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Divergence of the Two-Loop Planar Graph in the Dual-Resonance Model*

Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California 947ZO
(Received 21 August 1970)

The two-loop planar tadpole is constructed by inserting two projected planar tadpoles on a symmetric
three-Reggeon vertex. The determinant, which is the generalization of the partition function appearing in
the one-loop diagram, is studied as a function of the integration variables of the loops and propagators. It
is found that although the determinant contains an infinite number of possibly exponentially divergent
factors, only three of them actually diverge. The first two divergent factors are those associated with each
tadpole. The additional divergence is associated with the closed path going around the two loops which does
not cross itself. The calculation is also performed with the Koba-Nielsen variables of the original N-loop
graph, and the same result is derived.

I. INTRODUCTION In principle, each factor in II„II (1 —

&~& W~") 4 can
"T has become an exponentially divergent factor. However, we
been observed recently that any Feynman-like
show that, because of linear dependences,
- t diagram of the dual-resonance model can be built
from trees and from four primitive operators. ' All planar 0& W'g &1.
graphs, for instance, can be constructed by iteration of
the planar one-loop tadpole. The problem of eliminating Also, the equality 8"&=1 can be satisfied only if
the contribution of spurious states has been solved, and P = Pi, P2, or P1P~. All other transformations contribute
the one-loop planar projected tadpole, attached to a a finite factor. The divergent factor is thus
projected propagator, has been obtained. ' By using the
methods developed by Kaku and Yu, ' ' exponentials of (1 —Wg")(1 —Wg")(1 — —
W~, ~,")j 4.
quadratic forms in the creation and annihilation opera-
tors can be handled to compute the two-loop planar
tadpole, obtained by putting two tadpoles on a sym- The first two factors are associated with each of the
metric three-Reggeon vertex. The determinant which tadpoles. In terms of KSV' lines, one sees that the three
appears in the calculation has a structure similar to the divergent factors correspond to closed paths which do
partition function encountered in the one-loop diagram not cross themselves, while the finite factors correspond
computation. to self-crossing closed paths.
The determinant is of the form If linear dependences are neglected, then it is possible
to have Wp~ = 1. We see, therefore, that in the limit
II&p) (1 —

W =W =1, any of the factors in II Wp )

II II(1 —W~) ',
n=1 (P) may diverge. Thus, linear dependences play a much
more important role in the two-loop than in the one-
where 8'z is associated with the projective transforma- loop case.
tion P. This number is called the multiplier of the trans- There is a simple interpretation of this result. The
formation. The set (P) is a subset of the group of trans- generators PI and P~ depend on four variables, includ-
formations generated by two transformations P& and ing Wq and W~. In the limit where W~ (or W2) goes to

P&. The set contains elements such as PI, P2, and
Pi "P'~~". In this set, the exponents
one, the transformation Pq (or P2) does not go to the
identity but degenerates into a parabolic transformation
n&, . . . , n, P~, . . . , P are negative or positive nonzero whose invariant poi:nts are identical. This is ensured by
integers choosen with the restriction that a given trans- linear dependences. If one neglected linear dependences,
formation P" occurs only once in the product over P. then P1 and P2 would go to one in the limit 8'I= 8'2 —1.
For instance, PIP~PIP2 is included in the term associ- Then any transformation in the group would also be-
ated with PqP2. [More restrictions on (P) and W~ are come the identity transformation, and so each factor in
given below. ] 1— 8'~ would go to zero. In the single-loop calculation,
linear dependences merely added a factor 1 — 8'. In
*Research supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific higher-loop calculations, we have complicated con-
Research Office of Aerospace Research, U. S. Air Force, under
Contract No. F44620-70-C-0028. straints on the variables in the singularity.
t NATO Fellow on leave of absence from Laboratoire de In Sec. II, we give some identities for projective
Physique Theorique, Faculte des Sciences d'Orsay, Orsay, France. transformations and discuss the structure of the de-
I D. J. Gross, A. Neveu, J. Scherk, and J. H. Schwarz, Phys.
Rev. D 2, 697 (1970). terminant. In Sec. III, we perform the computation of
'D. J. Gross, and J. H. Schwarz, Phys. Rev. Letters 25, 406 the two-loop tadpole and identify the projective trans-
' M. Kaku, Berkeley report (unpublished). ' K. Kikkawa, B. Sakita, and M. A. Virasoro, Phys. Rev. 184,
4 M. Kaku and Loh-Ping
Yu, Berkeley report (unpublished). 1701 (1969).

