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Part I - Essay

a. What is the meaning of Management By Objective (MBO)?
b. Please explain 3 types of goals!
a. Please explain the definition of benchmarking and give some examples.
b. Please describe about Gantt Chart.
a. Please describe 5 approaches to departmentalize an organization.
b. Please explain 3 kind of organization structure.
a. What is the difference between transactional leadership and
transformational leadership?
b. Please describe 5 types of power in leadership.
a. How do you design Control System for your organization?
b. What are the tools for controlling organizational performance?

Part II – Case Study

Please make a planning of an event which needs 3 months for the preparation,
1. Brief description of the event, including objectives and goals. (10%)
2. Organizational structure with the explanation. (15%)
3. Gantt Chart in preparing the event. (15%)


3. a. management by objectives (MBO) is a systematic and organized approach

that emphasizes the achievement of organizational goals. MBO is a
strategic management model that aims to improve organizational
performance by setting clear goals that are agreed upon by management
and employees
 So that the goals in an organization can be carried out in harmony and
can develop the organization for the better.
 Systematic and organized approach to organizational goals. MBO is a
strategic management model that aims to improve organizational
performance by establishing a clear agreement between management and
 increase company productivity. The reason is, MBO helps the team in
setting goals, developing steps to achieve goals, to assessing the
performance that has been done.

4. A. Benchmarking is a comparative study process and measures an activity

of a company/organization against the best operating process in its class as
an inspiration in improving the company's/organization's performance. to
develop the company's best practice operational plan and recommend
increasing improvements for all components of the
company/organizational environment. Benchmarking can be defined as a
systematic method for identifying, understanding, and creatively
developing processes, products, services, to improve company
performance. According to Gregory H. Watson, Bencmarking is the
continuous search and actual implementation of better practices that lead
to superior competitive performance.
An example of a successful benchmarking application is what Samsung
did against Apple in 2013, where Samsung with its product Samsung
Galaxy ace was able to beat sales of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5. more
affordable. However, the negative impact obtained by Samsung in carrying
out this benchmarking is the issue of patent infringement because Samsung
imitates Apple products too precisely.

b. Definition of a Gantt Chart and How to Make It - A Gantt Chart is a type of

chart (Bar Chart) that is used to show the tasks on a project and the schedule and
time for their implementation, such as the start time of the task and also the time
limit used to complete the task in question. The person or Department assigned to
complete the Tasks in the project should also be listed in the Gantt Chart. Some
other names for Gantt Charts include Milestones Chart, Project Bar Chart and also
activity chart. The Gantt Chart, which was developed by Henry Laurence Gant in
1910, is basically a description of planning, scheduling and monitoring the
progress of each or every activity on a project. Gantt Chart is a very useful tool in
planning and integrating activities in a project, communicating the activities that
must be carried out and also the status of their implementation. In the Gantt Chart,
you can also see the sequence of activities or tasks that must be carried out based
on the specified time priority.

5. a. Departmentalization is the process of determining the sections within the

organization that will be responsible for carrying out various types of work that
have been categorized based on certain factors. In designing the organization,
especially in the departmentalization process as described above, there are several
approaches that can be used by organizations, namely the functional-based,
product-based, Customer-based, geographic-based, and matrix-based approaches.
 Functional Approach
The determination of the first sub-sections of the organization or
departmentalization process is based on function (functional
departmentalization). Based on this approach, the departmentalization
process is carried out based on certain functions that must be carried out in
an organization. In a business organization, for example, there are jobs
related to the production function, there are jobs related to customers or
markets, so they are called marketing functions, and so on.

 Product Approach
The second approach in departmentalization is based on product or product
departmentalization. Based on this approach, the determination of the parts
in the organization is determined based on the type of product made by the
organization. For example, PT ABC has several types of products ranging
from dairy products, bath soap, toothpaste, to instant noodles, so under the
production division, sub-sections can also be made.

