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What is my philosophy in life?

The effort we put in are directly proportional to the result we

get. Based on experience, this is my philosophy in which I maintain throughout the years.
Ever since I was a child, my parents always encourage me to study hard and I do but
overtime, I thought a change of phase would be nice and slacked off a little bit and played
some games or watched television. It was quite addicting, just relaxing and wasting time,
and I thought maybe I should do this more often because what is life if you can’t enjoy it.
One day, around a week before midterms, I thought I could skip revision and get a good
result since I have done well in exams prior to this and I have done just that, not doing my
revision. When the results came out, it was utterly horrible and downright disgraceful I just
could not stand the sight of it. I really wasn’t expecting such a result but it came with no
surprise to my parents when they figured I didn’t do my revision. They were furious and
harshly scolded me. Event to this day, when I did something bad, more often than not they
would bring it up although sometimes I can’t relate it with the mess I’ve made at that time.
After that unforgettable event, I would do my revision and prepare myself before any tests,
exams or things as such. The more I prepare, the better the results.
As for my role model, it is prophet Nuh A.S. He was elected as a Rasul at the age of 40,
giving sermons for 950 years but only around 80 or more people who accepted Islam. The
people of that time are stubborn, not only they were unwilling to listen to his sermons, they
couldn’t even stand the sight of his face.
Even if the people were not willing to take his advice, he did not give up. He would
let their scorns prevents him from doing his job as the messenger of Allah. He was brave,
tenacious and strong willed. Instead of blaming them, he just thought that it could not be
help since they were ignorant. Most of us are afraid of being alienated by the society and
we care a lot about their opinion so much that it is suffocating for us to meet up with their
standards. We are afraid to hold on into and share our ideals. We want to be with the crowd
and be relatable. Although it is hard, it is better than being alone, or so we thought. Prophet
Nuh A.S is the polar opposite of that and that is why I admire him so much.
My aim is to create a tuition centre, a place where I can put my knowledge to a good use.
Personally, I think a teacher is a noble occupation. Even in Islam, teachers are held in high
regard due to the importance of knowledge. That is why I want to create a place where I can
contribute to the society by imparting the insignificant knowledge I have to the young
generation. After all, the young generation now is the leaders of tomorrow. Although I have
to say that the main reason I choose to be a teacher is not to be respected. Nowadays,
teenagers do not really respect teachers, they do not think far ahead and do not realize the
importance of the occupation. If I were really want to be respected, I could have chosen
other occupation such a doctor or an engineer. The reason I choose to be a teacher is solely
on the fact that I found great joy in teaching others.
In order to achieve my aim, I have to use the SWOT, which stands for Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The strengths, or in another words, advantages,
that I have is my bachelorship in engineering mechatronics, as a verification for the
knowledge I have. In this world, there is always a need of a verification of some sort in order
to convince the people of the authenticity of your capability and eligibility so that you are
qualified to take the job and my bachelorship in engineering mechatronics is the
qualification that I need.
Other than that, I also have the motivation to achieve my aim as my aim is my life goal.In
life, without the drive or the motivation to achieve your goal, at some point in time, it will
be a burden you can no longer carry and you will give up midway.motivation can come in a
variety pf ways. For example, some people were doubted by others and some even by their
loved ones. So in retaliation, they shed blood and tears for many years to achieve that one
goal that they had in mind just to prove them wrong.
In addition, I have the time to plan strategically and do some in depth research to familiarize
myself on how to achieve my aim. With the help of internet, I can access almost all of the
information regarding the program. I can also do my research about people who have open
up a tuition centre before as their experience can really help me from making a lot of detour
in realizing my aim.
As for my weaknesses, it would be the fact that I am lacking in experience. There are certain
things you have to experience hands on in order to truly understand what you are doing.
Simply said, you can’t simply follow the "textbook" word by word there are certain
circumstances that can only be overcome by experience you gain yourself.
Besides, I’m also lacking in resources such as manpower and funds. To open a tuition
Centre, funds play a more important role than manpower. After all, advertisement, renting a
place for office and class and so on, can’t be done without sufficient money. Not to mention