formations involved. We also study the divergence of (c) Wp-1= Wp (Ref. 7),
the determinant and prove that 0& 8"p, ~, & 1. In Sec. (d) Wg pg-i=- Wp.
IV, we extend this result by a geometrical method to
any transformation in the group. In Appendix A, we The divergent factor (1 — g
W") 4 found in the one-
give the proof in terms of the variables used earlier and loop diagram computation has a simple projective
show that the inequality which ensures 0&W&&1 is interpretation: If P(s)=Ws, then Wp= W. Since the
satisfied. A similar proof is in Appendix 3 in terms of the 8' appearing in the single-loop singularity is just the
Koba-Nielsen variables appearing in the E-loop compu- multiplier of P, we can now write g~ p~ (1 —Wp), where
tation of Ref. 4. PPj=[P' i=1, ~].
We thus expect the divergent factor of the two-loop
II. IDENTITIES FOR PROJECTIVE diagram to be of the form g&p& (1 — g
Wp") ', P
TRANSFORMATION S being an element of the group generated by two trans-
formations Pz and P2 such that cyclic permutations and
A very good account of the properties of projective inverses of such permutations of previous elements are
transformations can be found in Ford. ' We will now not double counted. We also exclude those elements
give the properties and definitions used in this paper. which can be written as a power of previous elements.
A projective transformation is a transformation de- This result easily generalizes to the E-loop case. '
fined by We notice that the two transformations PJ, P2 are
hyperbolic transformations, and can be shown to be
P(s) = real. The group generated by P&, P2 will thus leave the
real axis invariant; this group is called Fuchsian (see
We assume that ad — bc= 1. Projective transformations Ford' ). Since the transformations in the group are real,
can be classified by the value of their multiplier, as we either Wp~ =1 or Wp is real, in which case one can.

shall see. It is convenient to reexpress P in the form always choose 0& 8'~& I.
s' —
P: — —

=W~ '--s t—
(2 1)
The KSV interpretation of a factor like
1—(Wp lp ei .
p, p, n..). .&
is to say that it describes a closed path going n& times
t and 1' are the invariant points of the transformation around the point corresponding to loop 1, Pq around 2,
Li.e., P(f) = 1 and P(t') =
f']. Wp is called the multiplier. and so on, the whole thing being iterated k times. We
P" has the following form: thus expect that this factor should at least be real and
between zero and one, as in the case with one-loop dia-
grams. We suspect that all the transformations of the
=(Wp ") (2.2)
if pf group generated by P~ and P2 must be hyperbolic.

If Wz is real, one can always choose 0&8'J & The

transformation is then called hyperbolic. If Wp = 1, it ~ ~
|. Thus we are led to the following question: Given two
real hyperbolic transformations, when can we say that
any transformation in the group which they generate is
is called elliptic; if 5"~ is complex, it is called loxodromic. also hyperbolic?
If f= f', the transformation is called parabolic. It is To solve this problem, we consider two real hyperbolic
then written as transformations:

s' —

s' —1'y
s— |
= Wg-'
For reasons which will become clearer later, we consider S' —g2 S—|2
a parabolic transformation as a degenerate case of a P2.. =W2—'
pf z—f'
hyperbolic transformation whose multiplier goes to 1.
The multiplier 8' satisfies the following equation: Forming their product, one can show that lV ~I ~, satisfies
(Wp) "'+(Wp) '" = Tr(P)—
the following equation:
(Wp, p, )"'+(Wp, p, )
P= by
ad bc=1. —(2.3) (~' -1-.)(|'.—f )
= Wx+Ws+ (1 —Wg)(1 —
c d) W2)
1 1 2 2
W has the following properties: X (W&Ws) —"'. (2.4)
(a) Wp-= (Wp)", 7 Equation (2.3) admits obviously both 8'„and W„ I as roots.
Therefore, in the case of real hyperbolic transformations it is
(b) Wp, p, = Wp, p„ convenient to choose the solution 0& W„&1. Thus property (a)
is meant only for positive values of the integer n.
'I. R. Ford, ANtomorphic Functions (Chelsea, &em York, This conjecture is due to S. Mandelstam. It has been checked
1951). up to fourth order in Ref. 4 for the E-loop amplitude.
We therefore see that 5"&,p, depends not onl. y on the Theorem 3. Let Ip„ Ip„ Ip, -1, and I„be the isometric
multipliers of P» and P2, but also on the cross ratio of circles of the linear transformations P», P2, and P2 ',
the four invariant points of the two transformations. and N (u= P)-P2). ' If Ir, and Ir, are exterior to one ~

This equation can be checked easily in the limit where another, then I„
is contained in Ip, . If Ip, and Ip, -&
8"» ~ 1 or when the invariant points of the two trans- are tangent, then Ip, p, lies in Ip, and is tangent
formations are the same (in this case Wp p W)W2). internally.
It is easy to see that 8'p, p, = 1 does not necessarily We will use the last two theorems to And the location
mean that P»P2=— P»P2 can be of the parabolic type; of the isometric circles of the group generated by two
in that case W)», ) „as given by Eq. (2.4), is found to be transformation P» and P2. We use Theorem 1 to deduce
1. 8'p, p, satisfies the same equation if 8'», 8'2 are the type of each of the transformations in the group. We
replaced by 8'»", 5'2 . proceed now to the actual computation of the two-loop
Some insight into the group properties of projective tadpole and to the identihcation of the projective trans-
transformations will be obtained by introducing the iso- formations involved.
metric circle Ip of the transformation P. This circle is
defined by lcs+dl =1; it satisfies the property Ids'I III. DETERMINANT OF TWO-LOOP TADPOLE
= dsl. In terms of the multiplier W) and the two in-
We use the following form of the tadpole operator
variant points, its center is given by with projected twisted propagator:
f'Wr ' dS'dx
—8'p —(Wx)- o-'(1 —x) o-'
1 ln28'

and its radius by 4(o &(u(ii(w, e)ia)

xf(w) I
(3 1)