 Customer Approach
The third approach in departmentalization is customer-based or customer
departmentalization. Based on this approach, the determination of the parts
in the organization is determined based on the characteristics of the
customers who are the target customers of the organization. For example,
if the soap product from PT ABC above turns out to be not only one, but
there are bath soaps for babies, children, teenagers, and adults,

 Geographical Approach
The fourth approach to departmentalization is based on geographic factors.
Based on this approach, the determination of the parts in the organization
is determined based on the geographical area in which the organization
operates. If PT ABC has sales areas in four regions, for example Jakarta,
Bandung, Makassar, and Medan,

 Matrix Approach
The final departmentalization approach introduced in this book is the
matrix approach. This approach is basically a departmentalization process
that combines functional approaches with other approaches, for example
based on certain projects, certain products, or based on other approaches.
Every worker who falls under a certain department is in fact also part of a
certain project or other part of the work of the company. If we return to the
example of PT ABC above, and make adjustments to its organizational
design into a matrix form,
5.b Structure as a hierarchical line that describes the various components that
make up the company, where each individual or Human Resources within the
scope of the company has their respective positions and functions. The
organizational structure itself is made for the benefit of the company by
previously placing competent people according to their fields and expertise. For
HRD itself, with an organizational structure, we can know the roles and
responsibilities of its employees.
1) Functional Organizational Structure
Functional organizational structure is the type of organizational structure
that is most commonly used by an organization or company. In the
functional organizational structure, the division of labor is then carried out
based on the functions of each management. Among them are Financial
Management, Marketing Management and Human Resources, Production
Management, and others. Every employee who has the same skills and
skills will be grouped into one work unit. This is what causes this type of
organizational structure to be very appropriate to be applied to an
organization or company that only produces several types of products or
services. The advantages of this type of organizational structure are that it
can reduce the company's operational costs, and make it easier for the
managerial team to supervise and evaluate employee performance. But
unfortunately, implementing this type of organization can have an impact
on difficulties in discussing and communicating between work units with
one another. In addition, general management training for employees also
has limitations.
2) Divisional Organizational Structure (Divisional Structure
Divisional organizational structure is a type of organizational structure that
performs grouping based on the similarity of products, services/services,
markets, and geographic locations. high when compared to the functional
organizational structure. By implementing a divisional organizational
structure, it means that your company has more ease of management
because it breaks up the divisions within the company into smaller parts.
Meanwhile, the weakness lies in the problem of resource allocation, and
the distribution of costs that must issued by the company
3) Line Organizational Structure
The third type of organizational structure that we will discuss is the line
organizational structure. In the line organizational structure, the
relationship between superiors and subordinates occurs directly and
vertically. Where from the highest leadership to the employee with the
lowest position in this organizational structure is connected by a line of
command or line of authority.
4) Line and Staff Organizational Structure
This type of organizational structure is a combination of several
combinations of line organizational structures with the principle of
command, but the task of the leader is assisted by several staff. The new
line and staff organizational structure is very suitable to be applied to
small-scale companies because it has advantages, namely the high moral
discipline of employees according to their respective job descriptions.
However, the solidarity of the employees is still lacking because many of
them do not know each other.
5) Matrix Organizational Structure
The matrix organizational structure is an organizational structure which is
an amalgamation of a functional organizational structure with a divisional
organizational structure with the aim of complementing and covering the
deficiencies in the two organizational structures. This type of
organizational structure is often also known as the project organizational
structure because each employee in the functional organizational structure
work unit must work on organizational projects assigned to him. The
application of this type of organizational structure causes a command
system in which an employee is required to report to two leaders, namely
the leader in the divisional and functional work units. The matrix
organizational structure is very suitable to be applied to large-scale
companies to multinational companies because of its ability to achieve the
level of coordination that is needed in responding to the multiple demands
of the corporate environment. However, unfortunately, the matrix
organizational structure also has weaknesses, where sometimes due to
these multiple demands it creates confusion.
6) Committee or Project Organizational Structure
The last type of organizational structure commonly used by companies is
the committee organizational structure. In this organizational structure,
every leadership task and other specific tasks must be carried out and
accounted for collectively by a group of officials in the form of a board or
committee. The organization in the Committee usually consists of a
committee leader (Executive Committee) who is a leader with line
authority, and a staff committee who is an employee with staff authority.
board. While the weakness lies in the avoidance of responsibility if a
problem occurs

6.a Transformational leaders demonstrate inspiring learning, the ability to take

higher risks, take difficult decisions, entertain new ideas, and adapt easily, while
transactional leaders focus on performance and maintaining compliance with
organizational norms. Transactional Leadership is a type of leadership in which
rewards and punishments are used as the basis for initiating followers.
Transformational leadership is a leadership style in which the leader uses
charisma and enthusiasm to influence followers.

b. French and Raven divide 5 forms of power according to the approach through
observation, and the extent to which power has an impact, will depend on
structural conditions. Addiction refers to the degree of internalization that occurs
among individuals who are subject to social control. These five forms of power
1. Coercive Power
This form of power is derived from the act of coercion. That is, the leader has the
power to force someone to do something against his will. The main goals of
coercion are obedience and power by relying on threats in their management style.
Often this form of power elicits negative responses and tends to be abused. An
example of a leader who uses coercive power is Adolf Hitler, the leader of the
famous authoritarian Nazi party.

