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MELC: Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status,

barriers to physical activity assessment participation and
one’s diet
• K to 12 BEC CG: PEH11FH-IIi-j-7

A. Introduction:
Physical fitness refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you
to be healthy and perform activities of daily living. Staying healthy is everyone’s priority. Most people
understand that there are benefits that arise from prioritizing physical fitness. It also provides a person
with the capacity to perform work safely in activities of daily living, including activities required for work
at home and in the workplace, for leisure-time pursuits, and for sports.

There are three important aspects that an individual should be able to meet in order to be considered
physically fit. These includes:

1. Ability to perform one’s daily task without undue fatigue. These daily activities include: Getting
early for school, walking/travelling to school, listening/participating to class activities, contributing to the
workload in the house.
2. Enjoying leisure through some recreational activities. Leisure is the amount of time left after all
the daily routine activities are accomplished. It is an unobligated time where one can enjoy through activities
such as sports, academic games, and other productive hobbies, there activities are called recreation. They
may be in the form of: playing puzzles, and other brain games, listening to music, playing games or sports,
and dancing.
3. Meeting emergencies. Emergencies are unforeseen events where one has to use his energy and time
to meet unexpected circumstances. They include: accidents, participating in community services, Solving
household problems, illnesses/death, calamities (landslide, earthquake, fire, floods etc)
The ability of these three (3) main facets of physical fitness is a manifestation that one is a physically fit
individual. The ability to meet these three demands of physical fitness requires you to acquire the different

B. Discussions
Fitness components that are prescribed to improve individual’s health.
➢ Muscular Strength- the ability of the muscle to exert maximum effort in a brief duration.
➢ Cardiovascular endurance- the ability of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels to deliver adequate amounts
of oxygen to the cells to meet the demands of prolonged physical activity.
➢ Flexibility- the ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range of motion.

➢ Body composition- refers to proportion of lean body mass to fat body mass.
➢ Muscular endurance- defined as the maximum push or pull that can be exerted one time by a muscle

Fitness components important for success in skillful activities and athletic events.
➢ Speed- the ability to perform a task or move from one point to another in the shortest possible time.
➢ Agility- the ability of an individual to quickly shift or change direction of the body form one point to the
➢ Power- ability to perform one maximum effort in the shortest possible time. It is the product of both
strength and speed.
➢ Balance- the ability to stay in equilibrium in relation to changes in body position. It may be static or
dynamic. Static balance is the kind of balance demonstrated in stationary position. Dynamic balance is
demonstrator while the body is moving.
➢ Reaction time- is the amount if time it takes to respond to a stimulus.
➢ Coordination- is the integration with hand and/or foot movements with the input of the senses.

Other Factors Affecting your Health:

1.Sleep- critical for proper hormone levels, mental health, recovery, and scientists have gone to great
lengths to fully understand sleep's benefits. In studies of humans and other animals, they have discovered
that sleep plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital
functions.8 hours of sleep.
2.Nutrition- Eat at least three meals a day; consisting of lean protein source, a vegetable, healthy fat, and
fibrous carbohydrates. Taking essential nutrients in adequate amount is called balanced diet. Good food
helps in better sleep, proper brain functioning and healthy body weight.

3.Hydration- water plays many roles in the human body. It helps the body eliminate waste and plays a
critical role in proper function of every system in our bodies.

Significance of Assessing Health- Related Fitness

The significance of this fitness activity is to help the students identify current fitness level which serve as
a baseline in doing the task. They will compare their progress over the time to improve their fitness in the
future. This is a great way to help the students understand how healthy they are and will learn how to set
goals to improve their health-related fitness.

Physical Fitness Testing

An educational tool that helps students gain knowledge and understanding on the benefits of being
physically active and will be motivated to develop a physically active lifestyle. This can be achieved

through proper nutrition, physical exercise, engagement in sport activities, and enough rest. This is also an
appropriate assessment tool for evaluating student’s strength and weakness.

C. Readings
Aside from the assistance of physical activity, there are also some barriers that avert individuals from
receiving adequate physical activity. Having knowledge of these barricades is needed to manipulate and
conduct methods that uphold physical activity. Usually some people mention having no enough time and
unnecessary issues that may lead to barriers.

1. Personal Barriers
With the advent of technology and conveniences, people’s lives have in many ways become
increasingly easier, as well as less active. Most common reasons adults do not adopt more physically
active lifestyles are the following:

1. insufficient time to exercise.