To the inverse transformation P ', we associate an

a(w, ~) =(~)rv —
x —1
M '(~)(1 —w)

isometric circle Ip-1 with the same radius and with x —1)
center x~(1 —w)(~)3f lily ~(~).
x &
a f' f W~—
s1 For the notation, we refer to Ref. 2. Using the properties
C 1—Wp of 8, one can also write

x) (1 —
The transformation P can be realized as an inversion
(1 — W) (1 —x) (1 —W)
with respect to Ip followed by a reflection on I,, the A(w, x) =(x)M —
perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the 1 —x(1 —W) 1—x(1 —W)
centers of Ip and p-1.
X2d r(~) . (3.2)
The most relevant geometrical property of the iso-
metric circles associated with P and P ' is the following: We now build the following two-loop tadpole T~(c)
(see Fig. 1):
Theorem 1. If P is a real transformation, then
Ip and Ip-~ exterior to one another ~
P is hyperbolic, Tg(c) =(O, i, T(a)&(a)T(b)&(b) expL(atlM
l I

Ip and Ip-1 tangent to one another+-+ P is parabolic, + (b'la-I ~')+(~'I bf-I ~")1lo.»
Ip and Ip-~ intersect each other ~
P is elliptic.
' d8'»d W2dx»dx2
As we will study the linear transformations belonging = 16X4g2 (Wlw2&1&2)
to a group, it will be useful to use the two following p lnW» ln2lV2
theorems which relate the isometric circle of a product
of two transformations to the isometric circles of each of
the transformations.

Theorem Z. Let r», r2, and r»2 be the radii of the isometric
2= Lf(wi)f(W2)3 '(O. ~I expL(~l ~il ~)+(bi ~2lb) j
circles of P», P2, and P»P2 and s», s2, a, nd s»2 their
xexpL(~'I ~-Ib")+(b'I ~-I")
centers. s2' is the center of Ip, -1. Then +(~'I ~-I ~') o.» (3 4) j I

r»r2 r2' Introducing two complete sets of coherent states, one

r»2 S12 S2 ~ (2.8)

S 2 S1 ' Ford states incorrectly that +=ED'y.


can write

~2=I f(Wi)f(W2)] '

dd &g F
e p Y rrjYB—
), (35)
4m' 2 (c)

p=o (b)
where Sr=(5„8,*,5&, 5&*) must be understood sym-
bolically as an infinite-dimensional vector. (Notice that FIG. 1. Two-loop planar tadpole.
most of the indices are supressed for simplicity. )
I' and 8 are the following (infinite) matrices: of the trace of
We proceed now to the computation
'2Ai —1 order 1:
0 0
1 — 0 0 M F~= I'
I —1~ (&)-=
0 0 2a, "' lnW
.0 3f ~ —1 0. 2(mm)
1- (W) (W)

0 +— M+ —
M +M r — M~ . (3.8)
M ~C+ 2 1— (W) 1 (W)
0 We drop the erst term, which comes from the integra-
. M C+. tion over de. This is legitimate because the integration
Using the method of the principal axis, one gets ' over d4k is not supposed to introduce new divergences.
Dropping it amounts to not performing the integration.
V'2 —[f(Wi) f(W2) (detI') ~2]' 4
exp( —iP~r iP) (3.6) We can then write

The exponential goes to unity when the external state

is the vacuum. We can identify the factor raised to the
~=-, 'Pn=l [M+(W-)M +M r(W-)M+]
fourth power as the divergent part. We call
D2= [f(Wi) f(W2)(detI')'I'] ' M+(W")M
n= —eo, n+0
the determinant of the two-loop planar tadpole.
One can write detI'= det(1 —A), where . (3.9)
neo 1 —P"nM+
0 2Ag 0 0 Thus
0 0 M 0 4Tr(ziM S,M ')= P a„„,
A= n, mgo
0 0 0 262
M ~ 0 0 0. where

a „=Tr (r)M —
Using the fact that
A"~ ( )Mr(
det(1 — —P
A) =exp
Q ) X(a)M

)iMp —cW2" M
(I —Ws"1i

we see that A, A', and A' do not contribute to the trace. and
But A' is diagonal, and hence only powers of A which (1 —xi) (1 —Wi) —x2(1 —W, )
are multiples of 4 contribute to the sum. Hence, we Gnd a=xi(1 —x~), b= C=
— —
1 xi(1 Wi) 1— xg(1 —W2)

D2 ' = f(Wi) f(W, ) This trace can be reduced to a trace of the form
Tr(giM &~M r)" 6 „=Tr(nM+PM+yM+RV~)
Xexp —P 4" — —
. (3.7)
n=l 1

