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INTRODUCTION: The year 2020 has been a challenging year. The spread of corona virus has
impacted the lives of everyone and children’s education has been greatly affected as the Covid
19 pandemic forced us, students to stop going to school and the schools to temporary close
from March 2020 to date producing unpredictable changes in concepts and style of education.

The Covid 19 pandemic has placed severe restictions on peoples behavior

worldwide with schools closure in many countries. There are closures have shifted education
from the classroom to home, thus home-schooling took place. Home- schooling means learning
outside of the public or private school environment. Essentially, home- schooling involves
commitment by a parent or guardian to oversee their child’s educational development.

PURPOSE OF STUDY: Home- schooling is on the rise due to covid 19 pandemic around the
world. Schools in over 100 countries are closed to protect against the spread of coronavirus
affecting the education of students. Home- schooling will take the place of the classroom.
School are using existing platforms from the likes to Microsoft and Googles as well as
conferencing apps likes zoom to deliver lessons for the students.

Andreas Schleicher, sees as an opportunity to rethink how we organize

education. He argues and teaches should no longer be seen as “ knowledge delivery systems’’
and that teachers should be empowered to take greater ownership and that they teach and
how they teach it.

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