2. inconvenience of exercise
3. lack of self-motivation
4. non-enjoyment of exercise
5. boredom with exercise
6. lack of confidence in their ability to be physically active (low self-efficacy)
7. fear of being injured or having been injured recently
8. lack of self-management skills, such as the ability to set personal goals, monitor
9. no progress, or reward progress toward such goals
10.lack of encouragement, support, or companionship from family and friends
11.non-availability of parks, sidewalks, bicycle trails, or safe and pleasant walking
12.paths close to home or the workplace
2. Environment Barriers
Physical activities greatly influenced the environment we live in. There are factors that affect our
environment a lot. These includes the inaccessible walking paths, cycling trails, recreation facilities,
traffic, availability of public transportation, crime, and pollution. Other environmental factors include our
social environment, such as lack support from family and friends, and community spirit. It is possible to
make changes in our environment through campaigns to support active transportation, legislation for safer
communities, and the creation of new recreation facilities.

Four Types of Eating That You Should Know 1.Fueling for Performance
Before heavy training, an athlete needs the right kind of food that can provide the proper fuel for his
or her energy requirement. There should be a balance among all food groups: carbohydrates, protein, fats,
minerals, vitamins, and water that will provide the body what it needs for an effective and optimum
performance. Athletes usually practice this sort of structured diet for good body composition, athletic
performance, and recovery. In addition, athletes need to eat a variety of food to stabilize the condition of
the body. They need to eat regular meals and snacks and get enough calories to fuel the body for training
and athletic events. Athletes also need to drink more fluids as compared to non-athletes. This helps them to
avoid dehydration which can cause dizziness, muscle cramps, and lightheadedness.

2. Emotional Eating
Emotional eating is the practice of consuming large amounts of food in response to emotions
instead of hunger. Many people turn to food as a source of comfort, a stress reliever, or as a reward. Eating
as a coping mechanism is unhealthy because the problem is not addressed. Eating makes someone feel
better for a while but the emotion (or its cause) remains unaddressed. Overcoming this unhealthy habit
means teaching an emotional eater healthier way to deal with stress and to develop better eating habits. If
it is not resolved, emotional eating can lead to obesity and weight gain.

3.Social Eating
Many times, in our lives, we get invited to partake of all the scrumptious food on the table during
celebrations. Oftentimes, we indulge even if we are not hungry for the sake of being sociable and to not
offend the host or the group. This is called social eating. Sometimes, peer pressure is the reason why one
feels compelled to consume more calories than planned. Social eating can directly affect a person’ health,
leading to obesity and other health-related problems. While most of us try to maintain a good eating habit,
attending social events with lots of eating can get in the way. This only makes a healthy eating habit
difficult to maintain. 4.Distracted Eating

Have you tried eating while watching your favorite show or sports team on TV? Eating while
watching TV for extended periods of time poses a serious risk to your health. Many do not pay attention to
their meal as they are distracted with what they are watching, thus they tend to eat more. Others spend
time eating junk food, sweets and soft drinks while watching TV. This type of diet leads to overweight,
obesity, and even increased risk to diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Aside from consuming too
much food, it promotes an unhealthy lifestyle—leading a sedentary lifestyle rather than going out and
doing physical activities.

Eating is important but we must learn to manage it properly. Too much or too little food consumed is
unhealthy. It is better to maintain a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle to prevent illness. No one have
controlled our eating habits except ourselves. D. Example:

Physical Activity for Health-Related Fitness

Figure 1:

Badminton is a racket sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs
(doubles), who take positions on opposite halves of court that is divided by a net. Players score points
by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponent’s
court. A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground, and the shuttlecock may only be struck
once each side before it passes over the net.

Physical health is important part of overall health and playing badminton can help you to become
physically healthier and has many benefits in physical activity and one’s diet. Below are the some
collected benefits in playing badminton.

1. Badminton develops physical agility. Badminton is a very fast sport, both while playing singles
and doubles. The shuttle travels at a lightning speed and you have to react to that in a matter of
milliseconds. Therefore, if you play badminton, you will develop your physical agility because
you will need to move as fast as possible in order to catch the shuttle. That is also a reason why
badminton players are usually so slim. The more you weigh, the more difficult it is to be agile.
2. More reach leads to better balance and flexibility. Apart from the agility improvement that
you will gain from playing badminton, another benefit is the balance and flexibility that is gained
through the practice of badminton. Being such a fast sport, sometimes you have to shoot in
uncomfortable situations while keeping yourself standing up. This will over time help you
improve your body balance. Moreover, it will help you improve your flexibility because you will
have to stretch yourself further than you thought possible to catch the shuttle.
3. Badminton is good for your heart. It improves heart health very efficiently. Another
research backed benefit of badminton (as of any high-intensity interval training) is that improves
heart function much more than other lower intensity exercises if you practice it the same amount
of time.

PART II. Activity Proper

I. Directions: Describe the picture below. Can you tell what causes this person to be this way?

Figure 2:

II. Directions: On the table below, list down the barriers you encountered in doing physical activity and
answer the follow up question. Rubrics will be used to rate the activity.
Personal Barriers Environmental Barriers

Follow up question:

Cite some ways to overcome situations that hinder you to engage in physical activity. Explain.


Excellent (5pts) Good (4pts.) Fair (3pts.) Poor (2pts.)