The interpretation of the infinite product is that it 2 (1 —4N„„)"'

— 1, (3.10)
corresponds to going from tadpole 2 to tadpole 1 where
(undotted-dotted), then from tadpole 1 back to tadpole I = npy8/[I n p y ]'.— —
2 (dotted-undotted). One thus makes a cyclic path After some tedious but straightforward computations,
which can be iterated n times. This is consistent with
the picture given by Kikkawa and Sato. " one finds that I
can be recast in the form
'0K. Kikawa and H. Sato, University of Tokyo report {un- I (3.11)
published). [jo(1—Wi") (1 —Ws")+Wi" +W2"]'

p isa function of 8'~, 8'2, x~, and x2 but is independent of The relation between 8 q", I'V2, and Wy, z, is
n and m. It is given by exactly the one which was anticipated in Sec. II. %e
[1—xi(1 —x2Wi)][(1 —xi) (1—x2)+x2W2] thus deduce that the group of projective transforma-
p= . (3.12) tions associated with the two-loop tadpole is generated
xix2(1 —xi) (1 —xg) (1 —Wi) (1 —W2) by two transformations Pg and P2, such that 8~ IVY, = 5'g, 8"y, = 8'2,

Then we
us now defi@.e

~, by the following equation:
= [(W. -.,-)'"+(W, -)-'")-'. (3.») ',
see that Wi*, i, - satisfies Eq. (2.4), where Wi
p(Wi, W2, xi, x2)
=(t. ' .'-r). (3 16)
t.)(~'--f )l(~'-t )Q.
Ke cannot expect to gain further information from
the computation of higher-order terms, "since two real
and F2 are replaced by 8'g and 8'g . Remarkably, p is
independent of n and m and is the cross ratio of the
four invariant points of two transformations Pl and P'2 projective transformations are functions of six param-
eters, but we can always perform a similarity transfor-
such that 8"p, = Wj and 8'g, =8'2.
We choose 0&Wi, i, & 1 (provided that it is pos-
mation on P j and P~ depending on three parameters
which will 1eave 8'~ invariant. The determinant is thus
sible, which we show below). We find
a function of 8'j, TV2, and p.
ap m/(1 ep ' %e now examine the question of knowing if
Wy& )
0& %~, y, &1 and when it reaches 1. It would be, of
and one can argue that D2 ~
contains, besides
g„(1—Wi, -) (1 —Wi, .), the factor
course, very unpleasant to have 8'y, I, = 1, because it
would make .
—W p, i, ") ' meaningless. The
[n. , (1-W„-., -)j". question amounts to I
knowing if 0& „&-„' and when it
reaches ~.
Here we have used the fact that We first notice, from Eq. (3.11), that if p were inde-
pendent of 5'z, lV~, then u=& would be true near
(1 —x") = exp —Q . (3.14) 8'~= 8'2=1. However, this is not realized, due to the
- n(1-x-) 8'q, S'2 dependence of p. This reAects the fact that the
In conclusion, the trace of order 1 provides us with the matrix E, which is singular when 8' — + 1, is sandwiched
factor between two (1 — W)'s, which makes it regular in this
neighborhood. Thus it is not obvious at all that 8'p, p,
reaches 1.
, ~o 2(1 —Wi, -p, -) In general, we can ask the following question: Given
two transformations P j and P2 with multipliers 8'q and
W2 (such that 0& Wi, W2& 1), and the cross ratio p of

= exp (3.15)
m, age $ —g~, ~, their four invariant points, what is the necessary and
sufhcient condition on p which ensures that 0& % p, p,
where the class c is de6ned such that only one of the (]p
two factors P]. P2 and P]. P2 appears ln c. YVe see that

0& lV p, ~, & 1 ~ 0& & N~j ~

~ 4WiWs& I ~(1 —Wi) (1 —W2)+Wi+W~ I
Wi+W2+2(WiW2)"' Wi+W2 —2(WiW2)"'

c—+ —p- p
(1 —Wi) (1 —W2) (1 —Wi) (1 — W2)
Wi+ W2+2 "' Wi+ W2 — 2(WiW2) "'
~ (a) —p)— (W&Wg)
or (b) — p&— (3.17)
— (1 Wi) (1 —W2) (1 —Wi) (1 —W2)
» Computation of the momentum-dependent terms provides a complete determination of the projective operators P1 and P2. Ke
apply the two-loop tadpole to a multiperipheral tree. Then one can show that the term raised to the power k;. k; contains the factor
II + (p; — Pi~p&) (p; —P2"p&); this gives a complete determination of Pi and P2. One finds that the invariant points are given by
1 —x1(l —8'1)
P 1 P 1 (xl ) ~1)

—, Kl
1 x] 1 x]
1 X2 1 $2
h= Xg
' P2=P2(x,' H'2):' C2'=—

and one checks that p is the cross ratio of these four invariant points. Ke see that due to
linear dependences, these invariants
points depend on W1, W2. Also, when W1 (or 8"2) goes to one, $1 —g~' (or t2=12'). Thus P1 and P& degenerate into parabolic
transformations. If this were not the case, then in the limit 8'1 — W'2=1, one would have P1=P~=I; thus any element of the
group generated by P1, P2 would go to I, and uN the g „would go to 1. Then the divergence would be much worse than in the
one-loop case. The fact that P1 and P2 become parabolic in the limit prevents such an unpleasant situation.

