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As a group leader, need to know all the feelings of your teammates or problems or whatever they

want to share with you. so, you know how to advise them as a leader. as a leader you need to
share with each other what you can do to help them and as a leader you need to encourage for
what are goods way to plan in our life. In this leadership reflective essay, I have observed that
the traditional times described leadership to be only that quality that included the action and
purpose of leading and motivating a group of people and providing them with proper but limited
direction so that the use of the group is fulfilled in the best manner within a short period of time.

This idea is applied to every organization that operated around the globe regardless of the size or
gravity of the work that takes place in those organizations. But contemporary leadership ideas
are revolutionary in a sense; it has become much more dynamic in its approach. Leading a
project to address the areas of interests shall enable me in gaining the insight and acquiring
sufficient experience. Organizing and leading is necessary to participate in the project runs.

The work-related experiences that I gained have shaped the courage within me, I learned that the
leaders must also maintain a balance between striking a healthy relationship among the group
members and the holding on to the status of a leader who can become firm as per the situation.
The sessions also explained the leader's member exchange and servant leadership which is likely
to be used by the human resource department of multinational organizations for the recruitment
process. In these forms of leadership, active listening is done and the opinions of the group
members are incorporated in the operations of the company.

I found this fact very fascinating for this leadership essay as the employee will automatically
strive to work harder and attempt to brainstorm so that solution to every problem could be
developed and all the effort comes without the push of the leader. I will always ask, especially
the experienced employees with regard to their point of view in a particular situation and
incorporate their expertise to invite growth and emancipation in a situation.
This form of leadership can effectively contribute towards friendly community building if we
refer to the contemporary leadership. I learned that the leaders must also maintain a balance
between striking a healthy relationship among the group members and the holding on to the
status of a leader who can become firm as per the situation. The sessions also explained the
leader's member exchange and servant leadership which is likely to be used by the human
resource department of multinational organizations for the recruitment process. In these forms of
leadership, active listening is done and the opinions of the group members are incorporated in the
operations of the company.

Witnessing to Others

In the case of a person's feelings, he needs sympathy or reprimand to make his feelings okay. He
needs to know for himself what his heart is saying If someone is offended or someone wants to
explain. In his life. "Don't be afraid. What you say, just say what you feel or what your heart
wants to say" (New King James Version, 1982, Matthew 10: 19-20).


In life there is a real problem to come but you have to make paying the prayer to the lord,
because with the lord nothing is impossible just be true and no one will give up on the challenge
of life we know we can do it. And you can do it until the end. "Let us be steadfast in life, let us
not give up because when you give up you will lose the battle of life" (New King James Version,
1982, Hebrews 10:23).

Influence of friends

most people are blinded by money or Anything that can make them happy, but locusts are also
materialize Mila that Friendship is the tongue of money but the When everyone is together let's
be happy with simple things, we are all just human each satin should be treated equally. "For the
love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their
greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (New King James Version,
1982, 1 Timothy 6:10).


Being good begins with right and peace always choose to be good because Yan is what it is
worth having a good will go far in life. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness" (New King James Version, 1982, Galatians


Let us unite and love each other as brothers and sisters and be understanding and humble towards
each other because we are human beings who make mistakes and sin so we will continue to love
each other so that everything will be a good map. "Finally, all of you be of one mind, having
compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be humble" (New King James
Version, 1982, 1 Peter 3: 8).

Becoming a good leader is something that most of us strives towards, but it doesn't come
easy, we have to do our best for it. It takes efforts, courage, hard work, passion, honesty and
kindness to go towards of the achievements of our Goal.

In our school groupings in every subject, I learned that to be able to perform of our every parts
On our task successfully we need to communication and cooperation, a leader must know how to
align our every works or task by encouraging its members to be the best too. "Don't be selfish;
don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” (New King
James Version, 1982, Philippians 2:3).
Leaders shouldn't be boast and stays humble, it's not a right thing to do belittling people just
because of their lack of capacity on something, encouraging of other members is a must, because
a good leader see the uniqueness and a full potential of each other. A great leaders know when to
open their mouth. They know when to argue and whom to argue with, it’s like a reprimand by
being specific on what they needed to talk about letting their people immediately what they
needed to improve. "A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back” (New King
James Version, 1982, Proverbs 29:11)

They realize that there is no good will come from engaging in bad arguments with people, and
instead express themselves calmly and thoughtfully, and think more of a good way on how to say
what had wrong it is more way better telling it on point what's wrong with the behavior
But not their value as a person.

Leaders uplift others and hear their constituent’s wishes, they do not look down on people and do
not think highly of themselves. "let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in
lowliness of mind let each other esteem other better than himself, let each other of you look put
not only for his own interests, but also for the interest of theirs" (New King James Version, 1982,
Philippians 2: 3-4).

Leaders compliments other too when they see people reaching their full potential when they see
each members doing right, helping their people feel good about themselves will produce a good
result in everything they be working hard too.

A great leader focus on what they needed to do, they believe on himself and also believe of its
people too; they prioritize the interest of the majority above all others by helping people to
achieve their goals too. “Leadership, unlike naked power-wielding, is thus inseparable from
followers' needs and goals” (Burns., 2012).

Burns, J. M. (2012). Leadership. New York: Open Road Media.

New King James Version. (2017). Bible Online.

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