Demonstrates a superior Has a good control of the Shows an understanding Is unclear about the
understanding on the topic he/she has written. of the topic, but some topic he/she has
topic he/she has written. Main ideas are ideas are not fully written. The discussion
Main ideas are fully adequately developed. developed. is not focused.


A. Directions: Write the correct answer on the space provided.

________1. It refers to the ability to use the joints fully.

a. Muscular Endurance b. Flexibility c. Muscular Strength d. Body Composition

________2. What do you call the percentage of body weight that is fat compared to other body tissue, such

as bone and muscle?

a. Body Composition b. Cardiovascular Fitness c. Flexibility d. Muscular Strength

________3. The amount of force you can put forth with your muscles.

a. Muscular Endurance b. Body Composition c. Muscular Strength d. Flexibility

________4. It is the ability to use the muscles, which are attached to the bones, many times without

getting tired.

a. Flexibility b. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Endurance d. Body Composition

________5. It is the ability to exercise the entire body for long period of time.

a. Cardiovascular Endurance b. Body Composition c. Muscular Endurance d. Flexibility

________6. Which among the following is a common barrier to physical activity?

a. Lack of confidence c. Lack of financial resources

b. Lack of knowledge d. Lack of experience

________7. What is physical fitness?

a. Muscles contract to make your body move
b. The ability of the body systems to work together efficiently
c. Having knowledge of fitness
d. Being physically fit

_________8. The following are the advantages of physical activity EXCEPT

a. Physical activity improves our mood

b. Physical activity helps strengthen muscle and bone density
c.Physical activity controls our weight
d. Physical activity causes lack of sleep

__________9. Which among the following is a common barrier of physical activity? a.

Lack of time

b. Lack of encouragement
c. Feelings of inadequacy (the ‘body beautiful’)
d. All of the above

__________10. Integrating physical activity with other subject area is:

a. Is a great way to keep students engaged in their learning

b. An effective way to include arrange of subject areas
c.Helps active student’s brains for more activity
d. All of the above.

B. Directions: Answer the following questions on health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to
physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet below. Rubrics will be used to rate the

1. What do you think is the importance of monitoring your of health- related fitness?


2. Do you often have time to exercise or exert effort on any physical activities? Why?


3. Do you have any barriers to physical fitness and diet that you are unable to overcome? Why?


4. What do you frequently do to keep yourself fit? Explain.

Excellent (5pts) Good (4pts.) Fair (3pts.) Poor (2pts.)

Demonstrates a superior Has a good control of the Shows an understanding Is unclear about the
understanding on the topic he/she has written. of the topic, but some topic he/she has
topic he/she has written. Main ideas are ideas are not fully written. The discussion
Main ideas are fully adequately developed. developed. is not focused.

C. Directions: Create one (1) advocacy through a slogan about health-related fitness (HRF) status,
barriers to physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet. Rubrics will be used to rate this

Excellent 5 Very Good Good Fair 2 Poor
Criteria TOTAL
4 3 1

Coverage of Output is well Output include Some details are Few details are Details are
the topic detailed which details included that included that not clear.
capture the that capture capture capture some
important important important important
information information information information
about the topic. about the topic. about the topic about the topic

Visual Impact Color choice for Color for Some color for Used too many Did not
backgrounds backgrounds backgrounds colors. Did not change
and text were and text were and text were use color for background
thoughtful, consistent and consistent and effect. Lack of or text color.
appropriate, and appropriate. appropriate. contrast
used Used Used some between
consistently contrasting contrasting background and
throughout. colors to colors to make text colors
Contrasting make text easy text easy to read. made text hard to
colors made to read. read.
text easy to
read. Used color
to convey

Creativity Output contains Output Output contains Output contains Output does
an adequate includes a some graphics some graphics not contain
amount of good amount and and graphics and
graphics and of graphics enhancement enhancement enhancement
enhancements and that are that but are not that are
that add enhancement appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.
attraction that are
without taking appropriate.
away from the

DesignLayout Output is Output is Output is Output is Output is

and exceptionally attractive attractive with attractive with poorly
Organization attractive in though it good design poor design and designed and
terms of color might be a and lacks of lacks of lacks
and neatness. little messy. neatness. The neatness. The neatness.
Graphics were Graphics were placement of placement of Inappropriate
neatly organized. placed that graphics graphics graphics were
make it easy sometimes sometimes placed.
to read. made it hard to made it hard to
read. read.


Simple Activities Moderate Activities Difficult activities

1.B Answers may vary on the students Answers may vary on the students

2.A explanation explanation



A. Books

Bushman Barbara (2011), Complete Guide to Fitness & Health, Illinois, Human Kinetics. Physical
Education and Health – 7 Learner’s Material, First Edition, 2017., pp. 10-13

B. Online and Other Sources Physical Fitness
Physical Education and Healt
M3 13 Benefits of Playing Badminton, Backed by Scientific Studies


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