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Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros


School: Escuela Técnica Número 655 Paula Albarracín de Sarmiento.

Level: 2nd “A”

Schedule: Wednesdays 07.30 – 09.40 (Break: 08.50 – 09.00).

Teacher: Gabriela Lescano.

Practice teachers: Angeles Milagros Concina.

Date: 18th September 2019.

Number of students: 22 (boys and girls).

Class profile:

It is a group of 22 students (though there is always one or two who miss the class), aged 14
approximately. They seem a nice group with a good relationship between them. The students show
a lot of respect to the teacher (a good rapport has been established). They also demonstrate interest
in the subject “English” since they are always willing to participate in the activities. Notwithstanding,
when they finish the activities, they tend to use their smartphones.

Though the lessons start at 7.30, the bell rings some minutes after. The students enter the
classroom when the teacher arrives and she is the one who checks attendance. After that, she
always asks “who wants to write the date on the board?” and they all volunteer.

The language lesson occurs in the first periods of the day. However, the students do not appear
to be tired or sleepy as we have imagined. Instead, they are energetic and cheerful, they tend to talk
a lot to their peers and even to the teacher about things not related to English.

The seating arrangement is a horseshoe. In this way, the teacher can establish eye contact with
each of them. It also allows her to move around the desks with ease.

The use of L1 is very strong in the lessons since all explanations are given in Spanish and there are
a lot of non-related to English topics that are also discussed in the first language. The target language
tends to be left aside.

Since they do not have a coursebook, the students only rely on their notes. The teacher is the one
who creates all the activities they work with.

Coursebook: -


Date: 18th September, 2019.

Time of the lesson: 120 minutes - 07.30 – 09.40 (Break: 10 minutes - 08.50 – 09.00).

Aims: By the end of the lesson students are expected to:

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

✔ understand simple utterances related to food habits

✔ produce simple written sentences related to their own food habits using time expressions.

Personal aims:

✔ Be able to cope with time spans.

✔ Get reluctant students to work.
✔ Use the board properly.
✔ Establish a bond with students so they feel confident to participate
✔ Try not to leave aside the use of L2

Language Content:

● Functions: talking, listening and writing about food habits. Revising the use of present simple
for routines and the use of time expressions.
● Grammar: present simple in the affirmative form and time expressions.
● Vocabulary: food and beverages (water – coffee– milk - tomato – lettuce– chocolate- beef –
chicken– strawberry – apple – orange)
● Pronunciation: practice the phonemes of the new vocabulary related to food and beverages
by repeating after the teacher.


● Writing: simple statements about their food and beverages habits.

● Listening: listening to their partners’ utterances and the teacher’s utterances.
● Speaking: produce simple statements related to food and beverages habits.
● Reading: Small and simple utterances related to food and beverages habits.

Assumptions: present simple for routines, time expressions, verbs that can be related to food like
drink or eat, the notion of singular and plural and the use of a/an.

Anticipated problems and suggested solutions:

● Some students may finish before others. In order to overcome this issue, I will allow
these students to bring me their copies so as to check them by myself. However, many of
the activities I have planned are thought to be done in groups so everyone can
participate: the slower students can get help from the faster ones.
● Some students may need extra support. If I notice that some students are struggling with
a specific item, I will approach to them so as to give them short one to one explanation
(like they are used to with their regular English teacher).
● As I have noticed, these students tend to come up with topics that are not related to
English. If they do so, I will show interest in what they have to say though not so much so
as to keep the focus on the language lesson.
● Since this group of students does not have so much practise of previous language items,
they may not remember, for instance, time expressions which are necessary in order to
understand the poster with the text that I will provide. So as to go over this, I have
marked time expressions in green in the text. In this way, I will be able to remind the

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

students of the function of these words in case they do not remember. In addition, I will
allow them to go over their notes where they have the rules and vocabulary previous to
this lesson.
● No one wants to read aloud when I ask them to do it. I will bring candies to encourage
them to talk (the one who talks gets the candy). However, if they still seem reluctant to
speak with the candies, I will start reading and then I will ask the student who is nearer to

Materials and aids:

● Board eraser
● White and Colour chalks
● Flashcards related to food and beverages
● Sticky tape
● Poster about Steven’s routine.
● Candies as the prizes
● Plastic bag
● Pieces of paper containing the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 to make the groups
● Pieces of paper containing pictures and words related to the new vocabulary.
● Screwed-up paper ball

 1st part of the lesson – the beginning of the class

The students are used to wait for the teacher so as to enter the classroom. As we enter, I will greet
them in English as their teacher usually does “hello, good morning”. While everyone is getting to
their seats, I will clean the board. Then, when everybody is in their seats I will ask “who wants to
write the date on the board?” holding a piece of chalk. What they will have to write is “18 th
September”. Following, I will check attendance. Finally, I will explain in Spanish what I am doing
there: that I’m studying to be an English teacher and that they will have two lessons with me.


First activity – Presentation

This activity will consist of a revision of eleven words that they have been presented the previous
class related to food and beverages (the ones that I think are the most common). I’m going to write
on the board “food and beverages” and I will distribute the eleven flashcards (see appendix 1)
among the students. I will ask them to look carefully at each of them and I will ask, pointing to one of
them, “what is this?” (if they do not understand me, I will switch to Spanish “¿Qué es esto?”). I will
tell them that they can go through their notes to search for the word. For instance, if the first
flashcard is a picture of a glass of milk: after they have said “milk”, I am going to write on the board
the word “milk” and I will also ask the one holding the picture to come to the board and stick the
flashcard below the word. The same will be done with the other ten flashcards.


Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

Second activity- Pronunciation practise

Now the board has been completed with the eleven words and their corresponding flashcards. I will
ask them to repeat the words after me twice. Then, they will be the ones saying the words first and I
will follow them. While we are doing this activity, I will encourage them to participate by saying
“good job” “excellent” “nice!”. After, having in my hand some candies, I will say “¿Quién se anima a
decir todas las palabras solo? El que se anima se gana uno de estos caramelos!”. I want to encourage
pronunciation practise on their own and, by having prizes, it will be more interesting for them.


Third activity – first encounter with the vocabulary in use

It is important to mention that the board will not be completely used – there will be a part left aside
for this activity. I will stick on the board a poster (see appendix 2) which consist of a boy talking
about his routine during the week. This will be the first time students encounter the vocabulary
related to food and beverages in use with the present simple for routines and time expressions. I will
read aloud the title of the poster. Then I will ask in Spanish “¿De qué creen que trata todo este
texto?” in order to do some guessing about the topic and to ensure myself that they understand
what the text is about: a routine related to food. I will also ask some questions in the L1 about the
words that are underlined (new vocabulary), the words in bold (verbs) and the words in green (time
expressions) to highlight the different functions these words have and to remind them of time
expressions. For example, “Vieron que hay algunas palabras que están marcadas de la misma
manera, algunas con verde, otras subrayadas. ¿Qué tienen en común las frases en verde? ¿Se
acuerdan que son?”.

I will ask the nearest student if he or she can read the first sentence. I will apply the technique of
prizes: if the student I asked to read is willing to read, he or she wins a candy. By doing this, they will
be able to practise the pronunciation of complete utterances.


Fourth activity – reading to get specific information

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

Then, students will be given worksheet number 1 (see appendix 3) which contains the first reading
activity related to the text in the poster. However, they will not be given the text in the worksheet so
they will have to pay attention to the poster on the board. This activity is a multiple choice in which
the students will have to re-read the text to find specific information. I will explain the activity by
giving the following example on the board:

Steven eats carrots/oranges/chocolate once a week.

After the explanation, I will state that they will have ten minutes to complete the activity and then
we will check. The checking will be done orally – I will read the whole utterances and then they will
have to say the correct word.


Fifth activity – part 1 - two truths and a lie

This activity will be the first of a little “competition” we are going to do. I will bring five printed
copies of the number 1, five of 2, six of 3 and six of 4. The little printed copies will be mixed up in a
plastic bag. I will go around the classroom and ask the students to take one piece of paper. In this
way, I will arrange the different groups. After having distributed the numbers I will ask the students
to join in groups with their “number partners”. While they move around to form the groups, I will
take away the poster of Steven and I will write “competition: let’s play”. Then, I will draw a chart
with the numbers one, two, three and four.

I will give each group worksheet number 2 (see appendix 4). The first activity is called “two truths
and a lie”. I will ask them if they know what truths and lies are, if not, I will explain to them the
meaning. Then, I will explain the activity by giving an example of myself. It is highly possible that I
will have to resort to Spanish lots of times in this activity so as to ensure the students’
understanding. I will state that they have ten minutes to do it.


Fifth activity – Part 2

I will explain the students in Spanish that now I will go through the groups and I will read the
statements they have written. The other groups will guess which statement is the lie. If they guess
right, they have a point. The group that raises their hands first is the one who guesses first.

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros


Break 8.50 – 9.00

Sixth activity – Crossword Puzzle Competition

Students will keep on working in groups. I will explain to them how this activity will be. I will explain
to them that the first group to finish this activity and to do it correctly will win points and the second
group to finish will also win a point. Then, I will tell them that the activity is a crossword which the
words you need to complete it refer to the pictures in the phrases below. Only after having
explained the whole activity I will give them the worksheet (see appendix 5) In this way, they will
practise with the spelling of the new vocabulary.


Seventh activity – “Food and beverages routines throw”

For this activity, the flashcards in the board are needed and the students will still be gathered
according to their groups. For instance, from group 1 one of the students will throw a screwed-up
paper ball (which I am going to provide) at the board. Whatever food word it hits the student will
have to make a sentence using the structure "I eat/drink ___ (the food or drink) _____ (time
expression), e.g. "I eat chicken once a week". If the student successfully hits a word and makes a
good sentence, he/she wins a point for his/her group. If the student misses a word or gets the
sentence wrong his/her group misses out on a point. I will try to make everyone say at least one
sentence in this activity.

Seventh activity -Just draw it

For this last activity, I will take all the flashcards away and I will erase the words. Then, I will write
“Just draw it” . Following, I will explain to them how the game works: One student per group will
have to draw one of the words from the new vocabulary to his/her group in just fifteen seconds. If
the group guess right in less than fifteen seconds they win a point. The student who will draw will
have to take one piece of paper from a plastic bag (which contains the words and pictures of the
new vocabulary) so as to know what to draw. The drawing will be done on the board. Everyone will
have the opportunity to participate in this activity and that is the reason why it will take fifteen



Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

Appendix 1 - Flashcards about food and beverages.

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

Appendix 2 – The poster with the text.

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

Appendix 3 - Worksheet number 1

Appendix 4 – Worksheet number 2

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

Appendix five – Worksheet 3

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros

dix six – Crossword already solved.

Profesorado de Inglés para Nivel Secundario – Taller de Docencia III – Concina, Ángeles Milagros


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