So the necessary and sufhcient condition for 0&8'z, p, the transformations Q=Pi"P2 are such that Wo&1.
&1 is that p satisfies either the inequality (a) or (b). For n, m not both equal to 1, the inequality is a strict
We show in Appendix A that by minimizing the func- one, so the factor (1 — Wq") ' is always finite in the
tion — p(xix2WiW2) with respect to xi and x2, the in- integration region. For n m = 1, S'@= 1 can be satisGed
equality (a) is satisfied. without having tV» or 8'2 reach 1, so we get an extra
Thus — p satisfies divergent factor.
In Sec. IV, we extend this result to all the transforma-
p) LWi+ W2+ 2(WiW2) '")/(1 —Wi) (1.—W, ), (3.18) tions of the group generated by P» and P2.
which is the necessary and sufficient condition for
0& H/"g, ~, & 1. The fact that p is negative means that the IV. GEOMETRICAL INTERPRETATION
invariant points of P» and P2 are exterior to each other. We are looking for a geometrical interpretation of
Once we know that — p satisfies inequality (a), it is inequality (3.18) in order to generalize the statement
easy to show that 0&8"z, p, &1, where n and m are 0& 8'&& 1 to any transformation of the group generated
not both equal to 1. Let us first show it for 0 and n) by P» and P2.
n2(0. In this case, p(1 —Wi")(1 —W2 We thus ))0. To each of the transformations P», P» ', P~, P'2 ', we
have associate the isometric circles II,-j, II„and II„
II, -1. Since P» is hyperbolic, the circles II, and II, -1 are
u~~& Wl W2 /LW$ +W2 ] &4 +-+ 0& W/g"+2 &1. external to each other (the same applies for Ip, and
The case n) 0, m) 0 is slightly more difficult; we write Ir 2 ~). The centers ot all these circles lie on the real axis.
t/P' n —lt/t/ m —» We can perform on P», P2 a similarity transforma-
tion (P'= Q'PQ) d-epending on three real parameters'2;
p(1 —Wi) (1 —W, )+Wi+W2 this will leave any tV& invariant. Thus we can very con-
X uii. (3.19) veniently fix the radii of II, and II, to 1. At this point,
p(1 —Wi") (1 —W2") +Wi"+ W2"- we must warn the reader that the relative sizes and
Studying the square brackets as a linear function of p, arrangements of isometric circles are not projectively
one finds invariant, that is, they may change if a similarity trans-
1— tV» 1 — formation is made on all group elements. We will show,

uii&uii&-', . (3.20) however, that if P belongs to the group generated by
1— t/t/'»" 1 —t/V2
Pi and P2, then Ir and Ir are external (or externally

Thus 0& tV I, - I, -& 1. We recall that tangent), so that 0& W/ &1.

=8 p, y so now all the cases have been exhausted. i is taken such that i)i',
as in the case when the
We have thus shown that all the transformations in the transformation becomes multiplicative: s'=- Ws (t'= ~,
group of the form P = P»"P2 are of the hyperbolic type 0). i =being negative, the segments D i', i'2], Li 2', i 2]
or of the parabolic type. We show now a stronger result are exterior to one another. We can choose, for instance,
by seeing whether the equality tVp= 1 can actually be ii)i2 so that we have the ordering t2'(12(ti'(ti
satisfied. Thus we get the equations
In the case n)
0 and m) 0 both different from one, 1 —IV» 1—t/I/'2
we see that il il i2 i2 (4.1)

1 t/V» 1 — )1/2 (W )1/2
&». t/t/ n —lt/V' sr' —»
— —
1 g»" 1 5'2m
— (3.21) (' /Ii =i 2 —|2&0,

(1 —Wi) (1 —W2)
as each of the factors is smaller than 1. For —H/2 —1
we see that
(WiW2) "'
u„&-,' (1/n2n22) ( (3.22) X (1 —p) =0. (4.2)
In the case n)0 and m(0, 1„=4» can be realized We are mostly interested in the isometric circles II, -1
only for 8"»= S'2= 1. We see that for this value, I I
p2p p1 -&, and I
I, . Let us call their centers s2', s2, s»',
u„& 1/( —4n2n+ 2) '(
and 2'». All these circles have unit radius. Then

sl (W )1/2+ (W ) 1/2) 2
s2'= (W2)'"+(W ) '")2,
The case n=m= 1 is more involved. It is shown in
s2 — (4.3)
(Wi) '" —
Appendix A that in the limit bs=si' —s2 —8f — (W )'"
x2 ~ 0, 1 —xi ~ 0, (1 —xi)/x, ~ (W,W2)'/' (3.23) "It is convenient to use this technique of transforming the
we have I»»—+ ~, and therefore t/V&1&g ~ 1. group by a similarity transformation because of property (d).
The demonstration we give can also be done without applying
this transformation simply by using the values of g1, f1', |2, and
We have thus proved the following: Owing to the p2' as given above in terms of x1, x2, W1, and W2. Making the
inequality radius of the isometric circle 1 is very convenient because only
the relative position of the circles is important; however, it canno&
—p& LWi+ W2+ 2(WiW2) "']/(1 —Wi) (1 —W2), be generalized to more than two loops,


