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MODULE 3: Unit 2 Exercise 1: Choose the meaning oF ue wuru. if italics from the poo! o1 wus written in the box. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank. . beating with a rod strong and full-bodied . arascal . to drink liquor freely party |. a Russian unit of distance to 0.6629 a condition with no liberty coated with black smoke an urn for boiling water avehicle drawn by three horses 1.111 go of a binge at the fair __|_2. He went to the soat-covered cabin of the innkeeper. __h__3. He had gone forty versts. __e_4, He asked for a samovar. |__5. Suddenly, a trayka with ringing bells drove up to the inn. 9.6. When he was younger, Aksyénof drank and caroused, but he was a good man. ___a_7.He was sentenced to flogging and hard labor. __d__8. For 26 years, Aksyénof lived in Siberian servitude. _f__9. One of the new convicts was a tall, robust old man. _b__10. Great gloom came upon Aksyénof that he wanted to kill himself and all because of that scoundrel. Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer. Write your answer before the number. 2__1. Who wrote "God Sees the Truth, But Waits"? a. Leo Tolstoy b. Fyodor Dostoevsky . Maxim Gorky d. God 2. In what country is "God Sees the Truth, But Waits" set? a. Prussia b. Soviet Union c. Russia d. Germany ____c_3, Whois the story's protagonist? a. Tolstoy b. Aksyénof wife c. Aksyénof d. Semyonich |__4. What activities are Aksyénof fond of in his youth? drinking and fishing drinking and fighting fishing and singing drinking and singing eoge c__5. What are Aksyénof first names? a. Mararivan b. Ivar Demetrov c. Ivan Dmitrich d._ Ivan Semyonich __b__6. Inwhich genre is “God Sees the Truth, But Waits"? a. novel b. short story c. epic d, allofthese d__7. What does Aksyénof wife dream about? Aksyénof being robbed Aksyénof being arrested Aksyénof leaving her for another woman Aksyénof returning with grey hair ance d__8. To where does Aksyénof set out at the beginning of the story? a b. ie d, Siberia Vladimir Fair Moscow Nizhy Fair __d__9. How does Aksyénof interpret his wife's dream? b. c d. asabad omen as total nonsense he never learns of the dream asa lucky sign 2__10. What town is Aksyénof from? a. b. c d. Vladimir Siberia Gorky Moscow __d__11. Who does Aksyonof first meet on his way to the fair? a, b. c d. his brother he meets no one Semyonich a fellow merchant __d__a2. Where does Aksyénof stay on his way to the fair? a, b. c d a b. c d amotel his friend's house apalace aninn 13. What is Aksyénof doing when the police arrive to question him? bathing playing guitar drinking liquor grooming horses __¢__14. What does the official accuse Aksyénof of having done? a b. c 4. killing his wife killing his coachman killing the fellow merchant killing the inn-keeper —-d__15. What does the official find among Aksyonof’s possessions? a agun b. asamovar sword c d. a bloody knife a man's dismembered head

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