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Lesson 2: Etiquettes of the Game

I. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have;
a. explained the etiquette of the game and
b. showed interest on the application of etiquette in the actual game.
1. In what particular occasion or places etiquette is being observed?
2. What is the purpose of etiquettes?
3. What is your reaction when you know someone not observing proper
II. Conceptualization:
Etiquettes of the Game
Good badminton etiquette means keeping a calm temperament,
irrespective of how cross or frustrated a player may become while facing adversity or
victory on the court.
 BE CONSIDERATE and COOPERATE: During warm-up
exercises, be sure that each player should be given ample
opportunity of time to hit variety of shots before the match begins.
 FIRM GRIP: Always secure the gripping of your hands in the
racket for the safety of everyone in the court.
 BE FAIR: Treating opponents justly will most often get the same
response when the situation is reversed.
 MUTUAL RESPECT: There will be opponents call and do it
without arguments. If in doubt, consider re-playing the point.
 DO NOT TALK: Making noises or deliberately distract an
opponent during play is completely unacceptable and considered
very rude.
 BE MINDFUL: showing respect to other games in progress will also keep you
safe. Passing through a proper well clear of the sidelines and back boundary
lines should always be practiced.
 BE FRIENDLY: Pick up the shuttlecock when it lands in your half of the court and
pass it back to your opponent in a friendly manner. When serving, make sure
your opponent is ready!
 SPORTSMANSHIP: Whether a player wins or loses the match she should
always shake hands with the opponent when the match is completed.

IV . Assessment: (to be submitted in 2 days)

Write your answers in the space provided.
1. Choose only one of etiquettes and discuss its importance while playing

2. In which etiquette of the game that caught your interest in playing badminton,
and why?

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