I p,' Ip Ip, ' Ip,

FIG. 2. Isometric circles associated with Pj., P2, and P»P2 in the general case pV1g ~&1, z&')z2}.

satisfy the equation Let us show geometrically that 0& 8'p, p, &1. The
(1+Wr 1+W,
arrangement of the circles of the type Ip, , p, is easy
(S.)'+ Ss~ to study and is given in Fig. 4. We see that if we call L
W 1~2
W 1~2 the perpendicular bisector of the segment [s~', s~7, all
' the circles p1 are on the right of L, except for n= —
I 1.
(1 —Wr) (1 —W2) (Wy" '+Wg"') All the circles Ir, are on the left (except for m=1).
+ "' p+ =0. (4.4)
(WrWg) (1 —Wg) (1 —Wg) Using Theorem 3, we deduce that any circle Ip, -p, is
contained in I~, and is thus on the left of I. (except for
As we have chosen g') 0, we must take the largest root n= —1 or no= —1).
of this equation. The inequality (3.18) ensures that (4.4) Any circle Ip, --p, — is similarly contained in Ip, -~
has two roots: one positive, one negative. Thus, the
largest one satisfies R=s»' — s~&0. The limit s»'=a~ is
and is on the right of I.. As Ir, r, QIr, and Ip p,
QIp, —,the circles Ip, and Ip, — have to be tanget if we
reached when — p has its minimal value. Then the two are to have 8"p, -p, — —1. This is possible only for m= 1
circles I»' and I2 collapse into one single circle. Thus the and n=1. We find again that only P»P2 can become
inequalities parabolic.
(W 1l 2+ W 1/2) 2
Circles of the type Ip, -tp, - and Ip, -p, -t require a
0& 8'»& 1, 0& 8"2& 1, —p&
different treatment, because the circles Ir, — [nz(07
(1 —Wg) (1 —Wl)
and Ip, -t can intersect, and we cannot simply use
result in the following arrangement of the four isometric Theorem 3. However, using Theorem 2, one can con-
circles of unit radii: vince oneself that similarly Ip, -tp, is on the left of I.,
sg —2) sg') s2) s2'+ 2. (4.5) Ip, — p, -t on the right. Thus we conclude that these
transformations are also hyperbolic. A special case
Now we proceed to show that from this geometrical occurs for m —— 1. The radius of Ip, -tp, -t is given by
arrangement, we can rederive and extend the previous r &, r —1/~s2 — s&'~ and goes to infrnity when s&'=s&.
results. The circles Ip, -jp, -t and Ip p1 are thus tanget at ~,
Using Theorem 2, we see that s~ lies in the circle and 8'p, p, —1. This is expected as 8"p, p, =8"p,p, . We
Ip, p„s»' in the circle Ip, -tp, -t. They have the arrange- have thus rederived the fact that lVp1 p2 ~ 1 except for
ment indicated in Fig. 2. We see that p, p, and Ip, -1p, — n= no= 1 (or e= m= —1). We have also shown that all
are thus exterior to each other, because s»'&a~. In the the circles of the form Ip, p, are on the left of I. and
limit s»'=a~, they become tanget at s»'. Thus we 6nd all those of the form Ip, p, are on the right.
that 0& W'pj p2 & 1 and that the limit p» p2 8
1 can be It is now easy to extend these conditions to any
reached (Fig. 3). transformation of the type I' = P» J'2 P»'I'2". As

(L) P2 Pi

Ip Ip = Ip'

j."&6. 3. Isometric circles associated with P1P2, (P1P2} ', (P1 'P~ '}, P1, and P~ for z1' z2, showing that
E»Pq and Pq 'P2 degenerate into parabolic transformations.

I Pl IPl
FIG. 4. Isometric circles associated with PI" and Pq in the general case.