2. Reward Power
This form of power is based on the idea that as a society, we are more likely to do
something well when we get something we like in return. The most popular forms
of this power are a raise, a promotion, or a compliment. However, this type of
power will be weakened if the reward given does not have sufficient satisfaction
value for others. An example of a leader who applies reward power is Sundar
Pichai who provides many rewards for Google employees.
3. Legitimate Power
This form of power is to make members feel responsible and respect certain
positions. Leaders who use legitimate power will be obeyed by their members.
This power is usually based on a role, so it can be easily overcome as soon as
someone loses a position. An example of a leader who applies legitimate power is
Steve Jobs, a former Apple CEO who is famous for his autocratic leadership style.
4. Referent Power
This form of power is about management based on the ability to give someone a
sense of acceptance. Leaders who have this power are often seen as role models
who are admired, often rewarded, and are powerful influences in the group
because of their personality. An example of a leader who uses referent power is
Mark Zuckerberg, the charismatic founder of Facebook.
5. Expert Power
This form of power is based on deep knowledge. These leaders are often highly
intelligent and believe in the power of expertise to fulfill organizational roles and
responsibilities. Members value the leader for his or her skills in a particular area.
An example of a leader who uses expert power is Bill Gates, the founder of
Microsoft who is famous for his intelligence. These five forms of power may be
owned by the leader in formal and informal situations according to the current
situation. However, back again that the strength of each form of power is strongly
influenced by the conditions that occur in each group.

7.a by making a planned program to make specifications in an organizational

activity. For example, programs that show activities to be carried out in the
organization. Then do the budgeting by compiling departmental or divisional
budgets that are responsible for each division head.Reporting or evaluation in
every organization is very important, it is necessary to do this in order to make
lessons and satisfaction with a performance and can give appreciation for every
team work.
After that carry out reporting and control analysis in a section, some of which are
to develop plans and compare actual performance and planned performance and
overall storage.
b. 1. By considering the patterns of autonomy used by the organization in
influencing the behavior of managers that lead to the goals of the organization.
This section covers about:
• Climate as a determinant of manager behavior, such as the style of managers
and also the organizational philosophy that affects managerial autonomy and
control systems. In compiling this control system, the pattern is considered to
be something that has been determined.
• The design of the next system begins with the goal of identifying the
strategy, as well as the policies that have been determined through the
strategic planning process.
2. Next is the control system control that has been prepared with a complete
control control design. The plans include, among others:
• The decision to establish a unit of responsibility – an organizational unit to
safeguard organizational resources.
• Performance measurement system used for the responsibility center.
Determination of rewards and incentives to motivate behavior for
responsibility center managers in achieving their goals.
3. Develop a process of management control that is repetitive. This management
control process is usually supported by a formal information system. If the system
is implemented properly, it can guarantee the relationship of the structure and
process of management control. The iterative control process is structured for
information processing purposes which can be as follows:
• Translating the overall goals of the organization as the objectives of the
various sub-units and responsibility centers of an organization.
• Be sensitive to environmental changes that can affect objectives and
• Compare actions to solve problems that have been faced[I] in order to
achieve goals.
This management control structure concentrates in various types of responsibility
centers in an organization. In simple terms, the term from the responsibility center
is used to indicate organizational units led by a manager who has been
responsible. Each responsibility center includes:
• Using input (input)
• Running the job (process)
• Generate output (output)
Thus the management control system is divided into 3 process stages, including
programming, budgeting, performance measurement and operations, as well as
reporting and analysis.

