everything teach them how to be good.
Enrolling them to school and always take good care of the kids and my husband.


2. What is your perception about stress and self-care?

Stress contains feelings uncontrollability and unpredictability of one's life, how often one has
to deal with irritating problems, how much change is occurring in one's life, and confidence in
one's ability to deal with fuss or difficulties. Self-care is taking care of yourself will help
maintain your physical, emotional, and mental keeps to prevent and manage stress. This includes
regular sleep, exercise, relaxation, and eating well. When having a stressful life don’t forget to
do self-care where you need to focus, take a break, communicate, avoid distractions or get some
relaxing activity to freshen up the mind.

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