Ip, —p, — is on the right of L and Ip, p, on the left, we ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

use Theorem 3 to deduce that Ip is included in Ip, ~p,
One of us (J. S.) wishes to thank the Physics Depart-
and thus on the left of L. Likewise, we find that p-1 isI ment of the University of California for its hospitality
included in Ip, — p, — and is therefore on the right of L.
and both of us thank Professor S. Mandelstam for his
We can conclude that 8'p& 1. For 8"p to be 1, we must
help and criticism during the development of this work,
have the circles Ip, ~p, and Ip pI tangent on L as
and for reading the manuscript.
mell cs the circles Ip, p, and Ip, —p, -~ tangent on L.
(The 6rst condition is necessary if we are to have Ir and
Ip-& tanget on L; the second condition is guaranteed by
the second part of Theorem 3.) Both conditions are
required for the equality lVp= 1. Since all four circles
Let us define f by the equation

are tanget on L, the circles p, ~g, and p —p I are&
t = —f/(1 —W1) (1 —W2),
tangent, which means that r=q= 1 or r=q= 1. — where
Likewise, the circles Ip, p, and Ip, — p, — are tangent, [1—x, (1 —x2W1)] [(1—x,) (1 —x2) +*2W2]
meaning that n=nz= 1 or n=m= — 1. We are now
left with four possible cases: n=m=i and r=g= 1, x1x2(1 —x1) (1 —x2)
)0. (A1)

n=nz= —1 and r=q= —1, n=m=i and r=g= —1,

and n=m= — f(x1,x2) has thus a minimum inside the square 0&x1,
1 and r=q= i. By closely examining
@2&1, This minimum can be found by taking partial
Figs. 2—4, we see that only the 6rst two conditions allow
IQ and Ip to become tangent. (This is easy to see.

Notice that the circles for PjP2PjP2 and P2 'Pj ' 1 —x2(1 —W2)
XP2 'P~ ' can become tanget on L. The circles for (A2)
Py P2 P j P2 and P2P~P2Py can become parallel (1 —x1) ' ~1~2~2 ~1
lines, in which case they become tangent to L at in- Bf 1 (1 —x1)'
finity. The other circles, however, lie within other circles =0~- (A3)
which never become tangent, thereby excluding the 1lx2 (1 x2) W2x2 [1 x2(1 Wl)]
other two cases. ) The result easily genera1izes for arbi-
trary elements of P, so the only divergent factors are f can be rewritten:
associated with P1", P2", and (P1P2)". Remarkably, all 1—x1 (1 —x1)
self-crossing closed paths of the dual diagram do not f =W1+W2+ +W2
contribute divergent factors. [Bear in mind that factors glX2
like (P1P2) " are not included because of (c). 1—x1(1 —
] +W2x2
Thus, in the two-loop case, three transformations are x1(1—x1) (1 —x2)
playing a symmetric role: P'~, P~, and P j.P2. This is ex-
pected, since if we take any two of them we can gen- Using the values of x1 and x2 given by (A2) and (A3),
erate the whole group generated by P j and P'2. we find that


We have shown that the two-loop tadpole diverges
f& W1+W2+
faster than the product of two divergences. The addi-
tional divergence is of the same exponential type as the
+(W1W2)"'[1 —x2(1 —W2)] "'
previous ones and it occurs also at an endpoint of the +W 1f2[1 x (1 W )]1/2x1—1
integration region. The divergent factor can be written and finally
f) W1+ W2+ 2(W1W2) '(2 (A4)
g (1 —W, -)(1—W, -)[1—(W~„,)-])-'.
{n=1 We show now that f=W1+W2+2(W1W2)'~2 can be
satisfied. Equations (A2) and (A3) have a common root, We shall only consider the obvious minima found by
which is evaluating various partial derivatives. In general, how-
—x]- x2=0.
1 ever, other minima can conceivably exist on the faces
of the hypercube.
Let us go to this limit with (1 —xl)/x2 ~ f. Then In Ref. 4, the projective operators are given by
f= (t+Wl) (1 +W2)/1 t+ (Wl+ W2)+ Wlw2/t

Bf —

1 —E2
P2 = yly2E1(1 —
so therefore 1 —E2(1 —u2)
f is minimal for t = (W1W2) ' '. X[yiy2Ei(1 —ul)] ',
For this value,
where E] and P2 are expressed as matrices. We define the
f (W 1—
/2+W 1/2)2 —W + W +2(W W ) 1/2
various variables as follows (0&yl, y2, tl, t2, ul, u2& 1):

tl(1 —
—t') (Wl"'+ W2"') '/(1 —Wl) (1 —W2) . (A6) E1
1—t 1[1—ul(1
The equality can be reached for (1 —xl)/x2= (W1W2) ' ',

1 xi=0, and x2=0.
1—t2[1 —u2(1 —y2)]
ul =ul(1 —yl), u2=u2(1 —y2) .
The calculations which have been performed by
sewing tadpoles can be confirmed by using the Koba- The invariant points of P] and I'2 are given by
Nielsen variables originally used to compute the E-loop
graph. However, this time the cross ratio l is a function l 1= ylEltl I pl yltl )

yly2E1(1 —
of six variables and this complicates the search for the
$2= yly2E1(1 ul)E2t2 12 ul)t2 (83)
minimum value (see'Fig. 5).
0& f2'& t'2& l'1'& l'1 & 1.

u~ (I- yq) u (l-y, ) The multipliers are defined as follows:

