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Exercise 4: Answer the following questions. 1 What kind of person was Aksyénof? Aksyonof was 2 young merchant, a loving husband and a good father tohis wife and children. He used to drink, but he changed to be a good man for his family. He was accused of a murder he didn't commit but still chose to do the right thing, which is to forgive the perpetrator. What were the circumstances that led to Aksyénof imprisonment? Aksyénof was imprisoned because a merchant he met was murdered, and the murder weapon, which was a knife with blood on it, was found in his bag and the police official saw it. Where does the story take place? Explain the relation of the setting in the story to Aksyénof suffering and spiritual growth? The story takes place at the beginning in Viadimir, and then moves to 2 prison in Siberia, The sufferings of Askyonof began when he was falsely accused of murdering a merchant and was imprisoned. He changed after being imprisoned for a long time, Yet, he often prayed and developed self- actualization, which helped him to forgive the real murderer, which is Makar. Even though he died, he was still able to achieve peace after forgiving Makar. What was Aksyénof realization by the end of the story? He realized that his family are temporary things that he might lose anytime, and the realization that vengeance would do nothing good, instead forgiving and letting God judge them, Exercise 5: Answer the following questions. 2. What are the present realities reflected in the story? I re iti i Fir forgiveness can give us peace and comfort. Let God do what's best for them. Next i | i we should spend quality time with them. There are a lot of people who are h ri y time. Lastly, justice doesn't always prevail because, as mentioned, there are a I ff i How did they affect the plot of the story? ‘The plot of the story become so true and real, Many readers can understand and relate to the story since the plot of the story happens in real fi i ir fir crime that they didn’t commit, d__8. To where does Aksyénof set out at the beginning of the story? a b. ie d, Siberia Vladimir Fair Moscow Nizhy Fair __d__9. How does Aksyénof interpret his wife's dream? b. c d. asabad omen as total nonsense he never learns of the dream asa lucky sign 2__10. What town is Aksyénof from? a. b. c d. Vladimir Siberia Gorky Moscow __d__11. Who does Aksyonof first meet on his way to the fair? a, b. c d. his brother he meets no one Semyonich a fellow merchant __d__a2. Where does Aksyénof stay on his way to the fair? a, b. c d a b. c d amotel his friend's house apalace aninn 13. What is Aksyénof doing when the police arrive to question him? bathing playing guitar drinking liquor grooming horses __¢__14. What does the official accuse Aksyénof of having done? a b. c 4. killing his wife killing his coachman killing the fellow merchant killing the inn-keeper —-d__15. What does the official find among Aksyonof’s possessions? a agun b. asamovar sword c d. a bloody knife a man's dismembered head Exercise 3: Present the plot of the story using the Freytag’s Pyramid. Just use one or two sentences for each part. Use the space provided for you Aksy6nof learned that the merchant he met last night was murdered, and the authorities are accusing him of murdering the merchant because of the knife with blood that was found in his, bag Aksyénof met a merchant, they shared tea and afterwards stayed in aninn, Rising Action Makar, one of the new prisonner, is suspected by Aksyénof of murdering the merchant. He then learned that Makar is planning to break into the prison, but he kept it a secret from authorities Falling Action There was a young merchant named Ivan Dmitritch Aksyénof who lived in Viadimir with his wife. He decided to sell their items/products in order to make money. As result, he chooses to travel during summer. Exposition Makar realized his foolishness and admitted to murdering the merchant and concealing the weapon in ‘Aksynof's bag. The order was given for Aksyénof to return home, but he had already passed away. Resolution

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