Perguruan tinggi menjadi tujuan utama siswa/i dalam melanjutkan
pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Dalam menentukan perguruan tinggi
mana yang akan dipilih, tentunya siswa/i membutuhkan informasi seputar
kampus, fakultas, dan jurusan. Untuk itu kami selaku panitia bermaksud
menyelenggarakan kegiatan Campus Expo “EXPO TYFO 2020” sebagai
wadah informasi sekaligus memperkenalkan para alumni SMAN 44 Jakarta
yang sudah diterima di setiap perguruan tinggi yang tersebar di seluruh
Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, acara ini diselenggarakan dengan harapan acara
tahunan ini kelak bermanfaat sebagai media informasi alumni terhadap para
adik kelas yang akan melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang berikutnya.
Memfasilitasi para siswa/i dari presentasi-presentasi, pemaparan materi dan
rangkaian acara yang akan disampaikan para alumni.
Adapun tujuan diadakannya kegiatan ini adalah :
- Menjalin silaturahmi antar alumni, guru, dan warga sekolah.
- Memberikan informasi-informasi yang bisa dijadikan acuan atau
siswa/i kelas XII untuk menentukan perguruan tinggi tujuannya.
- Melaksanakan program tahunan Campus Expo memberikan informasi
seputar Universitas, Sekolah Tinggi, Sekolah Kedinasan, dan Institut.
- Memperkenalkan fakultas dan jurusan yang ada dari setiap kampus.
- Memperkenalkan alumni SMAN 44 Jakarta yang sudah diterima di
PTN, PTS, PTK, dan ST.
Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan :
Pengenalan kehidupan kampus dari alumni-alumni yang
melanjutkan ke jenjang lebih tinggi yakni Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
(PTN), Perguruan
Tinggi Kedinasan (PTK), Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS), dan Sekolah
Sasaran Kegiatan ini adalah seluruh warga SMAN 44 Jakarta terutama
kelas XII.
Tema Kegiatan ini adalah :
“Jump Start Your Future”

Nama Kegiatan pada acara ini adalah :

“EXPO FUN 2022”


Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari : Kamis
Tanggal : 28 April 20222
Waktu : 07:20 – 15:00
Tempat : SMAN 444 Jakarta
Hari : Selasa
Tanggal : 29 April 2022
Waktu : 07:20 – 15:00
Tempat : SMAN 444 Jakarta


Terdapat tiga rangkaian campus expo 2022 ini, yaitu:
1. Parade Perguruan Tinggi yaitu prosesi perkenalan perguruan
tinggi yang akan berpartisipasi dalam Expo FUN 2022
2. Presentasi Perguruan Tinggi yaitu pemaparan mengenai perguruan
tinggi tersebut
3. Diskusi Jurusan yaitu wadah bagi siswa kelas XII untuk
bertanya atau mendiskusikan perihal jurusan yang diminati

Penanggung Jawab : Andriko Fajar Prakoso

Ketua Pelaksana : Muhammad Andika Ghifary

Sekretaris Pelaksana : Mariska Nurul Inayah

Bendahara : Laina Widad Gunawan


Seksi Acara
Penanggung Jawab : Alifya Salza Khairunnisa
Anggota : Azra Chiquita Hidayat

Seksi Humas
Penanggung Jawab : Chalista Putri Ananda
Anggota : Destarina Bella Ilana

Seksi Publikasi Dokumentasi

Penanggung Jawab : Gandhi Ashidiqie
Anggota : Rika Santy Sabila

Seksi Perlengkapan
Penanggung Jawab : Dzikri Aditya Ihatra
Anggota : Daffa Shaquille


1. 06.00-07.00 Persiapan Panitia 60” Menyiapkan acara
2. 07.00-07.20 Mobilisasi Siswa Kelas 20” Siswa menuju ke
X, XI dan XII lapangan
3. 07.20-07.30 Pembukaan MC 10” Acara dibuka oleh
4. 07.30-07.35 Sambutan Ketua 5” -
5. Sambutan Kepala 5” -
6. 07.40-08.10 Parade Universitas 30” Perkenalan
7. 08.10-08.30 Diskusi Jurusan 20” Wadah Bertanya
8. 08.30-08.40 Mobilisasi siswa ke 10” Siswa menuju ke
ruangan audio visual
9. 08.40-08.50 Pembukaan rangkaian 10” Pembukaan oleh
presentasi universitas MC
10. 08.50-09.00 UPNVY 10” Kelas XII MIPA
11. 09.00-09.10 POLTEKIP 10” Kelas XII MIPA
12. 09.10-09.20 POLTEKIM 10” Kelas XII MIPA
13. 09.20-09.30 UIN WALISONGO 10” Kelas XII MIPA
14. 09.30-09.40 IPB 10” Kelas XII MIPA
15. 09.40-09.50 UNTIRTA 10” Kelas XII MIPA
16. 09.50-10.00 UNDIP 10” Kelas XII MIPA
17. 10.00-10.20 Quiz dan Games 20” Ice Breaking
18. 10.20-10.30 UB 10” Kelas XII MIPA
19. 10.30-10.40 UNESA 10” Kelas XII MIPA
20. 10.40-10.50 TRISAKTI 10” Kelas XII MIPA
21. 10.50-11.00 TELKOM 10” Kelas XII MIPA
22. 11.00-11.10 UM 10” Kelas XII MIPA
23. 11.10-11.20 ITERA 10” Kelas XII MIPA
24. 11.20-11.30 ITB 10” Kelas XII MIPA
25. 11.30-12.30 Istirahat 60” Ishoma
26. 12.30-12.40 UPNVY 10” Kelas XII IPS
27. 12.40-12.50 POLTEKIP 10” Kelas XII IPS
28. 12.50-13.00 POLTEKIM 10” Kelas XII IPS
29. 13.00-13.10 UIN WALISONGO 10” Kelas XII IPS
30. 13.10-13.20 UNESA 10” Kelas XII IPS
31. 13.20-13.30 UNTIRTA 10” Kelas XII IPS
32. 13.30-13.40 Quiz dan Games 10” Ice Breaking
33. 13.40-13.50 UNDIP 10” Kelas XII IPS
34. 13.50-14.00 IPB 10” Kelas XII IPS
35. 14.00-14.10 UB 10” Kelas XII IPS
36. 14.10-14.20 TRISAKTI 10” Kelas XII IPS
37. 14.20-14.30 TELKOM 10” Kelas XII IPS
38. 14.30-14.40 UM 10” Kelas XII IPS
39. 14.40-14.50 ITERA 10” Kelas XII IPS
40. 14.50-15.00 ITB 10” Kelas XII IPS