the school appliance such
Exercise books, a white board, markers and so on. As for manpower, teaching can be done
by myself. I can also manage the place by myself as there would only be an office and a
class. That would be good enough for a start. There's no need to start with renting w whole
building for starters. After all, I rather start small and slowly expand overtime as the risk is
Next is my social skills. Although I found great joy in teaching others which involves a lot of
communication, in public, I rather spend my time alone and do my work alone rather than
involving myself with peers of mine. To me, a place filled with strangers are simply
unbearable to say the least. When there's a class party or a celebration, I found myself
sitting at some corner of the room and minding my own business whether I was or was not
being conscious about it. Although it does sound a bit sad, I'm comfortable being alone
rather than getting used to it due to lack of my social skills. And I can hardly say that my
social skills would play a major role in my teaching. Although I love spending my time
teaching others, I'm afraid the feelings are not mutual so I have to spare no effort in
improving my social skills. The irony is being the fact that I hate spending. Just to make
things clear, I do have friends and I enjoy spending time with them but other than them,
others are simply acquaintances of mine.
Other than that, I am the type of person who would do things at the eleventh hour. In other
words, I procrastinate and I do it so much it has become a part of me. Procrastination is
what defines who I am. I procrastinate in my homework, assignments and even had my
breakfast in the noon, though it wouldn't be called breakfast by then. I rather waste my
time lying on the bed than doing anything else. The impact it had in my life is huge to say
the least. Since my goal is teach others, I have to set up a good example for others or else
they would not be convinced of my teachings. For example, they would say things such as
"you yourself procrastinate even in marking the students paper so who gave you the right to
teach others? Are you going to teach them how to procrastinate to?". There's saying that
goes like, "Before helping others, help yourself first, before fix others' mistakes, fix your own
first." and I could not agree more.
One of the seven soft skills I need to learn to help me in achieving my aim is communication
skills. Interaction between students and teachers are of an utmost importance as it directly
affects the quality of the impartation of knowledge. Next is problem solving skills. As the
tuition centre grows overtime, we are bound to face problems and challenges. After all,
developing a tuition centre is not an easy thing to do and those challenges needed to be
tackled in a way to minimize the loss as much as possible. That is when problem solving skill
play an indispensable role.
Other than that is the leadership skills. When I opened the centre, naturally, I will be the
person in charge so I need to properly lead my employees and show them the ropes. After
all, I have my own vision in developing the centre and they need a proper guidance to make
the centre flourish as I want it to be.
Teamwork skills is also important since they are jobs that you can’t do alone and require the
help of others. I also need to develop my time management skills because when you work as
an organisation, being punctual and aware of your due date is very important.
There is also business skill. The develop the centre properly, resources need to be handled
really carefully. If we suffer any losses, it will impede the development of the centre. Last
but not least, works ethic skills, my job is not only to teach people but also manage the
centre that I opened and develop. This skill will help me set up a standard to the employees
that work for me.
My first step in opening a tuition centre is to do a complete ad thorough research on how to
actually built one. After that, I will rent a small place for a class and an office. I also need to
hire professionals to help me manage the centre at first. I also need to use my connections
to help me advertise. After a while when the centre’s reputation has been built and gained
the trust of the people, I will slowly create branches for further development. By that time, I
need to create a team to help me manage the centre and hire more teachers. After a long
time, I will be the president of the centre. By that time, I will let others manage the centre
while holding the final say in any important decision making and focus my job as a teacher
and teach mathematics in one the classes.
One of the five benefits the community will gain from my programme is creating an
intellectual and educated generation that are capable in leading the country. Besides that,
creating more job opportunities for those without one. Next is giving opportunities for the
students to have access to subject materials at an affordable cost. Other than that, some of
the branches we created will be located at rural area that are less developed so that locals
there can enjoy our services. Lastly, a part of profit we collected will be donated to those
who can’t afford to further their study at middle school and high school.

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