Wl WPg ultl/(1 tl)[1 tl(1 ul)]

y (l-u, ) (0& Wl&1),
W2= WP, = u24/(1 —4) [1—4(1 —u2)]
(0& W2&1).
FrG. 5. Two-loop graph with projective variables, taken from
the original E-loop calculation. It is not hard to show that

Tr[P1P2] 1 —y,—'(1 —u, )—'+E1E2[(1—ul) (1 —u2) —y2(1 —ul)]

(detP1P2) "' (ulu2E1E2) "'

We wish to minimize the function ~

ull '~ . Let Thus I]] ' has an extremum with respect to t] either for

a= 1 —y (1 —ul)-', b= (1 —ul) (1 —u2) —y2(1 —ul), BE]

(I) a+E1E2b =0 or I)
(I— (Hg)
and Bf]

C= tC]%2. Let us first study case (I):

Taking a partial derivative with respect to t], we find E]E2&0, a& 0,
that b= (1 — ul)(1 — u2)(1 — y2)+ulyl(1 — u2) .
Bul, '/Bt, = (2cE-1E2) "'(—a/El+ E2b) We see that (I) implies a = 0 and E E b=102. a = 0 implies
X aE1/c/t 1 —0. (87) y2= 1 and Ni —0. Therefore, we find that b=0.

I et us study u» 'in the limit Thus ttEl/Btl=0 implies 12=ii' and Wv, =--1. Also

1— y2 + 0, ul ~ 0, (1 — (f.-f.')
— y2)/ul —+ tt&0. (810)
=0 (819)
We see that Bt2 yl y2(1 —ul)El[1 —t2(1 —u2) J
a —ul(1+2t), implies 5'p, = 8 2= 1.

b~ul[yl+ tt(1 u2)], (811) In this limit, it is easier to minimize the cross ratio
i of the four invariant points rather than ull '~ . We
Ej.~tl, E2~t2, ~

will study f, where

so that
—(1+v)+tlt2[yl+n(1 —u2) j f = —i (1 —Wl) (1 —W2)
1 2 2
—(1 —Wl) (1 —W2),

We see that ' is an increasing function with respect
(I' i-.)8--' i-. )-
to when t~t~ —0,
t~t2', '— I» — Thus N~~ 'is maximal ~. in the limit pl'= I'2, f'2'=i 2 the following facts,

pl —i 2'= yl(1 — 4) (1 —Wl),
for tit2 1, in which case
ull ( 1+yl Ytu2)/[(1 —yl)ttu2]"'. (813) yly2El(1 ul) (1 — t2) (1 —W2),
If we let X= 1 —y& and k= qN2, then we can show that

'= —(X+0)/(kX)'/2& —2. (~ -f. )'

u» (814)
yl'y2El(1 —ul) (1 —t l) (1 —t2)
Thus we have proved that for this minimum, ~ull '~
& 2. The equality u» ' = 2 is reached for [1—y2tlt2(1 —ul))'
~ ~

1—yg guy ~0, y2(1 — ul) (1 —tl)(1 —t2)

tj.= t2= 1) (813) Let v=y2(1 —ul). Then we have

—yg=- pig.
8 f 1 tlt2v)(vtlt2+1)
&0. (823)
One sees that to maintain the constraint on the inte- Bv v' (1 —tl)(1 —t2)
gration region 0&8'p, &1, 0&8'p, &1, one needs also
I& — + 0 and y& —+ 1. Thus, in the limit f is thus a decreasing function with respect to v. We see,
therefore, that
1—y2 pu& —+0,
f& (1 —tlt, )'/(1 —tl)(1 —t2) . (824)
1—ti= 1 —t2=0, (816)
— u& —
yi~glg ~ 0)
The equality requires the limit y& + 1 and + 0. But
the condition 8 ~= W2= 1 implies that the limits t~ ~ 1,
ull ' reaches 2, so W&, v, —1. In this limit, Wv, and t2 —+1, y& —+1, N2 —+0 are also taken, as before.
~ ~

8'p, are indeterminate and can have any value between In the limit t] + 1 t2 + 1 1 t'i=6] 1 t2 -62 we
zero and 1: find
f& (02+02)'/0202&4. (825)
ul(1 —yl)
8 p, — mt~0, 1—vt~0, 1—tt~0
lim f = 4 is reached only for 02 ——
Thus, the second solution
(1 t )2 is a special case of the first one:
8'p, —lim
-u2(1 —y2)- yl, y2 1, ~ ul(1 —4)
— '~ 1,
(l-t.)'— ul, u2-+0, u2(1 —t2) '~ 1, (826)
tl, 4~
1, (1 4)/(1 4) ~ 1.
— —
Let us now examine solution (II): As before, the limits f=4 and Wl=W2=1 imply
8'p, p, —i.

clEl 1 —2tl+tl (1 —ul)

[1—t l(1 —ul) g'

yl[1 —t, (1 —

'?- (818)
In conclusion, we see that the evaluation of the mini-
mum gives W p, p, &1. The equality is reached in some
complicated limit, not necessarily for 5'& —8'2= 1. Other
minima could in principle exist on the faces of the
hypercube when approached at different angles.

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