NO Waktu Kegiatan Durasi Keterangan
1. 06.30-07.00 Persiapan Panitia 30” Menyiapkan acara
2. 07.00-07.20 Mobilisasi Siswa 20” Siswa menuju ke lapangan
3. 07.20-08.20 Diskusi Jurusan 60” Wadah bertanya
4. 08.20-08.40 Review dan Quiz 20” Ice Breaking
5. 08.40-08.50 UIN JKT 10” Kelas XII IPS
6. 08.50-09.00 STPN 10” Kelas XII IPS
7. 09.00-09.10 STTD 10” Kelas XII IPS
8. 09.10-09.20 UNJ 10” Kelas XII IPS
9. 09.20-09.30 UPNVJ 10” Kelas XII IPS
10. 09.30-09.40 BINUS 10” Kelas XII IPS
11. 09.40-09-50 UNTIDAR 10” Kelas XII IPS
12. 09.50-10.10 Quiz dan Games 20” Ice Breaking
13. 10.10-10.20 UNPAD 10” Kelas XII IPS
14. 10.20-10.30 UNS 10” Kelas XII IPS
15. 10.30-10.50 UNAIR 20” Kelas XII IPS
16. 10.50-11.00 STAN 10” Kelas XII IPS
17. 11.00-11.10 PNJ 10” Kelas XII IPS
18. 11.10-11.20 ITS 10” Kelas XII IPS
19. 11.20-11.30 UI 10” Kelas XII IPS
20. 11.30-12.30 Istirahat 60” Ishoma
21. 12.30-12.40 UIN JKT 10” Kelas XII MIPA
22. 12.40-12.50 STPN 10” Kelas XII MIPA
23. 12.50-13.00 STTD 10” Kelas XII MIPA
24. 13.00-13.10 UNJ 10” Kelas XII MIPA
25. 13.10-13.20 UPNVJ 10” Kelas XII MIPA
26. 13.20-13.30 BINUS 10” Kelas XII MIPA
27. 13.30-13.40 UNTIDAR 10” Kelas XII MIPA
28. 13.40-13.50 Quiz dan Games 10” Ice Breaking
29. 13.50-14.00 UNPAD 10” Kelas XII MIPA
30. 14.00-14.10 UNS 10” Kelas XII MIPA
31. 14.10-14.20 UNAIR 10” Kelas XII MIPA
32. 14.20-14.30 STAN 10” Kelas XII MIPA
33. 14.30-14.40 PNJ 10” Kelas XII MIPA
34. 14.40-14.50 ITS 10” Kelas XII MIPA
35. 14.50-15.00 UI 10” Kelas XII MIPA


Kegiatan Januari Februari Maret

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Open Recruitment

Wawancara panitia


Roundown acara

Anggaran biaya

Proposal dan

Survey lokasi

peminjaman alat

Pengutipan dana
proposal dan

Penyebaran brosur
dan undangan

Fiksasi Lokasi dan

Roundown acara
Persiapan lokasi

Hari puncak

Evaluasi panitia

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